
Skeleton Detective : rise of the underworld

{ Mature Contents} R18..... Riya steps out of her favorite bar around the corner, only for her to bump into a gruesome murder scene with a strange entity lingering around that reveals a dark side of her she hadn't realized exists and takes her into the supernatural world. Journey with Riya and Elijah on Skeleton Detective: rise of the underworld.. ******************************************* Stepping out of the bar, Riya continued to walk down to her apartment which was just around the next street. Crossing an alley to take a short cut to her street, the wind started to pick up and Riya immediately regretted not wearing a Hoodie. "Shitty brain" she muttered, "Just a few walks and I'll be ho... thud!!!!!!!!!!! She turned around startled to find someone had dropped something from the top of one of the buildings she was walking in between. She walked towards it in curiosity and almost screamed at the sight of a dead man. He.... Riya started to throw up until she could almost throw up her intestines, the man wasn't just dead, but his body wasn't really left in a sane condition. His chest had a big hole where it seemed like his heart had been pulled out, his intestines were out too and his eyes were gauged out from the sockets, there was also a cut from both sides of his lips up to his eyes that made him seem like a more twisted joker character. Suddenly, the wind picked up again and this time it was heavy. Riya immediately stepped away from the dead man and just then she started to hear whispers, not very distinct but it seemed like they were flowing with the wind and it suddenly made cold air creep up her spine. Just then, she felt like someone was watching her and has in fact been there for a while but she was too engrossed in staring at the dead man in front of her to notice. She then remembered that the man's body was thrown from the top of the building and looked up just in time to find a pair of red eyes staring at her. The person was wearing a cloak and the only thing she could make out was those red eyes. She blinked twice and the person was gone like it was part of her imagination. Wait what!!!!! she thought. She immediately ran back towards the way she was coming from to Mr Andrew's bar. She met the place still crowded and he seemed busy, she immediately ran to the counter while avoiding the weird stares she got.

Okhiria_Gift · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Voodoo Child


Voleth meir led them out of the show room and into a dark and cold hallway, As they walked through, Riya and Rick started to get the creeps as they heard voices of some people screaming in obvious agony. Riya squinted properly and saw that they weren't just walking through any hallway, they were walking through series of prisons.

"Don't feel pity for them, they are wild and despicable creatures" Voleth meir spat in disgust.

"Ohhhhhhh " was all they could say.

They soon got to an elevator, Voleth meir pressed a button on the wall and the elevator glided open, they all stepped in quietly. Riya turned to look at Elijah, and as always, he didn't seem bothered, so she was reassured. she then turned to look closely at Rick, he seemed to be taking in everything well.

"You good" Riya asked nudging him

"Yeah I'm good" he said smiling back.

She was glad he was here with her, it made her feel more safe. She had been worried though because he had been too quiet since they got here.

Just then, the elevator dinged swerving Riya out of her thoughts. They walked into a huge library with floor to ceiling shelves and extendable ladders assigned to each section.

"Woahhhhh!!!" Riya exclaimed

"This is massive" Rick chipped in

The library was Big enough to assemble three hundred people at once. In the middle of it all was a huge desk made of expensive oakwood with intricate Gold designs at the edges, three sits for expected visitors and a Gold sit behind the desk obviously for Voleth meir.

Someone definitely loves expensive shit. Riya thought smiling inwardly.

"As a matter of fact, I do" Voleth meir said smiling at her.

Oh shitt!!!!!!!!!!!!!, she just read my mind. Riya thought.

"Yes I did" she said still smiling.

"Get out of my privacy" she said staring at the woman warily.

Voleth meir made a dramatic bow and went to sit down while Riya and Rick took their sits too.

"Aren't you gonna sit warlock?" Voleth meir asked smirking at Elijah.

Elijah just shrugged and snubbed her tantrum while he stood behind Riya in a protective stance.

"You only show what you should witch, don't cross the line" he said with some hidden malice.

