
Sky of Stars

Kristine is a body builder with not much luck in the romance department. During the holidays she's dragged to a Christmas party by her friend and gets ditched. Kristine, alone and uncomfortable, contemplates leaving until a tall stranger starts talking to her. Amidst Kristine talking to who they now know is Alicia, she starts to feel something inside. Will this be the start of something more?

Sio_Random · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The air around us was fluffy. With each sentence my mind felt rockets launching from mission control. "Surely I couldn't be the only one who felt it", I thought. My infectious and giggly smile came out while we talked, and talked, and talked. Alicia and I chat for who knows how long, but it wasn't long until Brianna came up to me with some guy and a smile.

"Hey girl," the faintest smell of whiskey escaped from her lips as she spoke. It wasn't bad enough to get her drunk, after all this is Brianna we're talking about. However I had a slight feeling she was buzzed. "I'm gonna hitch a ride... you wanna stay or nah?"

As much as I loved Brianna, I felt that I needed to stay with Alicia. "You go home, I'll see ya later." Brianna laughed and shrugged off my remark, grabbing her phone and calling an Uber, heading outside with the guy.

The party now officially had nothing to do with me, meaning I could leave at any time. I turn to Alicia, the silence between us filled with the noises made from the party-on goers. Alicia glanced at me with a soft smile and finishes her drink. After she motioned at the bartender, Alicia leaves her money on the table and stands up. "You wanna head out too?"

I shuffle out off the stool and look up to meet her gaze. "Why not, where would we go?"

Alicia takes her purse from the counter and motions to the door with her head. "Anywhere we want I guess. I heard that there's a park nearby, but I don't know if any restaurant other than the Chinese food one are open. Same goes for stores."

I nod. "Alrighty then," I head out the door, trailing behind Alicia.

We go down to the street and call an Uber, if there are any available. As we wait in the cold crisp night, I look up at Alicia and just stare. I was captivated by her, possibly more, and as my gaze leveled I felt as if the world was calmer, even brighter. A car pulls up and Alicia confirms with the driver, shortly climbing into the backseat with me and buckling our seat belts before we were off. Cheesy Christmas music quietly filled the silence of the car as the hum continued, the once in a while bump ever apparent when all you're doing is looking out a window. The bright lights flashed across my face, full of Christmas colors and propaganda.

When we eventually arrived, I didn't know what exactly to expect. In front of a 24/7 store we stood, the Uber behind us long gone. I walked inside with Alicia as she wandered around, grabbing a cheap jacket and a few sweets before turning to me.

"Do you want anything? I know you can't really drink.. so that's probably a no on candy...but if anything catches your eye that you can have please let me know," She flashes an adorable smile. "I'd be happy to get it for you."

I nod and look quickly around; the 24/7 stores don't have healthy options for the most part so I sped walked the small aisles with the quick occasional glance at the gunk I know taste so good but I cannot have. I stop briefly and look at some mints, easy to eat and works wonders when you think. I grab some fruity ones and meet with Alicia, who's looking at some funny socks.

"Sweet," Alicia takes the mints. "I'll go buy them."

I wait by the door as Alicia pays, meeting me and handing me my mints. We walk with small chatter across the street, reaching the park in the middle of the city. Alicia leads the way through the night with her phone flashlight and I follow slightly behind like always, only this time Alicia grasps my hand firmly.

I really quickly want to thank the people who have read this. It makes me happy :)) I haven't focused on original stories that much recently so this will hopefully help on that aspect.I have school as well, so this'll be relatively short and wholesome; mainly so I can get back into the swing of things, but thank you for the support. I'll try my best to not let you guys down and power through. <3 All the love

Also sorry for not updating for like 4 months....

I completely forgot

Sio_Randomcreators' thoughts