
Six Path Nruto

I_was_Here_First · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Naruto watched as the sun finished raising above the horizon. Slowly he rose as well to head to the academy. Today was the day. He would officially be done with the chains of not pushing past everyone to achieve his goals. Today he would be able to put the great Sasuke in his place. If only he knew who his team was. With his sword on his back, his ninja gear he acquired over the course of the last 6 years through purchases or random luck, and his headband on his brow, Naruto jumped to the academy.

Not wanting to be the first one there, Naruto stopped at his favorite place to eat Ichiraku's. It had been awhile seen he had been there, being on a strict diet and all but it was still his favorite food to eat. The shop was pro-Naruto which gained a lot of bonus points in his opinion. Stepping inside the shop, he walked to the counter before Ayame walked out from the back to welcome him. "Welcome to.. Oh, Naruto it's great to see you. Finally, a ninja now I see." Ayame seeing her favorite customer teased.

"Yep, I am officially able to become part of a squad. You look beautiful as always Ayame." Naruto said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Their relationship started out as friends. He had frequently cheated on his diet with the ramen shop while in the academy. What Yūgao and Himakari didn't know didn't hurt him.


Warning is here if you want to continue afterwards I will have another one down below the scene.

One-night Naruto snuck out of the house to go have a dessert meal of ramen. On his way to the ramen shop, Naruto noticed a group of guys grouped in an alley. Naruto didn't really think anything of it, I mean they seemed like ordinary citizens hanging around. That was until he heard a woman's cries for help. He knew the trauma of being attacked by a group more than anyone. Without a second thought, Naruto leaped over the group to the other side of the closed off alley.

What he saw there was sickening. These men were holding a woman down tearing her clothes off of her while the others stood watch. What sickened him the most was the fact that they were laughing at the woman's cries for help. Just as they were about to remove her undergarments Naruto jumped in. He had seen enough. These men were not worth letting live. He had used the shadow blade jutsu, pulling a completely black blade from the surrounding shadows. Using Anko's favorite skill, He launched himself at the men from their own shadows.

"I bet you can't wait for this. I had seen plenty of waitresses but your top notch. I can't wait until you are turned into nothing but…" Was all the man between the woman's legs got out. The assassination was quick. He cut the guy near the woman's legs throat with the black blade, throwing him to the side as he did so to avoid blood on the woman. In mid throw of the man, Naruto produced 2 kunai from his inventory, charging them with wind and lightning chakra, had them pierce through the 2 men holding the woman down. The kunai hit so hard that it pushed the men back slightly before the kunai pierced their hearts taking them with them. With the silence of everything Naruto took his blade spinning around to the men being guards. All Naruto heard from the men before he killed them was, "Man, I can't wait for my turn."

"Me either. Think once we are done, I can keep this one. The boss is always so greedy."

"Not likely, he always seems to want to break them. I would feel bad but it is their own fault for catching his eye."

That was the last thing said before the black blade took off one of the 3 guards heads. And before they could even realize what was happening, Naruto use the blade to slice their throats as he extended the blade. He watched as the men fell to the ground not moving. He wanted to make sure these scums were dead.

Once they no longer moved, Naruto sent up an Anbu flare. He turned to the woman, trying his hardest to look at her basically naked body. "You are going to be ok, I just sent for more help encase there are more of those assholes." Naruto said as he pulled a travel blanket out of his inventory.

"Naruto?" Ayame said as she looked a him in shock.

As Naruto looked away he recognized the voice. "Hey, Ayame are you ok?" trying his hardest to not look at her body as she covered up but wanting to make sure she was ok.

A few awkward moments went by, mostly because Ayame was in shock. She was on her way to purchase some supplies for the next week's food supply. Next thing she knew a group of men surrounded her, dragged her into an alleyway. She fell into despair as the men started to rip her clothes off of her. She cried out praying someone would hear her.

** Warning over**

She looked at Naruto. He had saved her. He had done what he thought was necessary. At that moment she felt nothing but love for the boy. The last 5 years they basically grew up together. He was a young kid and she was just 10 when they first met. In her teen years she started looking at boys. While she was attracted to some teenage boys her age but nothing compared to when Naruto hit a growth spurt. Even at the age of 10 he was taller than her. She was still growing only being 14 but he was already 4'11".

