
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Sci-fi
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75 Chs

episode 8

"yaguto" protects "shimarai" and "stella" from thugs and bullies , "shimaraai" does not have any coins left for their survival.

Shimarai:-one bread is all I can buy!

Yaguto:-I hope "komi" would return , it has been 4 days since we saw him.

Stella:-we lost our home , our mother and now the money? What else can we lose?

Yaguto:-dammit , if only I was there we couldn't just end up like this.

"wreck" and "tika" enters the same village they are on and in the middle of the way thugs and bullies start a fight.

Wreck:-you do not want to do this , you better forget doing all this.

Thugs:-why don't you try me? little wimp!


"wreck" attacks with anger and finishes off all the bullies and thugs , "yaguto" sees "wreck".

Wreck:-say that again you peace a trash , you look like you're asking yourself to become a demon , never bully again or you'll see anything fall right at you , you got that?

Yaguto:-"komi" , you're here.

Wreck:-oh , there's my student!

Thug:-[shocked]huh? What? your student? What kind of kid are you.

Wreck:-[serious phrase]…I am the supreme ruler and you will obey my commands.

The thugs and bullies ran away.

Shimarai:-"komi" , you're alive.

Stella:-where is father.

Wreck:-…I'm sorry , but your father was murdered , I couldn't save him.

"stella" punches "wreck" then "tika" calls him by his real name.

Shimarai:-[cry quietly]father , no!!

Yaguto:-"wreck"? why does she call you by that name? you're "komi" right?

Wreck:-well , to be honest…it is my decision to call myself "komi" , my real name is "wreck" , I was never "idna's" son to begin with.

Stella:-why? Just why him? This shouldn't have happened.

Yaguto:-this is all my fault , I should have shown you the paper very early.

Wreck:-no , you were just motivated , excited , I will take the blame on not taking answers , although I have a bigger plan now.

At the mean time "ghufran" assembles "gaplock".

Ghufran:-you are going to find all the "masmur rods" , you will take this objective literally , no one should get in your way , don't come showing your face until you fulfill your duty , or maybe you don't have a face.

Gaplock:-your wish is at my command.

"wreck" and the others are out of the village beside the lake eating cooked cods.

Yaguto:-we are going to collect a bunch of rods to revive the dead?

Wreck:-they are not just rods , they're wishing tools which are created by the ancients , they call it "masmur rods".


Wreck:-back at my place we used them once for its name , all it did was message me… and granted my wish.

Shimarai:-and what happens after it grants your wish?

Wreck:-…it disappears .


Wreck:-it instantly disappears , nowhere to be found.

Stella:-"komi" , you had one wish and all you ever used it is for its name?

Wreck:-but this time no more desires , only needs.

Yaguto:-[face palm]so much for an expert.

Wreck:-"tika" , make sure I don't end up making mistakes , okay?

Yaguto:-so where can we find one of these?

Wreck:-my side born morph here , "landy" , he can help us track every last one , you can trust me on that.

Troopers of the north west nation are scattering now in search for the "masmur rods" , "gaplock" went to search for "wreck" in order to keep him out of his way.

Gaplock:-whatever the steps he might make I must complete project "T.N.E.M" , "wreck veganson" must die.

"wreck" and the others took off on "landy" tracking for the next "masmur rod".

Wreck:-you know?...there are some things you must know before we do this , doctor "Phillips" is alive and well by the way , and he says hi…so about the "masmur rods" , they are only eight of them , we track them all then stick it all together then we call for our wish , failure is not an option , if we completed this quest I'll train you , "shimarai" , I'm the man of my words , the rods can sometimes end up in the wrong hands so keep your guards up , since "gaplock" explained to "ghufran" about the "masmur rods" his men might be scattered searching for them , man he is such a merciless king.

Yaguto:-okay , you're making this sound so hard.

Wreck:-if you say hard then it will be hard.

Stella:-if mother came back we must take permission from her first before we come to you , you know?

"landy" stops by a small village , "wreck" and the others went searching for the "masmur rods" , in certain locations "landy" dug and found two "masmur rods" then took off again , "gaplock" saw them and chased them without being caught.

Shimarai:-so…it is violet!

Wreck:-we can stick them now if you want…the problem is , once you stick them they can't be split again.

Shimarai:-[sweat]I guess I'll keep it a side , so is all of those were buried?

Wreck:-they are scattered in many places , they were never buried but they appeared in the ground , they can also be in temples and labyrinths.

"landy" lead them to a nearby a labyrinth door.

Wreck:-a freaken labyrinth! All booby traps and spooky things stuffed in there.

Stella:-you have been here before? You look like you know a lot.

Wreck:-we use to play a game of knights and labyrinths in a game , but now this is reality so when you see something disgustingly terrifying do not over see it , you must look away.

Yaguto:-let's get on with it all ready , I can't wait to go in.

Wreck:-no one should act like a child at this point , you must be serious when it comes to labyrinths.

they all went inside and "gaplock" used fire "ki" to block the gate of the labyrinth , "wreck" was aware of falling rocks and defended everyone from it.

Wreck:-dammit , our way out has been destroyed…must have been a spy from north west nation.

Shimarai:-[frightened]are we all gonna die here?

Yaguto:-there is no escaping this , that's a whole lot of rocks.

Wreck:-there must be another way , in a labyrinth we can either find lessons to believe in , or there are only hidden treasures.

"gaplock" leaves and went west to enter the season of desert called the "red sand".

Gaplock:-once "wreck is trapped I must hire an ally who would like to kill.

"wreck" and the others continued walking in the labyrinth and yet nothing was found.

Shimarai:-so , do you know which north west trooper locked us in?

Wreck:-who knows! It could be the same guy who murdered your parents , the next time I see that man I'm gonna make him regret from what he have done.

Stella:-…"komi"…maybe one day all three of us will become your students , I have seen what "yaguto" can do after your teachings.

Wreck:-are you going to change your paths woman? Cause it sounds like you're quitting school days.


Tika:-"wreck" , three tunnels up a head.

"wreck" and the others approach in front of the three tunnels.

Yaguto:-so , which one are we going to enter?

Wreck:-we split…from now we split to find the next door.

Shimarai:-[surprised]you can't be serious! Look , I can't do "ki" control.

Wreck:-"shimarai" you're son of the intelligent who risked his life for you , there is no way you can't see the person within you , like I said there is no time to be cowering around , you must always overcome what you fear.

Stella:-…I will look after him , we will not cower with fear I can promise you that.

Wreck:-of course you won't , besides brother always look for each other , you two take the right , I will take the middle with "tika" , and "yaguto" will take the left with "landy" , let's go now there's no time to wait.

Everyone went to the tunnels , "stella" already had her potential gates half opened.