


I did not think that many people could say that they were scared of a pair of eyes. So much so, that as soon as you saw them, it sent you into a frenzy.

Unfortunately, I could say that I have.

The moment my eyes met my brother's Ergor, I felt an electric shock go through my whole body. Like, somebody seriously electrified me.

There was a moment of realisation that I was seeing my brother in my classroom before I understood that he was not here for anything good. It hit me like a brick right then and there that he knew something. Something that made him want to come all the way from my home. Not a good sign.

Everything went in a slow-motion before all hell broke loose.

I didn't even realise what happened but I knew that without ever commanding my body, it scattered out of the chair. All the while it was shaking wildly. Not even realising how, but my feet carried me back and back into the corner.