She finally broke after several seconds of staring at him. She just hugged and cried into his shoulder. The best part was he was just there for her. A couple minutes passed before Anbu arrived. Thankfully for Naruto it wasn't Yūgao, but he was gonna hear it regardless.

When Bear arrived on the scene of the flare, he first saw the bodies in the alley. Most had been dead for minutes. Then he realized that 2 people were holding each other in the center of all the gore. Calling out to them and to get backup, Bear was at a lost for words. He truly respected the boy after hearing the story. The girl's father practically gave the boy a lifetime of free ramen. What next truly shocked him, Naruto just told them if they ever needed him to use an additional flare he had.

Later that week, Naruto went to go check on Ayame. He was worried that the event would have an adverse effect on the woman. What he found was single-handedly the most embarrassing thing of his life. Walking into the shop, Naruto heard muffled sounds that could have been Ayame under attack again. Jumping passed the counter, Naruto ran into the backroom to find Ayame in a very perverted position. Her hands were under her clothes touching herself while she moaned, "Naruto….."

So, embarrassed about that he found, Naruto quickly backed up only to run into a pan rack knocking one of the pans down. Instantly Ayame's eyes focused on the sound. "Uhh, hey Ayame…. I just came by to check up on you. I'll just be going." Naruto said starting to scramble to the door.

But before he got passed the counter he heard, "Naruto! Wait!"

Knowing he was likely in trouble, Naruto turned around to face Ayame only for her to kiss him square on the lips. It had not been his first kiss, that belonged to Anko as she proudly exclaimed it to whatever girl started to fancy him. This kiss was a passionate kiss. Their tongues were in each other's mouths. After a couple of seconds, Ayame ended the kiss. Once the kiss ended, Ayame said, "Please, don't leave. I don't want you to."

"Ayame….. are you sure?" Naruto asked knowing that if he didn't leave, then he was gonna end up making sure she was safe.

"Yes, I want you to hold me again." Ayame said thinking about him holding her during that time.

So, Naruto held her while she explained what happened to her the last week. At first she was embarrassed that he saw her, but the more they talked the more she was glad. She was able to get her feelings out. In the end, her dad came back from getting supplies, he was making sure he didn't send her out right now. He was happy to see his daughter smiling and laughing. Yūgao came 2 nights earlier explaining a situation that would protect his daughter and make her happy. He would have to give her up to the Uzumaki clan, but it would give her and him the protection from almost all the major clans. Now seeing her happy it was a simple decision.

Flashback end sorry about the scene.

"Now what can I get you dear?" Ayame said with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Well, I don't really need anything I just wanted to make sure you all had everything you need for the day." Naruto said smiling back at her.

"Hmm, I think we will be good. That is unless you decide you want lunch later." Ayame said chuckling at her playful jab.

"I can't help it that all the food you and your dad make is heavenly." Naruto stated as a fact that everyone knew.

"Well, I will be glad to make food for dinner. Now off you go to the academy. Time to meet your team." Ayame gave him a kiss on the cheek sending him on his way.

As Naruto was on his way to the academy, Hizuren was finishing up the teams. He had 12 graduates that needed teams. In front of him was Asuma, Kurenai, Kakashi, and Naori Uzumaki. Naori had risen in the ranks after the Uchiha massacre. She became a Chūnin at the age of 13 and finally became a Jounin last year. Proving to the village that she was more than what heritage was. It reminded him of Izumi as well. The girl took off like a rocket with her team, at 11 she became a genin with the group known as Team Guy. Her team however was consisting of civilians who wanted to prove themselves. And oh boy did they. Last year in their first chance at the Chūnin exams, Izumi, Hayase, and Inaho, almost smashed Itachi's record for the second exam. Had it been held in Konoha they might have just done that. However, it was held in the Hidden Grass territory. They went on to be the top 3 contenders in the third exam earning their sensei, Kunugi Mokume, much praise on how they were trained. Most didn't know that it was actually Naruto helping Izumi train to become stronger which allowed her to help her team in general.

