
Sky Red Dragon: Dark Prince of Death Issei

The action begins after Shalba Beelzebub sends Asia to the spatial gap(between worlds), where in a fit of rage and endless anger, Issei activates the Juggernaut Drive.

Wasilisk100 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The One that can't be forgotten or the Form of Juggernaut Drive

I am the one who awakened, the Heavenly Dragon who stole the principle of superiority from God, I laughed at infinity"

And I grieved for my dreams"

I must become the Red Dragon of Excellence!

I'll send you to the Scarlet Purgatory, Juggernaut Drive!"


After the last two words left his mouth , the distraught Issei froze, and for a second, everyone who was there now thought that nothing had happened. But their thoughts were interrupted in the next moment, Issei's eyes flashed with a rich dark red flame , his face took on a grin , and he was covered with dragon armor that resembled the dragon itself (Draiga).

The aura that was released at that moment was violent and without control, pressing down on Gremory's servants and Rias herself.

Issei , who was standing in the form of a Dragon, stretched out his neck and let out a long roar - "RRRAAARRR" - because of it, the air became thin, and a layer of dust began to rise on the ground.

A few dozen meters away, Rias and her servants, looking sad and a little disappointed at not being able to do anything about it because they were weak, were standing behind a barrier that they had recently erected together.

Gremory didn't want to put up with it , and neither did everyone else,but only Rias was so ChSV that she thought about how she couldn't lose a pawn that was so valuable to her and the Gremory clan.

Trying to reason with Issei,she screamed,called out to him ,trying to reach him with her "devil" voice.

But not even a small part of her cry went through the bright blood armor.

Meanwhile, Issei's carcass was slumbering in his subconscious, where he was as if in the very darkness, emptiness or nothingness. The guy curled up in silence, floating in the recesses of his mind.

Suddenly, in this very, that nina's emptiness wrapped in darkness, a light stirred, at first you might have thought that it was a light as bright as a morning ray of sun. But after, as if fully loaded or it would be more correct to say waking up, this little light changed color to lilac.

The lilac blob slowly and unhurriedly passed through the darkness, it seemed that something was beckoning him, pulling him to the carcass of Issei. And now, having reached his sleeping body, this clot at first began to rub against his chest, after which it seemed to absorb the energy that was now just violently spread throughout Issei's body.

After some time, about 5 minutes, this clot of lilac flame began to transform into something similar to a person, seconds and in front of Issei's body there was a girl, with very good data, excellent figures, a toned ass, elastic breasts of 4 sizes, to put it mildly, men would need to use all their willpower not to pounce on this voluptuous body. Plump lips , a delicate nose , emerald-colored eyes, and most importantly, a pair of wings that flaunted the back. Gray, raven-colored wings, even without touching them, you could already feel their softness. And the name that Issei will never forget is Amano Yuma (Raynal).

Raynal, who was looking at the young owner of the amplifying mechanism, smiled a soft smile, which was not peculiar to her after a past life, brought her face to Issei's face and violating the law invaded her mouth and a little pohladnichav there with her tongue and satisfied herself, brought her lips to Issei's ear and sweetly said - " Wake up, baby dragon,you are already waiting»

His body trembled, and a second later, he opened his eyes from eternal nothingness. Eyes like small lights darted from side to side until they focused in one point , and yes, no matter how offensive it was, it was not the chest, but the face, the sweet face of Raynal.

"R-re-raynal, it's you, b-but how?!!!»Issei's voice was dry and stuttered with shock. Raynal's face at this moment radiated a smile, yes, it was exactly that smile.

"Now it's not so important baby Ise, if you don't get out of the Juggernaut Drive mode right now ,I'm afraid we'll both die,oddly enough, both for the second time,"the Fallen One sang.

In the head of Issei came the realization that he does not want to leave the President and his other friends that he just recently started, he also had a fierce desire to save Asia from the spatial gap, now his perversion has disappeared ,because there was one thought "I need to go back to my friends", so making a face with a brick, he looked at the Fallen and said- " What should I do?»Issei asked bluntly, poker face on his face.

"Oh Isse-kun, everything is very, very simple, accept me and I will help you get out of here,and thereby help me get out of your subconscious more closer to consciousness" - cute poking a finger into Issei's shoulder purred Yuma.

"N-but, m-m-m....»The young Dragon Emperor was about to say something when Raynal's lips were covered with her plump lips and she penetrated Ise's mouth with her tongue, exploring it. Issei's eyes were darting, but after a few pleasant moments, he greedily grabbed the girl's waist and pulled her even closer to him, now his tongue was wandering over Yuma's gums and teeth , who was looking at him with a misty look.

Pulling away after a few minutes of kissing, he said,"Deal,"as he bit into Raynal's cherry lips again, Issei said. His mind wanted to save his friends and Asia, but the dragon's instincts and its spreading aura were taking over.

"To sozheleniyu you it is time, so that accept me" - and during the last hot kiss the Fallen disappeared as and consciousness Issey returned to him, in this space emptiness his something was dragging, and thinking "oh worse would still be not can", he gave himself up process.

A few moments later, he heard Draig's voice– " Partner, Partner, are you awake?!Draig asked hopefully, as he sensed something.

"Y-yes," muttered Ise, who was trying to disable this mode.

As a surprise to everyone around him, this giant stopped, and the energy emanating from it began to be absorbed back.Half a minute later, the dragon's armor began to crack and disappear, separating into white fragments and dissolving into thin air.

"Issei," Gremory shouted, and dashed out of the barrier toward her prized and beloved pawn.

On the ground lay Issei's unconscious body, from exhaustion.