
020 An Ordinary Father

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Perhaps it was because he was transmigrated into this world, he always felt guilty that he was living someone else's life.

This feeling was constantly bothering him which was why Lu Wu had been avoiding Lee Ruyu subconsciously. There were even times where Lu Wu wanted to just directly run away from this home.

But as time went by, Lu Wu noticed that his actions seemed to have hurt Lee Ruyu's feelings. Then he slowly realised that even though what he did was convenient for him, it was also very irresponsible.

It was much worse than bullying Pang Tutu.

Therefore, Lu Wu decided to start changing his attitude towards his 'new' family. He stopped avoiding Lee Ruyu and thought that feeling guilty wouldn't do him any good. Instead, he turned this feeling of guilt into gratitude and to motivate him to treat them better.

Which was why he decided to bring back supper for Lee Ruyu. This was his first step to making amendments with his predecessor's family.

However, Lu Wu would never know one thing.

If it wasn't because he decided to try something different tonight, he would have been limping back home instead.

The only thing that he knew was that when he went home and gave Lee Ruyu the packet of fries, which was her favourite snack from Lu Wu's memories, Lee Ruyu couldn't hold it anymore and her eyes turned red and teary.

When Lu Wu saw this, he finally understood how hurtful his actions were ever since he transmigrated.

Lu Wu felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, and for someone who usually knew what to say, he was completely speechless now. In the end, he scratched his head and told Lee Ruyu to rest earlier after finishing the supper. Then, he went back into his room as per usual.

This time around, when Lee Ruyu saw Lu Wu running back to his room, she couldn't help but laugh.

Yeap, it definitely wasn't hard to make a woman happy, especially if you are her loved ones. No matter what you did before that made her sad or mad, as long as you put in an effort to cheer her up, she would immediately forget about it and would keep her happy for the entire day. 

Lu Haikong, who was following behind Lu Wu, came home and saw his wife with a huge smile on his face. He couldn't help but smile as well, and it immediately cheered him up. The thought of wanting to beat up Lu Wu slowly disappeared.

However, whenever he thought of the scene of his wife crying, Lu Haikong was still a little unhappy.

Therefore, after making sure that his wife was sound asleep, he went and knocked on Lu Wu's door at twelve midnight.


Lu Wu was about to go to bed and was shocked to find his father standing at his door.

"Let's go. I'll bring you out for a drink!"

Lu Haikong didn't give Lu Wu the chance to say anything and immediately dragged Lu Wu out of the house. Then, he found a barbeque store that was still open and sat down with Lu Wu.

"Dad, it's already so late and I'm still a student. I really don't think it's a good idea to drink tonight. Plus, I still have work tomorrow!"

Lu Wu knew that Lu Haikong had returned today. But, for now, he only knew how to face Lee Ruyu but not Lu Haikong. Therefore, he acted dumb and pretended not to know that Lu Haikong was home. Lu Wu thought that his plan had worked, but who knew that Lu Haikong would knock at his door at midnight and even drag him out of the house.

Plus, as soon as they sat down, Lu Haikong ordered a huge amount of food and even ordered two dozen beers for the two of them. He even had a look on his face that said that he is about to challenge Lu Wu and which was very worrying.

"Why are you such a coward? What's wrong with us having a few drinks? I don't remember raising you to be a coward! Drink up!"

This 'dad' that was sitting in front of him was just as unreliable as he remembered him to be.

Lu Haikong was forcing it upon Lu Wu even before any of the food arrived.

It was obvious that Lu Haikong was trying to get Lu Wu drunk but how could Lu Wu allow that to happen?

Lu Wu still had to go to work tomorrow morning and he was also worried that he might spill his secret if he was drunk. Therefore, Lu Wu used every single excuse that he knew to avoid drinking in any way possible.

No matter what Lu Haikong said, it was pointless.

In the end, he got so angry that he started calling Lu Wu a coward, a bastard and a scumbag!

Upon seeing this, Lu Wu was speechless. He has never seen a father who dragged his child out for a drink in the middle of the night, and he definitely hasn't seen anyone who started scolding their child for refusing to drink.

But, Lu Haikong was his 'dad'. There was nothing that he could do.

Just when Lu Wu thought that he would be continuously scolded for the entire night, Lu Haikong who was already slightly wasted, put his hands around Lu Wu's shoulders and said, "Kid, tell me, are you mad at your mother and me?"

"No! Why would you think of that?"

"No? Do you think we're stupid? It's all written across your face. You must be angry at the both of us, blaming us for being such useless parents. You must think that we're the reason why you summoned such a useless beast, and we don't even have enough money to help you train it as well which crushed your dream of being a professional summoner! You have been studying and working so hard nowadays! Isn't it because you think that both of us are useless and you refuse to ask for help from us?!"

Lu Wu panicked. This was really not what he was thinking.

He wanted to explain himself but Lu Haikong didn't give him the chance to.

"You don't have to explain yourself! Here, take this!"

Then, Lu Haikong took Lu Wu's hand and placed both cards in his hand.

"This card belongs to your mum and the other one is of my own. The password to it is you and your sister's birthday. There is a total of 512210.8 yuan. We initially wanted to use it to buy a new house, but take it! It's all yours now!"

Lu Wu was shocked and said, "I can't take this..."

Lu Haikong slammed the table and shouted loudly, " Take it when I'm giving it to you! You're my son and I would never let you give up on your dreams! Since you want to be a professional summoner, I will make it happen no matter what. But I want you to keep in mind that the person that you should blame here is me and not your mum! You can hate me but if you dare say anything to your mother, I will break your leg!"

Then, Lu Haikong went back to drinking and totally ignored Lu Wu.

Lu Haikong was the splitting image of a father who had failed his business and was being extremely guilty about it.

Well, it looked like Lu Haikong wasn't such a drinker after all. After a few bottles, he totally passed out and was lying on the table.

In the end, Lu Wu had no other choice but to pay for the bill and slowly walk home with a drunk father hanging off his shoulder.

On the way back home, Lu Wu felt lost.

This was his first time talking to his 'new' dad and Lu Wu was gullible enough to believe that he really understood this man.

He felt that although Lu Haikong looked unreliable and did somehow fail in life, he was definitely a father who loved his family. It was just that he didn't know how to express his emotions.

Lu Wu believed that Lu Haikong's love for him as a father was more than what he was showing!

Ever since Lu Wu transmigrated, he had been working hard. He had been trying his best to work towards becoming a professional summoner. He also tried his best to adapt to his new environment and was making progress.

From Lu Wu's point of view, the one thing that was the most difficult to adapt to was his 'new' family.