


/"What the hell happened to your face, Girl?/" The boy asked me.

For a second, I lost focus and completely forgot what he was asking me. The only thing that was going in my head was the fact that he was the person behind this door and he was the one who denied me entry. The same person who asked me to leave or face the consequence of facing the police. He was fighting with a robber or pick - pocketer

And I just helped the same person. Damn ... this seemed to be a recurring theme in my life. Helping a jerk be a jerk. First Mike and now him.

A finger snapped right in front of my face. It brought me out of my haze. Feeling like an idiot and still not feeling the guilt of helping him, I spun around to leave this place without saying anything. When he grabbed my arm and stopped me from leaving.

/"Hey, where are you going?/" The boy asked. I spun around and pulled my hand out of his grip, snatched with anger. I glared at him before speaking.