
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Sci-fi
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75 Chs

episode 48 Young but expert #1

"Wreck" dreaming that he's on a highest mount next to a mistletoe, right next to the highest mount is a large city, he sees "Benjamin Forts" with him on the highest mount staring at the city.

Wreck: "Ben"?! [excited] "Ben"!! you're actually hear…was that what you meant when you said terrorist?

Benjamin: [sigh] …this world has no heroes on it, don't you think so?

Wreck: [confused] what?

Suddenly the atmosphere changes, the city is in chaos, rampage and flames while the mistletoe is starting to decay.

wreck: [terrified] "Ben"? what is happening?

"Benjamin" turns around and shows that he has no eye balls, blood starting to flood from his mouth and eyes.

Benjamin: this world…has no heroes.

"Wreck" wakes up from his nightmare, panting from the shock that came to him, he's basically in "Keti's" room lying on her bed.

Keti: you're finally awake I presume…it took you exactly 4 hours to wake up, I need answers…and you better spill out those classified information that you're so worked up about.

Wreck: [deep breath] …why are you so strict about knowing me? I barely even know if you're trust worthy.

Keti: [sigh] fine, my name is "Keti Yamazaki", I'm in middle school, I have a best friend who is also my classmate, I'm basically 13-years-old and I hate peanuts…now you're turn, and I'm so curious about that drawing from earlier.

Wreck: …I was going to leave earth, not a word nor a sound, to come in mind, my name is "Wreck Veganson", just a traveler who goes around the galaxies…satisfied?

Keti: the drawing, can you please explain what it's all about?

Wreck: oh…like I said, I was going to leave earth, and that drawing is part of it.

Keti: to leave earth?

Wreck: but now that I've lost tracks, I have no reason to leave.

Keti: [give chalk] show me, you can still draw it, right?

"Wreck" decides to grab her chalk and draws the "Egress" gate in her closet.

Keti: do you even need to hide it that much? But the feature looks kinda similar to what I've seen.

Wreck: now are you satisfied? Or am I supposed to give more details?

Keti: these symbols represent different meanings in life and death, such nostalgic outlook, and why often do you draw something like this?

Wreck: to leave earth.

Keti: there is absolutely no way and what so ever someone can leave earth just with a piece of drawing like this, is it like some kind of a ritual you do so that it's some kind of a door way being activated?

Wreck: …you can say that, if you want to know what's behind this door way you better follow me without scattering around and doing who knows what.

Keti: [blush, embarrassed] wha? I would never do such a thing.

He opens the gate and goes through then "Keti" decides to enter after him, seeing the world between worlds for the first time made her woah on the things she regrets not to believe.

Keti: this world is so beautiful, and it's like we're on top of the earth!

Wreck: [sigh] sometimes I don't wanna explain things like these but, welcome to the world between worlds, a gate way with fast traveling features, if you wanna travel to Arab peninsula you can do that here in mere seconds.

Keti: then how do you get out?

Wreck: see if there are available walls and go for it.

He opens an exit and they both went back to her room.

Keti: so that's how you travel, interesting…how much do you know that is outside this world?

Wreck: I know a lot, like different types of sorcery, God mythology, spirit mythology, demon mythology, even the ancients that used to be known in the whole world.

Keti: tell you what…how about I make you my teacher? I find your level of expertise beyond mine, but your level of intelligence is lower than me.

Wreck: …what would your family say about this? A tween teaching a teen how to dropkick a devil? I doubt they would let me stay in here when I'm in a turf unauthorized or unknown to them.

Keti: I can fix that, you just need to get out using the gate then come to my house ringing the bell, it's 153A, as soon as they're in the house.

"Wreck" went into the gate and leaved at the alley where they met, walks all the way to her house.

Wreck: huh…smarter than her classmates but lives in a common house, she's kinda rude sometimes.

He rings the bell and "Keti's" dad came to open the door.

Wreck: hello sir, mind if I just come into your hou-.

He just slammed the door without saying a single word.

Wreck: that's weird, did she tell him about what happened? Or it's just that he knows something?

"Wreck" rings the bell again and this time "Keti's" mom opened the door.

Wreck: excuse me ma'am, yes, hello, um, can I come in as a guest if you don't mind?

Keti's mom: aw, are you all alone, my dear?

Wreck: I'm okay, this loneliness won't do a thing on me.