"Ohhh Elijah don't tell me you still aren't over our little fun" she said looking amused while Elijah felt like dissipating into thin air.

"What fun?" Rick spoke again breaking his silence, you could tell he was amused.

"shut it human, I still have torture from not so nice demons written in your name" Elijah said glaring at Rick who still had that amused glint in his eyes.

Riya just sighed as she watched the drama in the room.

"Well let's get to business" she finally spoke up rolling her eyes.

Voleth meir extended her hands to her from across the table, Riya took it and closed her eyes, and everything suddenly faded.

Riya woke up in a darkroom, she looked around but found nothing.

Ohh Shit. she thought

She stood up and tried to grope around for the door, she finally touched the door and opened it. Riya shielded her eyes from the instant rays of the sun that swarm into the room on opening the door.

When she could finally adjust her eyes, she saw that she was in a one room cabin, one with empty space and in the middle of the forest. she stepped out cautiously into the open looking around for any person.

"Hello????" she called out

She turned abruptly at the sound of quick footsteps and the laughter of a woman.

Just then, a man and a woman came into view, the man to Riya was too beautiful to be called handsome, he was tall, with skin as fair as a morning in summer, his hair was long and dark as night and his pupils were red which was quite uncommon but it added to his Aura.

Riya snapped out of her daze and took a look at the woman who was still laughing, her hair was as white as snow, and her pupils were silver in color, Riya looked closely and saw the resemblance between them.

At first, she thought it was Meridith and her lover back then but she realized the case wasn't as it seems when the woman mentioned his name.

"Nephele, let's be more tactical about this". the woman said looking sad again like she wasn't just bursting with laughter a moment ago.

"You worry too much Elena". Nephele said cupping her face fondly.

"This is our child, and we would protect her no matter what, you just have to trust me" he added while feeling her belly.

"You speak of it like it's easy, it's an abomination and very impossible for a witch and a demon to have a child and you know it, very soon I will be given to the king as counselor and wife, how do I explain my predicament to the circle" she said looking worried as he hugged her.

"we'll be fine" he said as he pat her back.

The forest started to spin and Riya immediately ducked till everything became still again, she opened her eyes to see that the whole scenery had changed.

At this moment, she was standing in a clearing, she immediately realized that it was the same one in her dream where the cloak fucker chased her. Riya immediately had cold air traveling up and down her spine.

Elijah looked closely at Riya as she furrowed her eyebrows and gripped the chair with her free hand, he immediately turned to Voleth meir.

" You had better not be playing games witch, what's happening in there?" he said as he studied the Witch closely as she sat there still holding Riya's hand and looking calm like nothing was unusual.

"Oh Elijah, you should get over that little thing we had then, you're brooding" she said taunting him.

"Slimy witches". he muttered and went back to studying Riya's body movements.

Riya walked slowly from the clearing and turned West into the woods, she kept on walking without turning as her gut just told her to go that way. After walking for some minutes, she came to the top of a hill where a little village seemed to be sitting on.

Riya kept on walking till she entered the village, she came to a small market where some people spoke loudly, and some just drank wine while others were busy displaying and marketing their goods. she continued to walk through the market until something caught her attention, she saw a woman walk briskly into a small wooden house with a little shed while holding a man's hand.

The woman wore a veil, but Riya recognized the man well enough, he was her father.

She immediately ran in the direction and entered the house. Riya scanned the house she walked into, it didn't look like anyone had been there in a while, there was a small wooden table in the middle of the living room, a wide bench, a little fireplace and shelves displaying glass bottles that contained parts of animals, she walked around and took a closer look at the bottles, She paused in her footsteps as she heard a hushed conversation. Riya followed the voices and walked further into the house and came into a small room where she saw her parents and.......

Riya's eyes shone in recognition as she watched Voleth meir converse with her parents, the woman had removed her veil and she could clearly see it was her mother.

Voleth meir looked the same here, the only difference was the time and the clothes of this age she was in.