
Quancheng City, in a small town, inside Lu Wu's room.

It was already midnight, but Lu Wu was still sitting right in front of the computer.

However, he was not busy playing games. He was still surfing through the net, hoping to find more information.

That's right! He was doing research.

Well, not the kind of research that you guys are thinking about.

Lu Wu knew better than that; he was reading up information about his golden finger.

He had already ruled out killing monsters and charging himself with electricity before changing his target to his golden finger.

Since both these methods that were usually related to enhancing one's attributes had turned useless, he had to find another way.

For example, knowledge!

His idea now was that all the attributes that he was seeing were a compilation of the ones that he already knew.

Which meant that because he, or his predecessor, knew about Skeleton's certain attributes from before, therefore they appeared on the attribute bar.

For example, he knew that this summoned beast was called Skeleton which was why it was named Skeleton on the attribute bar. It was the same for Skeleton's class. He already knew that Skeleton was under the Undead class which was what was shown on the attribute bar.

The attribute bar was showing what he already knew instead of what the true attributes of Skeleton were.

Of course, there were also things that he didn't know from before this, including quality, strength and weaknesses.

But Lu Wu decided to just ignore them for now.

He was just assuming that the attribute bar was showing what he already knew and it was the true attribute as well.

So, what was happening now was that because he didn't know how to enhance Skeleton, he wasn't able to do it.

In order to get it enhanced, he would first have to know how to enhance instead.

If he knew how to do it, it may trigger the enhancement function.

However, this was just Lu Wu's assumption about the attribute bar.

He had no idea whether this was true or not.

But since he had no other choice, this was the only method that was worthy of trying.

So, after finding a way out, he started reading through books to look for any relevant information about training and enhancing the quality of Skeleton.

However, he was not able to find anything relevant from all the books that were placed right in front of him.

One of the reasons was because they were not taught yet since they were only Sophomore. The other reason was because the predecessor was a slacker and the thing that he hated the most was studying, which was why there weren't many books around him that he could look through.

As the books didn't have much information, he turned his attention to the internet and hoped he would be able to find something about how to enhance or train Skeleton.

Lu Wu turned on his computer and search for things like "Guides to train Skeleton" and "Enhancement of Skeleton".

However, most of the things that popped up were not even related to Skeleton.

There was not much information about Skeleton.

It was because most of them thought that there was no value in training a skeleton. There was also another reason why he couldn't find much information which Lu Wu only realised after surfing through the net for a very long time.

Lu Wu realised that this world which he transmigrated to was a place where they extremely respected knowledge.

Especially those relevant to summoned beasts; they were treasures to the people in this world.

You would have to go onto official websites and pay in order to get access to them.

Obviously there were free ones that were available but they were not useful at all. However, with so much of his effort poured into it, he still managed to find one thing that could help him. 

It was a training manual for Skeleton.

It was a method that was created by a summoner a few years ago after experimenting for many years.

As for its effectiveness, it was limited to only helping Skeleton move normally.

This was far from what Lu Wu wanted. He was hoping to find information about training Skeleton, upgrading Skeleton and enhancing its quality.

But these were the only things that he could find and it was the only one that was useful at this point.

"Fine, I'll read through this first and maybe I'll be able to find more information at the library tomorrow."

Then, Lu Wu started reading the manual.

As he looked through it, he was surprised to find that his memory was much better than before.

As he read through the manual which consisted of about 2000 words, he could remember everything in the manual. Lu Wu was shocked. "Photographic memory? Guess that's a pretty good skill. Makes it much easier for me to pass the cultural exams then."

At the same time, Lu Wu reached towards Skeleton's head and wanted to check whether its attributes changed or not after reading through the manual.

Well, it obviously didn't!

But Lu Wu was not discouraged since he felt like he hadn't put in any effort yet.

"I'll just follow the instructions here once and try to see if I'll be able to change this fellow's attribute. Since I still have to get another ingredient in order for it to work, I'll get it tomorrow at the market and start working on it. I'm just gonna go sleep now!"

Lu Wu turned off his computer, removed his clothes and went to bed. 

But he couldn't fall asleep.

Since it was an eventful day as so many things happened to him which was why he was still a little excited.

Plus, there was a skeleton standing right by his bedside, and with the moonlight shining from outside, there was an eerie feeling in the room which made it extremely difficult for Lu Wu to fall asleep.

So, he had to move Skeleton to the other side of the room.

Without Skeleton staring at him, he slowly fell asleep.

The next day.

Lu Wu woke up early, brushed his teeth and went to school with his bag full of books and Skeleton in his arms.

He initially didn't want to bring it along, but Skeleton was his summoned beast and it couldn't stay too far away from him. Therefore, he was forced to bring Skeleton along.

Just as he left the house, he met his childhood friend.

Yeap. But this time, it wasn't Pang Tutu. It was the other friend, Lin, who refused to walk home with them yesterday.

Lin's full name was Lin Jianying. He was not as good-looking as Lu Wu, but he was still a tall and handsome boy with a cold look on his face.

Next to him, stood a goblin that was about 1.5 meters tall. It was dressed in rags with an axe in his arm. That would be Lin's summoned beast which actually looked pretty cool compared to the Skeleton that was dangling in Lu Wu's arms.

However, Lin looked a little embarrassed.

Lin didn't think that he would meet Lu Wu because he had already left the house much earlier than their usual timings but luck was not on his side.

Well, he could only awkwardly nod his head and quickly leave the scene. As he walked past Lu Wu, his mouth twitched as if he wanted to say something but in the end, he didn't open his mouth.

It was obvious that there were a lot of complicated thoughts in Lin's mind but as for Lu Wu, he didn't care.

He even had the time to touch Lin's goblin and looked through the goblin's attributes.


Name: Goblin

Strength: 0 star (normal)

Quality: Normal (to be enhanced) (grey)

Class: Physical

Status: Healthy (Well fed and happy)

Skill: The Magnificent Strike (Not obtained)

Weakness: Magic

Comment: Even though this isn't the best, it's still better than your skeleton
