
sky lovers

soufie · General
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2 Chs

begning (her)

pitter -patter ....pitter-patter...

THR rain drops mildly and cold wind blowing , a a girl with long ash hair , skin like white as snow with sharp features , black eyes long and beautifully lashes and thin and pink lips which when curves makes a beautiful smile which is kind and soft her overall appearance gave her soft delicate look , the girl ...runs across the street into the cafey day shop hurriedly...

AS Soon as she entered the door ,she heard a sound calling her name ROSEY!!!!! she turned just to see her childhood friend Betty who was sitting on table eagerly waiting for her to come . as soon as rosey sat, she said Betty what's wrong ? why you want to see me middle of my imp work ? you are not feeling well why you wanted to see me in person ?is every thing fine ?? did u have a fight with some one ?? or break someone face ?? say ....

after a moment her friend Betty who was in a lost in the nagging because of her friends continuous question which made her simply grinned ear to ear and said no ... no .... it's not that I just felt kinda lonely so I called u 😓 after a few minute blankly blinking rose felt her mind on heat of anger which was seen at her eyes a flames , fire coming from rose mouth Betty can feel the heat 😡Betty!!u silly girl do u have any idea that how much I was worried about u !! so many random things where popping in my mind ! I came all the way running? god !!! after a while of flush of anger finally rose notice people staring at her she saw them n sat down quietly acting normal and a gave a simple smile which was awkward n embarrassed,, excusing her self n apologetically she sat

Betty who was sitting calmly eating her favorite pasta said if u r finish can we enjoy this the pasta 😁

as they started chatting suddenly rose got a call from her other bestfriend name lily who is sweet n cute unlike Betty who is fighter and a bit

intelligent can handle things way better


LILY:.. hey rose what happend u texted me sorry I was in operation theater. is everything alright ,!!

ROSEY: sorry for disturbing dude ! actually betty texted me saying to hurry n meet her n ,she cant say anything on phone ! it freaked me out

u know her ' right n her way of handling things I freaked out by seeing her message

LILY: she chuckled softly "yes I know her very well after all e together for more that 15 year "so what was she called u for "

ROSEY : looked at betty who asked her to ask lily come over "lily betty madam isasking ur presence in half hour if ur free "then she'll say what happend by looking her face ican say she have lots of thing going in her mind

LILLY : sure I'll be there in half hour , as I'm not having anything up n my duty is finished ,, send me location see u there ..... I'm hanging up ....

.......[END OF PHONE CALL ] ....

●LILLY ..... age 25 years

bestfriend of rosey since childhood

intern at sunshine hospital

sweet n smart with blond hair beautiful face down to earth doesn't like violence believe in love at first sight always friendly n social butterfly

●BETTY.... age 25 year

works as employers of famous n top gaming company bestfriend of rosey just like lilly

always thinks her priority first then rest thinks love is nothing but merely a sacrifice one should make ... always ready to fight...

short hair black colour just like her eyes n beautiful sharp model like features .. fashionable .. n like her friends company always