
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Sci-fi
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75 Chs

episode 34 Kaigenes #3

The team were shocked when "Shanks" spoke of their names.

Kira:-[shocked]he knew our names, he even knew "Landy"…[who cares]yup that's "Shanks" for you!

Yaguto, Shimarai, Stella, Samuel, Blake, Armel:-[panic]how are you so calm?

Klai:-how else is he a watcher?

Kira:-we usually tried to approach him, he was like the map of the world, he can take any knowledge of his liking.

Shimarai:-he knew our name, [surprised]that means he knows where "Wreck" is! [bang the door] please open the door, we need your help.

Tika:-wait…we need to stay calm and ask him nicely, he knows what's happening.

Kira:-he sounds like he doesn't want to get involved.

Tika:-…I'll try and talk to him, [knock the door] "Shanks"?

Shanks:-go away, you don't need my help, you already have 2 trackers who are useful than me.

Tika:-please…you've seen him…we don't know if he's alive or not.

Shanks:-it was all confirmed by "You know who", he showed you.

Tika:-and what if the prediction was wrong?

"Shanks" opened the door a little bit and looked at everybody.

Shanks:-damn that teacher…"Tika", "Klai", you're the only ones may come in, the rest stays out side.

Yaguto:-you still can't trust us or what?

"Shanks" summons his potential gear which is a firework cannon and shot near everyone's feet forcing them to back off then gave "Tika" and "Klai" sign to get in, the team was confused when both of them were the only ones that entered.

Shimarai:-this doesn't make sense, why would he only allow "Tika" and "Klai"?

Stella:-I think they both know something that they did not share about it.

Yaguto:-no I think it's because "Wreck" put his trust on them more than us.

Kira:-no, it's none of what you think…the reason why they got in is because they knew him from the very beginning.

Samuel:-wha? I thought we knew him first.

Kira:-it all began at the day when he ran into "Klai", he was clueless in life and what he sees till he ran after seeing "Tika".

Blake:-that still doesn't show the pictures to why he invited her.

Kira:-he ran because he didn't want to know anymore, she accepted to follow him so they both went and stopped him, goo d thing they did cause otherwise he hurt himself.

Armel:-…I see now, I didn't know you were like that from the very beginning.

Samuel:-I'm sorry, looks like it should have been you.

Armel:-[angry]we're not going to that, I went for someone else now.

Blake:-who? That stalker?

Armel:-"Musuki" is not…she just had troubles getting close.

Samuel, Blake:-[don't believe it]yeah right!

Armel:-[angry]damn both of you.

Stella:-you're too noisy.

Meanwhile in "Shanks's" room it is regular like every other people's rooms except for one corner that is pitch black and burned like there was a small explosion.

Tika:-why don't you want to help?

Shanks:-…it's been a long time since we've met…why don't we have a cup of tea and relax for a bit?

Klai:-you're avoiding the question!

Shanks:-[get the tea]there's no need to go anywhere actually, try to stay calm and take the stress off.

Tika:-…are you okay?

Klai:-there is something you've seen that you couldn't tell us, haven't you?

Shanks:-everything is going to be okay…that "Wreck" is not in a bigger threat or anything, you've seen it! He'll come back any time now, no one could beat him.

Klai:-you don't get it, do you…"Wreck Veganson" some how survived the explosion he predicted that he would die, how can it be okay?

Shanks:-you've heard before haven't you? If there was another shifter like him we don't know what's its intentions, didn't that mean anything, doesn't that mean he could shift his way here anytime?

Tika:-you're wrong…to produce power a certain something must be sacrificed, right? The last moment when he trapped himself do you think he was able to breath?

Shanks:-…point taken, although he's missing and yet you come to me, dragging me into some bizarre world that I won't even have the time to breath, but how come that morph outside couldn't track him or for "Armel" to simply send a bubble to reach him?

Klai:-…you're the only one who saw through that explosion, how come you're staying quiet about it?

Shanks:-what I'm trying to say is…I can't afford to take the risk putting all of you into misery, that "Wreck" guy is kind of reckless and yet…he comes back saying everything is going to be okay.

Tika:-I understand…then it was a mistake to come here, you're right [stand up].


Tika:-he's right, big brother…why would we entrust someone like "Shanks" to risk everything? We seem to be troubling him that much.

Klai:-if "Shanks won't help then how can we find someone like him that can track people from very far distance?

