
Skelengel; Tales Of The Boundless One [Not Updating]

When the universe creates a person, they are bestowed with certain traits that we, as mere humans, are aware of. Sportiness, the ability to work with computers, and creativity are all things we may obtain at creation. However, some of those talents extend far past the mortal realm of flesh and blood. They go all the way to your very soul, and these are the ones that we cannot see. These few are destined to become Boundless. And it just so happens that one was designated to die on the fateful day a new god took sight over the earth. This is the tale of Aaron Stone, the once businessman turned planetary traverser. Aided by himself and his potential, he plans to live out his life with peace of mind. However, the universe has it out for him, and it won't let him ever have true peace. However, someone from behind the shadows controls everything, and they have quite a distaste for Aaron Stone. They will try to make his life a living hell. Everything you read here is an account of something going on in the vast universe. Hell, who knows... It may even be YOU who takes his place in the future. [Chapter Length: Above 1k words] [Upload Time: Once a day, if I can. My life has gotten increasingly busy over the past year, so I may have to put novelwriting to the side for a bit. L] If you want a book with a main character who goes around helping every little person, this book isn't for you. It involves death and some gory details, among other things. People and friends will die. These are all part of the universe. [Volume 1: The Awakening Of Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 2: The Quest For Higher Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 3: The Fires Of Boundless Supremacy: On-Going] WARNING! Different novel mechanics will be placed into this book, so there will probably be some confusion in ability specifics and other details. Simply leave a comment, or message me on the discord server below, and I can clear up some of the details :) Also, because of the idea of adding multiple different mechanics, there will hopefully be something that suits everyone in this book :) AUTHORS NOTE! Thank you for taking the time to read through this synopsis. It means a lot to me that you even bothered to read this. If you plan to read this book, I will say that, as of me writing this at chapter 320, it gets much better the further you go! Thank you for thinking about reading it, and I hope you will enjoy it! The book is also completely free to read, and I want it to stay that way! I just want people to be able to read and enjoy my stuff! I'm just gonna put the discord link here if you want to access it. You should join if you wanna just talk about the book to the creator and others! We got a general chat, memes, and other things. I hope we will see you there! https://discord.gg/gcrbtk8M63 Also, I have a YouTube Channel! I'm not going to tell you to sub, but it would really be appreciated! https://youtube.com/channel/UCrURywBu-fDA5KQaDPc3GOg [Also, just letting you know, I do actually own the cover :)] [It was made by @chook-in-a-jar on Instagram! Go follow them there!] This book is copyrighted material of ShadowAmeratsu, and cannot be used/altered for any projects without the author's permission.

ShadowAmeratsu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
323 Chs


Crystet looked at himself and wondered what he should do. He looked like the monster that had just murdered a ton of people, so if he went out in public, he would be immediately targeted as a possible accomplice to the 'monster of the sky' as he would now name it. He wasn't the biggest fan of that idea, so he had to think of a way he could leave this place. He looked behind him and saw Ray looking at him from behind the doorframe to the kitchen, with a fearful expression upon his face. Once Ray realised that the monster who claimed to be Crystet had seen him, he scurried away, almost like a bug. Crystet sighed and began following Ray. He needed to calm Ray down, and the best way to do that was to calmly comfort him.

Crystet stepped over the bodies that lay around the hallway, grimacing at their scent. They smelled of manky leather and looked to be decaying right before his eyes, although that shouldn't be possible. He saw Ray rush into what he presumed to be the sitting room, so he calmly followed him in, forgetting about the bodies and focusing on calming Ray down. He saw Ray sitting in the corner of the room, eyes wide, hyperventilating. Crystet calmly walked towards him, with his hands out in front of him as a sign of peace. He wasn't going to harm him. Ray didn't notice Crystet's hands and only focused on his abnormal face, reminding him of the monster. IT was responsible for the death of his parents, yet he couldn't help but be afraid of the monster with Crystet's voice. He wanted to believe it was Crystet, but he couldn't, as he believed that if he did, he would be killed. He wasn't taking that chance.

"Hey, Ray. How are you?" Crystet calmly asked, to which he got no reply. Ray was still shaking in the corner, so Crystet continued to calmly walk over to him, causing Ray to shake even more. He really was scared for his life. He let his hands drop to his sides as he got down onto his knees. He wanted to show Ray that he wasn't a violent person. He wasn't going to hurt him. Ray stopped shaking slightly, but when Crystet began shuffling towards him on his knees, his fear was magnified tenfold. He reckoned that he was being played with by this monster with Crystet's voice. "D...did you....kill Crystet...?" The afraid Ray asked, to which Crystet was shocked. Was he really such a mental hazard to Ray that he thought that someone killed him? He needed to reassure Ray about what was going on.

"What? No! I didn't kill myself! I AM Crystet, Ray! If you'll calm down, I can explain the entire situation to you!" Crystet unintentionally yelled at Ray, causing his level of fear to go even further up. Ray shot out from the corner, running out of the door to the house, leaving Crystet inside on his own. "Fuck!" Crystet swore, realising just how big of a mistake he had made. He wasn't going to chase after Ray while he was in this state. Maybe some time all alone by himself was what Ray needed. Crystet walked out of Ray's house, looking into the cloudy sky, contemplating what he should do next, but his train of thought was interrupted by someone nearby. "Monster! There's the monster that started all of this!" A random woman yelled out while pointing at Crystet. "Shut up, Kar...en..." A man yelled in reply, but he lost his breath as he looked over at the black figure standing in the yard of the Cast Household. They obviously weren't looking at the news when Aaron was on it, as they couldn't see the change from pink to cyan on his body. Even if they did notice, they now had someone to blame for this situation.

People began screaming insults at Crystet, such things as "Dirty brother killer", "Genocider" and "Megalomaniac". Soon enough, there were hundreds of people who yelled insults at him, and after ten minutes of this, he just couldn't take it anymore. He felt power rising in his chest, so he released it, sending an ear-piercing scream throughout the area. The people who were the closest to him almost died as they began to bleed from their ears. It was a deathly scream, causing some people to run away from him, while others continued their verbal assault, some even trying to punch and kick at him, but to no avail. All their attacks seemed to not affect him. He was sick of this, so he did something he hadn't done before.

He ran away from a fight.

Despite what you may think, Crystet, until this point had never backed down from any challenge in anything. He thought of it as the ultimate cowardice. It let your opponents know that you were not brave enough to take on the challenge, but with this, there was a different reason. He didn't want to be called a murderer once this was done. If he had stayed in that area any longer he would have killed someone. He wasn't going to murder someone of his own free will. He was a decent person. He would only stoop to the level of a murderer if it was necessary. Of course, he DID plan to murder the bastard who killed his family, but that wasn't really a person, was it? Of course, neither was he, so it went both ways.

Aaron noticed a sudden release of power in the distance, near his old city, yet it wasn't Ki. It intrigued him. It was like it had been used for an attack of some kind. "Oh? Our little distant power burst has found out how to attack! This is going to make things so much more fun in the end!" Aaron stated, as a neon pink smile lined his black face.

Ayo I hope you enjoy, and here's a little something.

I'm thinking of making my own little Friday Night Funkin' mod, and was wondering if anyone wanted to work with me? I can make the music :)

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