
Sky's High Schooler

Romansa Anak Muda
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What is Sky's High Schooler

Read ‘Sky's High Schooler’ Online for Free, written by the author ShoemakingFairy, This book is a Romansa Anak Muda Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Sky Academy School atau yang terkenal dengan nama SAS merupakan sekolah menengah atas prestigius di ibukota. Hampir semu...


Sky Academy School atau yang terkenal dengan nama SAS merupakan sekolah menengah atas prestigius di ibukota. Hampir semua murid dari sekolah ini merupakan anak-anak dari kalangan keluarga elit yang menginginkan pendidikan terbaik di negeri ini. Namun, sudah menjadi rahasia umum bagi semua orang di SAS bahwa tak hanya pendidikan terbaik, SAS jugalah tempat ajang bagi anak-anak dan orangtua sosialita untuk unjuk gigi di hadapan dunia. * Sinopsisnya apaan banget, ya, hehehe. Yah, pokoknya gitulah. Jangan terlalu tergoda dengan sinopsisnya karena mungkin cerita di novel ini gak akan seepic itu. Hehehe. (c)RahmahBakhtiar2022

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Love to 33

They say that time heal all wounds. I’m not so sure about that, it has been four years since. Yet, regardless of how I drove myself to working a 9-5 job and spend my time studying, I still could not forget my love. Like a shadowy specter from the river of the forgotten, the memories and feeling for my love torment and haunt me greatly. the specter whispered my fears and scolded me for my regrets. Therefore I will write, I will write to bring the ghost of the past to rest. Each single digit of my love’s birthday added up to 33. Thus I will write 33 chapters and each chapter is a confession of my love and regrets that are dedicate to my beloved. Perhaps this is a most moronic task of the highest degree of foolishness. It will no doubt come back to bite me in the arse one day, but that day is not today. The Internet never really forget. The day that the internet died will not be today, it will not be tomorrow. These words dedicated to My love will exist for a thousand years and more to come, so long as humanity continue to exist. These words of love will reach the sky, it will travel among the stars, it will journey in starship, it will be spoken and written thousands of time after. One day in the farthest of future, someone in a room in a planet thousand of light years away will find my words to my beloved, and that someone will know of how much her love meant to me. I am number 36, and this is my words of love to my beloved, 33.

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