Tika:-it's about a friend that is dear to us all, if no one would say anything how can they help and support? And yet…back then I was the one stressing out a lot…couldn't say a simple thing that I wanted to say and I was too shy to even work for certain jobs…and yet he came to me one day…I called out his name over and over till he appeared, he helped me overcome this burden that was keeping me from speaking, so at least…I could return the favor.

Shanks:-[sigh]who could blame you for going back empty handed? Telling you the location might be risky it's true…but I didn't say that it's worth the risk or not!

"Shanks" opens the door leaving the house heading towards a tavern, everyone's confused.

Shimarai:-[confused]what the hell is going on?

Kira:-done talking already?

Klai:-…he stayed quiet about it, we still need to extract the location.

Stella:-after all this time he didn't even answer the main question.

Kira:-he has his own reasons to hide the what we need.

Yaguto:-what is up with this guy? We are on a rush to find "Wreck", and yet he's too calm about it?

Everyone entered the tavern; it is calm and paradise like, the people are having a good time drinking lemonade.

Shanks:-care for some lemonade? Although believe me when I say I don't have money on me.


Shanks:-there are people who can't handle the sour that in the drink, but slowly they can get used to it.

Waitress:-are they your friends?


Waitress:-[surprised]what my gosh, isn't she the cutest?! Okay that settle it, 10 free lemonade at this table.

Shanks:-you can't resist young ladies, can you?

Waitress:-she's so adorable.

Shimarai:-I still don't get this…why are you not giving us the location?

Shanks:-have some lemonade then we'll talk.

The waitress gives everyone a lemonade for free then stood beside "Klai" smiling.

Blake:-do you know what I don't like about you? You're always silent and you never even show off that much.

Samuel:-what I don't like about you is that you don't care when we do anything out there in the open, do you avoid get involved into any of it and stay like "Armel".

Armel:-[downed]I don't get you guys when you plot my name into these conversations.

Tika:-you were both to drag "Armel" to play along but sincerely he's refusing the thing that you're trying to give.

Shanks:-it's true that "Armel" is a shadow student at the same time he's half shadow student, staying lazy and carelessly depending on books from library.

Armel:-that's the reason I don't want to get involved into this quest.

Yaguto:-it feels like all of you are forgetting something.

Shimarai:-oh right, why are in the tavern and not in "Shanks's" doors?

Shanks:-[drink]…my room is only for those that I knew first, you all have no rights to get in.

Stella:-if we say we have no home will that be okay.

Shanks:-yeah, I've seen your house falling, it was an absolute tragic…and yet you found your new home, didn't you?

Shimarai:-you're offering us lemonade and yet…you're not giving us the main location.

Waitress:-so how's the drink?

Klai:-it is refreshing, but how much does this lemonade cost?

Waitress:-[smile]don't you worry, it's just 2 coins…[whisper]although I would give it free for anyone as cute as your little sister.

Tika:-"Shanks"…you may explain.

Shank:-as you can see the atmosphere now is a task I want you to understand, I'm granting you the simple taste of paradise just because I want to inspire you, although I'm evading the main question because I know that you're in a rush.

Yaguto:-then you must know how much.

Shanks:-to stumble to death…you should know better than to hurry up to someone, from how I saw it you know who is fine, there is no need to rush to him.

Shimarai:-so he might be able to comeback!

Shanks:-not quite we should go rescue him since he has no limbs to work with.

Stella:-…does that mean…that he is in a complete lockdown?!

Shanks:-it is risky however.

Kira:-is this how you when play this? You're wasting time just by add sentences with no direct answer, is it risky to tell us?

Shanks:-if we are not carefully everything might fall apart in just a single miscalculation.

Yaguto:-please tell us where to go, we're not just in a rush…we can't go back till.

Shanks:-till you're all smart, I know how much you care about your classmates more than to just live in a journey like this…this is why I had to delay the answer that you require, you are not ready to go back, as for me I admit that I'm not a hollow inside out…unlike you I cherish something I desire the most…is there something you cherish other than rankings?

Shimarai:-…I don't see the point of all this.

Shanks:-…I see…I guess you failed to find the real one…whatever, fine…I'll tell you the answer that you mostly want.

Armel:-you'll finally tell us the location?

Shanks:-"Eblees" in the "Red Sand".

Klai:-[shocked]…what did you just say? I think I miss heard you.

Shanks:-"Wreck Veganson"…is at the "Red Sand" along with you know who!

At the "Red Sand" a place called "Eblees" "Wreck Veganson" is in a lockdown, his hands are cuffed up, covered and chained to a wall, unable to free him self even if he tried shifting.