
Skeleton Detective : rise of the underworld

{ Mature Contents} R18..... Riya steps out of her favorite bar around the corner, only for her to bump into a gruesome murder scene with a strange entity lingering around that reveals a dark side of her she hadn't realized exists and takes her into the supernatural world. Journey with Riya and Elijah on Skeleton Detective: rise of the underworld.. ******************************************* Stepping out of the bar, Riya continued to walk down to her apartment which was just around the next street. Crossing an alley to take a short cut to her street, the wind started to pick up and Riya immediately regretted not wearing a Hoodie. "Shitty brain" she muttered, "Just a few walks and I'll be ho... thud!!!!!!!!!!! She turned around startled to find someone had dropped something from the top of one of the buildings she was walking in between. She walked towards it in curiosity and almost screamed at the sight of a dead man. He.... Riya started to throw up until she could almost throw up her intestines, the man wasn't just dead, but his body wasn't really left in a sane condition. His chest had a big hole where it seemed like his heart had been pulled out, his intestines were out too and his eyes were gauged out from the sockets, there was also a cut from both sides of his lips up to his eyes that made him seem like a more twisted joker character. Suddenly, the wind picked up again and this time it was heavy. Riya immediately stepped away from the dead man and just then she started to hear whispers, not very distinct but it seemed like they were flowing with the wind and it suddenly made cold air creep up her spine. Just then, she felt like someone was watching her and has in fact been there for a while but she was too engrossed in staring at the dead man in front of her to notice. She then remembered that the man's body was thrown from the top of the building and looked up just in time to find a pair of red eyes staring at her. The person was wearing a cloak and the only thing she could make out was those red eyes. She blinked twice and the person was gone like it was part of her imagination. Wait what!!!!! she thought. She immediately ran back towards the way she was coming from to Mr Andrew's bar. She met the place still crowded and he seemed busy, she immediately ran to the counter while avoiding the weird stares she got.

Okhiria_Gift · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

I'm your Guardian


Riya and Rick continued to stay in each other's arm until it was completely dark.

" I should head home" she said looking up into his eyes

"Right now? , it's not really safe out there anymore Riya especially at night" he said with a hint of worry in his voice.

" I worry about you, Mr Andrew called in and told me everything you saw Riya, I've heard what happened, it's the topic of the town now" he said looking down at her while caressing her hair.

"You knew, that's why you asked to meet up" she said with amusement in her eyes.

" I didn't want to talk about it just yet, still gives me the chills" she said shaking visibly.

"Stay tonight, and we'll figure things out tomorrow, together" he said still caressing her hair.

" No Rick, I should go" she said smiling at him. she wanted time alone to figure things out, especially now with her and Rick, she just needed time to process things.

"Okay then" he said somewhat sadly.

Riya got out of bed and started to get dressed. Rick also finished dressing up and they both walked outside and stood in front of the house. Riya looked at Rick and smiled, it really was perfect standing here with him after their love making.

"Come I'll drop you okay" he said pulling her towards the garage

" No Rick it's already late, I don't want you driving back home late, you said it yourself, it's no longer safe at night since the murder in the alley" she said bringing one hand forward to caress his cheeks.

" I'll take a taxi straight home and call you when I get home" she said to him smiling

" Are you sure?" he asked her with worry clearly evident on his face.

" Yes I am. let's walk till we find a taxi so you can go back inside" she suggested.

They both walked along the street until they heard a car behind them and turned, Riya smiled seeing " taxi" written on the car, her and Rick then stopped walking while they both called in unison,

Taxi!!!! Taxi!!!!!!!

The car stopped and Riya turned to hug Rick,

" Be careful and call me when you get home okay" he said then kissed her lightly on the lips.

Riya blushed and smiled, she really hadn't gotten used to this new stage she and Rick was.

" I'll facetime you when I get home, don't worry" she said

He nodded and smiled.

Riya got into the taxi and told the driver the address before the taxi started to move, she looked back to see Rick still standing there watching till he turned around at some point and walked home. She smiled amused by Rick's actions of worry towards her, he had never done any other thing than tease her since they've known, this was new.

Riya relaxed into the seat and closed her eyes smiling as she remembered the events from when Rick kissed her till now, a smile played on her lips.

Elijah looked at the human from the rearview mirror, her eyes were closed and she was smiling like a clown, probably from her and her boyfriend's exercise.

Enjoy it while it lasts kiddo. he thought

She had stayed longer than usual with the boy today and he had seen that slithering demon from where he watched the house hovering around the house. He decided to steal a taxi and pick her up himself to make his job easier.

Sleazy humans. he murmured inaudibly.

Riya opened her eyes as her phone rang. It rang continuously before she finally picked it up,

" Huh...Hello" she said.

"Good evening Miss Sindell, it's sergeant Joshua, I came by your house today to ask more questions on that night to aid the investigation but your neighbor said you stepped out" he said.

" Huh yes I did, I'm sorry you didn't catch me, tomorrow then?"

