

"After witnessing her mother being abused and murdered, Alessia will have to enter the realm of corrupt law to find the 5 men who took away what she loved."

archivo024 · War
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Registration, towards the real world.

In line like slaves.

Slaves following the orders of men with no interest in our lives.

Looking at us like test subjects.

A miserable life for those born into poverty.

I am Alessia Blodrens, a cadet striving to climb the ranks in this world where status is everything.

But why am I in the army?

Simple. Not for honor, not for respect, not even for money.

It's for revenge.

Revenge for those who abused my mother.

And now I stand before them.

The five men who massacred everything I loved.

So close yet so far away.

Each of them will suffer for what they did.

I will make them pay by torturing them in the most atrocious and repulsive ways they can imagine.

This is my story.


"¡Cadets, in formation!"

Immediately everyone falls into line.

The supervisor looks over each one of them.


"¡¿Cadet Charles, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Charles, 18 years old, 1.65 meters tall, brown hair and brown eyes.

That innocent face might serve him well in other places.

But this is the army.

That pretty face won't do him much good here.

"¡You imbecile!"

The superior beats Charles in the stomach with his metal baton.

"¡You'll respect the damn rules one way or another!"

"Superior, it's a picture of my sister."

The superior checks it.

"Not bad."

He starts to lick his lips.

Everyone is horrified.

«Filthy pig»

"I'll keep this picture as an apology."

"Please, superior, it's the only thing I have as a memory."

The superior gets angry and kicks Charles in the face.

—"Unless you want a punishment, you'd better cooperate."

Immediately his gaze falls on the girl next to me.

"What's your name, cadet?"

"My name is Sara, sergeant."

Cadet Sara, 18 years old, 1.66 meters tall, blonde hair and blue eyes, another pretty face.

And also a woman in the crosshairs.

"If you want to climb quickly, I can help you."

He touches Sara's leg.

Sara starts to feel uncomfortable.

She whispers in his ear.

"You'd better cooperate."

«A pig will always be a pig»

The situation changes when he sets his sights on my companion.

"Wow, not bad."

He looks at her in a lewd manner.

"What's your name, cadet?"

"I'm Cadet Ofelia, superior."

"Cadet, you can join Cadet Sara if you want."

«As if she could really refuse»

He tries to touch her groin.

But she stops his hand and starts squeezing it.

"What the hell! You piece of shit worm!"

Immediately he attacks with the baton, but she manages to stop it.

Immediately she snatches his cane.

The superior backs off.

"What the f*** are you going to do? As soon as I speak you'll be expelled from here. Your family will starve because of you!"

Ofelia breaks the cane in front of him, approaches him slowly, and whispers the following.

"Do you think I care?"

At that moment...

"You damn pervert!"

Cadet Sara begins to scream.

"You take advantage of your damn rank to harass women!"

Sara shouts to the rooftops. Immediately, the other troops notice the commotion.

"Damn sicko, did you think you could touch yourself with my sister's photo, right?"

Charles doesn't stay behind.

"Sick !"

Charles starts screaming to the winds.

Immediately, the support was not long in coming.

"It's true!"

"Damn harasser!"

"Damn pervert!"

Our troop begins to shout, demanding respect from the superior.

The superior doesn't know how to get out of this.

But every beginning has its end.


The troop returns to attention.

"What's happening here?"

"Superior Elias..."

Our superior begins to tremble.

Superior Elias, 20 years old, 1.70 meters tall, the same as Sara but in male version.

"Superior Elias, the cadets are rebelling."

"I wonder why."

"I know the answer."

I decide to speak.

I call the superior's attention.

"Your name, cadet."

"Alessia Blodrens."

"Can you tell me why there's so much disturbance?"

At this moment, I must think carefully about what to answer.

One wrong answer and I won't be able to gain his trust.

"A photo."

"A photo?"

"Our superior snatched a photo from my comrade Charles."

"Is it true?"

Elias asks our superior.

"Yes, superior."

"Hand it over."

"But superior, the rules..."

"They're cadets, they still don't know every rule that exists in this place."


"Do you question my authority, superior?"

A fixed gaze from Superior Elias.

Immediately, our superior hands over the photo to Charles grumbling.

"You may return to your ranks, cadet."

"Understood, superior."

Ofelia returns to her rank.

"The presentation time ends today. Go back to your cabins."

We show our sign of respect and then leave.

Superior Elias goes back to his troops.

"Cadet Alessia."

My superior looks at me angrily, clenching his fists, about to hit me.

"I'm not the one you should be angry with, superior."

I approach him seriously.

The superior puts his anger aside and then shows his nervousness.

I approach his ear and whisper the following.

"If it weren't for me, you would be pleasing your cellmate right now."

The superior is aware that my words don't lie.

"I'll let it pass this time. Go back to the other cadets."

The superior retreats defeated, temporarily.

I go back to my bed, ready to sleep.

And all my comrades congratulate Ofelia.

"Good job, Ofelia!"

"You're amazing!"

"Let's be friends!"

Ofelia smiles.

"Let's help each other!"

Words of encouragement from Ofelia.

Immediately, one of my comrades touches my shoulder.

"Thank you, right now the superior would be fondling himself with my sister's photo."

Charles thanks me, whose bed is on my left.

«Why would I care?»

"Lights out!"