Keti's mom: don't say that, you will always be welcomed here.

Suddenly he is in the house having dinner with "Keti's" family, her dad "Albert" looked terrified, his hand was shaking even though he grabbed his spoon, "Peri" just looked at him confused.

Peri: [confused] um, mom? Who's this?

Keti's mom: he's our guest, sweety, treat him with care.

Keti: [whisper] hey, what's going on here? Did she just assume that you have parent issues?

Wreck: don't look at me, I only said that I'm alone, but it doesn't mean she doesn't have the rights to invite a stranger like me.

Keti's mom: how are you liking the food?

Wreck: it's fine, it's so fine, I just couldn't get the chance to-.

Keti: mom!! Stop doing that, it's weird.

Peri: yeah, it's very weird, I think you need some rest.

Wreck: now I get the feeling that we shouldn't have met, cause I'm basically fine with traveling far wide.

Keti: [gasp] eek, don't confuse her with something she thinks differently!

Keti's mom: my god, [cry] you were left alone? Traveling on your feet and looking for a stay? How awful…you can stay here if you want, we can provide enough space for you.

Albert: [stand up, terrified] "Ayami" honey, could you please be quiet? You jumped to conclusions before you could understand the hidden picture.

Wreck: …wait, pitch black eyes, terrified, feeling caught, suggest that you're some kind of a run away?

Albert: [yell] well I'm not going back…this is my home now, you can't take me back there where the starvation began, I don't care how many you send, I'm just not going back.

Keti: dad.

Wreck: from where the starvation began? Hold on, are you telling me you're "Albert Willingly"?

Peri: "Albert Willingly"?

Wreck: that's been about 15 years ago, you've been hidden on earth this whole time? No one did even care about finding you at all.

Albert: [confused] huh?

Keti: do you know my father?

Wreck: know him? I barely even met him in my whole life, he used to be a professor at "Hailberg's" base department, it was said that he saw what shouldn't have been and decided to quit the job and get a new life, but into doing so wasn't so easy, then one day his experiment went out of hand and started an apocalypse behind his notice, it took about 4 months to fix this damage and he's not in town anymore, not in the planet either, his story became a legend, so in the other hands stories like these was to be better unspoken since it became the trauma for the ones who experienced it.

Peri: dad? Is everything he says is true?

Albert: …yes…I ran away…so they cannot find me any longer, but if they ever want me back, please tell them that I would rather die.

Wreck: I appreciate your confession, mister "Willingly", but it has been 15 years since they saw you, they don't even know you ever existed anymore, it's like you became a ghost, every "Skarvenian" don't travel without a reason, you had your own choices, made up your freedom and you lived it…there is no strict rules like "if you ever left your planet we will come to drag you back and lock you down for eternity", you're a free man "Albert", no one is gonna stop you.

Albert: [sit down, calm] I thought I would be punished…thank you for telling me this, forgive me for doubting you, but why exactly are you on earth too?

Wreck: I was wandering around the galaxy, until a bad terrorist slipped from my fingers and got lost, now I have no reason to travel once I lost tracks, is it okay if I could have a stay here with your family?

Albert: you aren't going to tell "Hailberg", are you?

Wreck: …I'm not going back either, I'm just gonna be here till I'm 18-years-old, that's my decision.

Albert: as long as you keep your words it's fine.

"Keti" and "Wreck" went to the room after dinner.

Keti: …my father was from another planet this whole time, right under our noses!

Wreck: dads, they always hide a truth that their children shouldn't know, so…if you're dad's a "Skarvenian" does that mean you are too?

Keti: don't complicate things, I'm human, not some alien from outer space in disguise.

Wreck: is that why the demons came for you? They almost took you to the underworld, for someone who's half human and half "Skarvenian", or maybe there's a different story to why they tried to capture you.

Keti: …they are just gonna keep coming, are they?

Wreck: …probably, but you'll manage, right?

Keti: manage only if you taught me how to fight them, I only know the basic Tai Kwan Dou, but I can't do magic or chi.

Wreck: or maybe you don't need magic, but we can open up your potential gates.

Keti: potential gates?

Wreck: …every "Skarvenian" should know this, the potential gate is a backup plan, in case you need it, your dad knows it too, he would have told you if earth was not how he usually sees it, starting from tomorrow you're going to start opening your own gates.