"Alright Miss, Have a good night" he said and hung up.

Riya stared outside the window and wondered what more the officer wanted from her.

They finally got to her street and the taxi stopped right in front of her house, she paid the taxi and got down. She did felt something strange about the taxi driver but she shoved it aside, she's been just too paranoid since the incident at the alley. The taxi drove away and Riya walked up to her house and opened her door entering, she flipped the light switch in the living room and walked in. She dropped her bag on the table in the living room and sat on the sofa.

She took off her Snickers and put her hair in a ponytail before she relaxed more into the sofa and turned on her phone. She decided to call Rick so he'll know she already got home. It rang twice before he picked up,

"Hey what's up dumb dumb" she said smiling

" I've been waiting for your call" he said feigning annoyance.

" I just got home dad" she said and laughed imagining Rick's shocked face right now in her mind.

" Tf did u just call me" he said chuckling.

She continued laughing.

" Let switch to FaceTime" he said and hung up not giving her the chance to argue.

Riya scoffed at his actions. "asshole" she muttered when his call came in again. she picked it up and glared at him while Rick laughed.

" Always staring daggers at this fine young man" he said making himself more comfortable on his bed and chuckling.

"you imp" she scoffed.

" So what are you doing tomorrow?" he asked

" Have to stay home because the officer that took my statement that night came by today and missed me so I asked him to come by tomorrow again" she said

" Ohh" was all Rick could say.

"Yeah, I'll let you know if he comes or leave early so we can hang" she said

" Alright Ri.... wait a sec, do you have company?" Rick said with his brows furrowing.

" No it's just me silly" she rolled her eyes

They just took another step in their friendship just today, and he was already jealous? she thought and rolled her eyes internally.

" Just that I saw someone walk past... behind you right now" he said his brows still furrowed

" Huh I'm alone though" she said starting to feel slightly wary.

" Shit Riya my battery is going to die soon, I'll call you back when I'm done charging, okay? he said

" Alright, I'll quickly change and get something to eat while I wait for you" she said smiling.

" Be careful Riri" he said worry evident in his voice

" I will, I'm sure it's just all in your head " she said still smiling.

"Yeah yeah probably, I'll call you later okay?" he said smiling.

"Alright bye" she said and hung up.

She immediately stood up and walked to her door, she checked the lock and it was still the way she left it. She went round the house and checked all the locks, when she got to her room she checked the locks on her window and still found it locked too.

Okay maybe I'm just being paranoid" she muttered.

But you can hardly say that when it wasn't her but Rick who saw it this time. She sat down on her bed and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, she felt a presence in her room just like she felt it in the alley that night, her eyes immediately flew open as she spun around to see the cloaked creature standing there, It walked forward towards her with its rotten spooky hands hanging out of the cloak sleeves, Riya turned and bolted out of the room.

Just as she was entering the living room, it appeared in front of her again, she screamed and ran to the left trying to get to the door, when she got to the door, she tried opening it but it didn't bulge, she heard a gurgling sound behind her like the demon was laughing, she tensed and screamed loudly this time, she didn't care if the neighbors heard.

Suddenly she heard a whoosh sound and she turned to see someone tackling the dem....


The man looked familiar. when she realized the man's identity, her eyes widened. This was the man that was standing behind her window this morning, so she didn't just imagine him or the creature, they were real!!!!!!!!!!.

She went back to trying to open the door, she wasn't going to stand here and let whoever wins come for her Next. She stepped to the side and picked up the coat hanger by the door and was about to smash the door open when someone's body came crashing to the door instead, she looked to see that it was the cloaked fucker and it seemed like something black was oozing out of it.

Riya instinctively stepped back and looked to where it was thrown from and she gasp with what she saw, the matrix guy was on fire and what was more sick was she could see his skeleton, Riya stood there stunned, her body froze and refused to move, she was in deep shock.

Suddenly the burning skeleton moved and threw fire at the cloaked guy beside her, at that point Riya came back to reality and quickly moved to the side and ducked.

The cloaked creature caught fire and a loud screech could be heard while its body burned, then the liquid stuff oozing out of it when it crashed into the door seeped out fast and turned into a beast with glowing red eyes and claws, it had razor sharp teeth and long sharp claws, but it looked like a floating amoeba. It flew towards Riya and tried to attack her, before Elijah could move to it, Riya screamed and said,

Go back to wherever you came from fucker!!!!!!!. she screamed angrily while sliding backwards on the floor trying to get away from it. At that point, Riya was unaware that a marking appeared on her forehead and glowed.

The Demon screeched and burst into dust.

Riya stared wide-eyed at the dusts on the floor and back at Elijah who now stood there staring at her while his body regenerated. He sat down on the sofa and groaned,

"Stupid weak body" he cursed.

" Who are you" she whispered still staring at him wide-eyed in shock.

"I'm your Guardian" he said then he flipped his finger and disappeared.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Okhiria_Giftcreators' thoughts