
006 Chicken Soup For The Soul

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Lu Wu was not aware that he had become the centre of attention.

Plus, he didn't have time to care about all these anyway. Perhaps it was because of the influence from the memories that he got from his predecessor or it was just that he was very interested in becoming a professional summoner.

His entire head now was filled with ways to get into the summoner's universities.

With this target in mind, Lu Wu knew that he didn't have much time left.

A few days after the Summoner's ceremony would be the start of the summer break.

Then, their final year would be starting as soon as the summer break ended. That would be the most important year for those who dreamt of becoming a professional summoner.

Their final class allocation would also be happening then!

Every year after the summer break, the school would hold an exam to evaluate the students' summoned beast along with their cultural knowledge.

This evaluation would be directly related to their class placement in their final year.

In their final year, they would be divided into the "normal" class and "special" class.

The special classes were for those who were preparing to join the summoner's universities while the normal class was for those who had already given up on applying to any of the summoner's universities.

Since Lu Wu wanted to get into the summoner's universities, he had to be in a special class.

The syallabus and resources for both were completely different, the summoner's training and classes would only be taught in the special classes.

In other words, Lu Wu must improve on his cultural knowledge before the summer break ended, and at the same time, he had to upgrade Skeleton to an acceptable level in order for him to be in the special class.

With all this pressure, how could Lu Wu slack?

He would have to spend all his time and effort on this.

Therefore, he brought all of his textbooks since freshman year and was madly reading through all of it.

As for the class that was going on, Lu Wu knew that with his current level, he would not be able to understand whatever the teacher was saying. It would be more effective if he started from the basics by reading the books.

The result of it showed that Lu Wu was right.

With his photographic memory, Lu Wu became very efficient as he went through the books.

He was able to remember every single thing after reading through them once. Along with that, as he read through the books, the predecessor's memories related to those topics would appear in his head.

With the enhancement from the predecessor's, Lu Wu's efficiency that morning was very gratifying.

Lu Wu was able to finish a quarter of the syllabus from his freshman year within a few hours. Although his head was starting to hurt from focusing for such a long period of time, Lu Wu was feeling very happy with his progress. If he was able to continue with this horrifying speed, he would be able to catch up with the others within two days.

Just as Lu Wu was celebrating his achievements, Pang Tutu nudged him.

"Lu Wu, Mr. Li is asking for you to follow him to this office."

Lu Wu was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what was happening. It must be because of what happened to the predecessor yesterday. However, he had no other choice but to stick it up his a** and walked to the office with Skeleton following behind him.


Outside of Li Chun's office.

Lu Wu knocked on the door before sticking his head into the room.

"Sir, you were asking for me?"

Li Chun was busy doing something when Lu Wu knocked on the door. As soon as he saw Lu Wu, he stopped and waved his hands at Lu Wu. "Yes, come in and have a seat."

"I have tea, coffee and coke. What do you want?"

"Tea please!"

"Tea? I thought you would choose to have coke. Give me a minute!"

Then, just as Li Chun stood up, Lu Wu had already gone to the pantry.

"Mr. Li, let me do it instead. Will it be tea or coffee for you?"

Li Chun paused for a moment and said, "Just give me a cup of tea."


Lu Wu made two cups of tea and brought it to the table. "Here you go!"

"Thank you!"

Li Chun took the tea and was looking at Lu Wu from top to bottom.

To be frank, Li Chun was surprised with what he saw as Lu Wu's actions and appearance were very different from what he had expected. 

The Lu Wu that was standing right in front of him was very different from the one that Li Chun had taught for the past two years. Li Chun has been Lu Wu's teacher for the past two years, and he knew Lu Wu to a certain extent.

The Lu Wu he knew was a very bad-tempered boy who was very conceited and competitive. It was as if he was an iron sword that was blunt and fragile but still gave a bright and sharp appearance. If it wasn't because of that glowing face of his, no one would really get along with him.

However, the person who was standing right in front of him was much calmer, warmer and more gentle than before. There was a very obvious change in his temperament. Just with this short interaction, Li Chun felt very comfortable being around the "new" Lu Wu.

'Looks like summoning Skeleton really affected him. He became a totally different person overnight.'

As he noticed the changes that happened to Lu Wu, the words that Li Chun wanted to say to Lu Wu were all stuck inside his throat.

Even if this was the same person, the same words would have a different effect when said at a different time.

However, at this point, this version of Lu Wu was completely different from the one that he knew. Therefore, Li Chun had to take a different approach.

He sipped onto his cup of tea and noticed Skeleton who was still chewing onto a piece of bone. Then, he said to Lu Wu, "This is the method from the 'Skeleton's Training Manual' that you found online?"

"This is the only one that I could find online."

Lu Wu thought for a while and said, "It was for free!"

Li Chun didn't continue with words like "the results from these methods are very limited". Instead, he changed the topic and said, "I saw that you were reading through the books from freshman years?"

"Yup, since my foundation is weak."

When he saw Lu Wu nodding his head, Li Chun suddenly thought of something.

"You're training Skeleton and you're reading all these books. Are you still planning to apply to the summoner's universities?"

As he heard Li Chun's question, Lu Wu remained calm and gently nodded his head. "I would like to try."

Lu Wu's calm reaction and gentle tone made it impossible for Li Chun to say what he had in mind. He didn't have the heart to say the words that would ruin Lu Wu's fantasy.

Li Chun couldn't help but take another sip of tea before saying, "It would be extremely difficult."

"I'm aware of that. With all the high schools in Quancheng City combined, there are only up to two hundred students accepted into the universities. Our school would usually have the highest acceptance rate with about 6 students every year." 

"Since you're aware of it…."

"Whether I'm aware or not, it shouldn't stop me from trying. Getting into the summoner's universities has always been my dream, and I would like to at least try to achieve it. What if a miracle happens for me?"

Although Lu Wu was still speaking in a very calm tone, he sounded very hopeful which caused Li Chun to subconsciously shake his head.

Miracles? Hope?

Where will you find such a miracle in this world?

Especially for those who were trying to be a professional summoner, hard work was usually the most worthless thing that one had. Besides, why didn't you work harder before this? What's the point of being so diligent now?

Because Li Chun knew this very well, he knew that he had to break Lu Wu's fantasy no matter what.

"You should know that with your results, your family condition and this skeleton of yours, you would not be able to get into any summoner's universities no matter how much effort you put into it! With the target that you set for yourself, you're only making it difficult for yourself. So much effort for something that will never happen! Are you sure this is what you want to do? You need to know that there are lots of other choices in life. Choosing a different one would be just as meaningful as this one."

Li Chun stared into Lu Wu's eyes and was pressuring him as he tried to shatter the last piece of hope that Lu Wu had in mind.

While facing Li Chun who was pressuring him, Lu Wu smiled and said, "Hmmm… oh well, since life is so short, we might as well work hard for something, right? How could I just admit defeat without even trying?"