The lights go out.

Sleeping with everyone around me sounds terrible.

Who knows what could happen.

I decide to pretend to sleep, after an hour, some steps start approaching.

But not towards me, but towards Cadet Sara.

Immediately Cadet Sara is covered with a sheet, so her cries for help cannot be heard.

They take her away from the dormitories.

Charles and Ofelia manage to witness the kidnapping.

"I'm hungry"

I get up, put on my slippers, and head to the dining hall.

When I arrive...

«What a coincidence»

"Get out, this has nothing to do with you guys."

One of our comrades asks Charles and Ofelia to leave.

While the other two are holding Sara hostage.

About to abuse her.

"I'll let this go, just hand Sara over."

Ofelia gives them the opportunity, but the boss refuses.

"You know, I've noticed you have a good body."

I approach the fridge slowly.

"Try to touch me and you'll see what will happen to you."

Ofelia threatens the boss of the two idiots holding Sara hostage.

I take out a bottle of water and a donut.

"Do you think you're a heroine, Ofelia? You're just a whore with good tits."

"That's enough, Francis."

"Who are you calling sicko, son-of-"

Francis finally notices my presence.

I finish eating and drinking.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving now."

"Come here, bitch!"

"Step back, I don't want to be involved with you two idiots."

Both Francis and the others are stunned by my response.

"You were going to abuse her, weren't you? Go ahead, I don't care."

Once again, I leave everyone dumbfounded.

In response to my attitude, Francis smiles.

"Haha, you bastard."

I stop and turn towards Francis.

"What did you say to my mother?"

I show an angry expression.

"I said you bastard..."

I throw the bottle at him.

Francis recoils in pain.

Glass fragments fall to the ground.

I walk towards him.

Ofelia and Charles move away, avoiding the conflict.

The other two idiots do the same, letting Sara, who was crying, go.

Francis's head begins to bleed.

"Say it again and I'll beat you up."

Francis remains silent.

As I am about to leave, Francis throws a punch.

But I stop the impact with my left hand and give him a punch in the nose.

Francis begins to bleed from the nose.

"Damn crazy woman."

Francis begins to tremble.

"You call me crazy when you were about to abuse a woman? I should report you."

I approach and touch Francis's face.

"There are many men in prison who will be happy to hear that a new toy has arrived."

I look at him with a scary smile.

"I assure you that you will not be bored, you will be a condom for all of them."

Francis urinates.

"How disgusting."

Everyone begins to move away because of the strong smell.

"I'm going to my bed."

I look at Ofelia.

"Fix this, hero."

I decide to leave.

The next day, during the flag salute.

I hear murmurs about yesterday.

"It seems that three cadets were about to abuse their fellow cadet."

"Wow, what a surprise..."

"But Cadet Ofelia beat them up before it happened."

"It is said that the three cadets were expelled."

"At least she fixed the mess."

"Everyone, attention!"

"I want to congratulate Cadet Ofelia for her courage in defending her fellow combatant."

Ofelia appears on stage.


Everyone applauds Ofelia for her actions.

"Thank you, I hope to cooperate with you all in the future and have a country free of corruption."

Everyone applauds again.

After the respect towards our flag.

Ofelia is surrounded by several colleagues in the dining hall.

And one of my fellow cadets approaches.


"Thanks for helping me."

«Sara Velasco...»

"I didn't help you."

"You did, indirectly of course."

"As you say."

"Your name is Alessia, right?"


"Let's be friends, Alessia."

«And have to protect this weirdo, no thanks.»



"I don't want to deal with a burden."

"I'm not a burden!"

Sara gets upset in a tender way.

"That doesn't explain why you couldn't defend yourself yesterday."

"I was caught off guard."

"Does that matter?"

I look seriously at Sara.

"It was your innocent face that was why you were kidnapped, you're a burden, a damn dead weight, I'm not interested in making friends with disposable garbage."

"Oh, okay..."

Anyone would walk away after those words, but not...

"Then teach me."


"Teach me how to defend myself like you!"

«Despite offending, she continues with that optimism.»

"Don't expect too much from me."


"Shut up and eat."


After a streak of studies and training, we return to our beds.

"Good afternoon."

Superior Elias appears.

"Ofelia, could you accompany me?"


Immediately, the girls begin to whisper.

"Superior Elias looks very handsome."

"I wonder if we can go out on our day off."

We are allowed to leave the army for two days, during which we are allowed to sleep and eat where we want.

No matter how expensive it is, the government reimburses everything.

Something good had to come out of this.

«I can't wait to go out for pizza.»

I'm in my office with a cadet.

"We interrogated Cadet Francis."

I look at her intently.

"He says you weren't the one who left him in that state."

"Yes, it wasn't me."

"Why did you lie, cadet?"

A serious and focused look towards my cadet.

"She said she would take care of it."


"My companion Alessia, I didn't want any trouble, so I decided to take the blame."

More than guilt, it was praise.

"I know, I didn't expect that."

"I understand."

I show a kind attitude.

"You may go now."

"Thank you."

Ofelia leaves the office.

Immediately, I search for information on all the cadets.

And I find the one I need.

"Cadet Blodrens, how strange."

Most cadets entered for three reasons.

Honor, money, and respect.

"If you didn't enter for them, then what are you doing here, Blodrens?"

«I wonder why...»