Now looking at the Jounin in front of him, Hizuren had their requests for teams. Of course, all of the Jounin in front of him wanted Naruto as one of their choices. They all had a hand in training him. Hell, if Guy wasn't made to be a Jounin last year he would have requested him as well. The second options were much more viable in his opinion. Asuma wished to carry on the Ino-Shika-Cho team due to the parents of the Genin being friends with Konohamaru's late dad.

Kurenai second wish was a tracking team meant for scout for traps as well as hunting down targets. Of course, her picks made sense in that regard. Hinata was become very strong with her Byakugan able to see further way than most of the other Hyuuga's. Kiba and his nin-pup were able to hunt a scent for miles and through rivers because of how strong their sense of smell was becoming with training. Finally, there was Shino, the prodigy forms the Aburame who was leading the charge in a new jutsu for his clan. All of them excellent trackers and able to follow leads for miles.

The only other problem was Kakashi's and Naori's. They were both close to Naruto. Honestly wished he hadn't put the restriction on Naruto. Had he become Genin of the year, he would have a much easier time pulling the teams together. Unfortunately, he wasn't and he wasn't the worst by far. How Kegiki managed to graduate he had no idea. The boy was a walking time bomb ready to ruin his team's synergy. The problem was now was that did he put him with the Genin and Kunoichi, making Karin and Yakumo suffer, or does he make Kakashi suffer even more. Naori wanted to create a recon team. With Karin's sensory ability allowing detection of others 3 miles out, and Yakumo's ability to make Genjutsu real, it was the perfect opportunity to have the team synergize through the roof. The problem was if Kegiki was on the team. He was known as the biggest flirt among the academy. They didn't go a day where he wasn't hitting on a girl or trying to get them to go out with him.

His ultimate problem though was the last 2 Genin graduates, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. Sasuke was arrogant and vindictive. He had tried multiple times to bully the council to force Izumi and Naori to come back to the Uchiha clan after they had "Proven to be good enough to bear his children." It sickened Hizuren to see the boy act the way he did. Itachi would be ashamed of him more now. The boy was traveling the path of his father, arrogance and destruction. The other problem was his fangirls.

Most of them had failed to pass, but 4 remained. 3 from different classes and 1 from the clan class. Out of all of them Sakura was the most logical choice to pair with the boy, even if it would cause some discomfort for the last member. With a sigh, Hizuren assigned the squads. He hoped Kegiki would grow with the 3 women on his squad. If not well, they can always replace him later.

Naruto walked into the classroom with all the future Genin groups mostly there already. "So, you finally decided to show off your skills huh?" Shikamaru asked looking up from his desk as his head was resting on it getting ready to nap.

"Heck yeah! The real Naruto is back!" Ino yelled as she ran to him giving him a hug.

"What do you mean the real Naruto? He obviously can't do anything. He must have cheated to pass." Sakura yelled looking a Naruto.

"Well, its good to see you in your actual gear instead of those boring training clothes you were wearing to school." Hinata said giving him an approving look over. Hinata had gain a lot of confidence from Anko and the rest of the girls.

"Well, I have been saving this for when I officially became a Genin." Naruto stated as adjusted his blade.

Naruto was wearing the Wind chakra gear he had gotten from his first lucky draw. The gear was meant for Wind-based chakra to be channeled through it enabling it to take more to actually hurt him. It started with his black ninja sandals, then chakra metal plated pants that flexed and moved as his legs did. The weights on his ankles were covered by the pants to avoid being seen. Then his chest was covered in a black under-shirt covered by a chakra metal chain vest, followed by a black and dark-green jacket with flex chakra metal plates covering his arms and forearms. The jacket on the back had his clan symbol of the whirlpool directly in the middle. Finally, he had his black headband with the Konoha plate on it. (Shippuden Naruto with green instead of Orange.) All in all, the girls thought he looked fantastic, the boys thought he looked deadly.

"So, you actually graduated. I am surprised. You could never beat me in fighting, it must have been pity that the Senseis gave to let you pass." Sasuke stated looking at the boy he thought was far beneath him.

Naruto remembered how he had graduated. It was the final exams, that meant no cheating from Mizuki trying to fail him. Just a few simple tests. Once Naruto finished the tests, using the Shadow clone jutsu instead of the weak clone jutsu, he was in the clear. That was when Mizuki decided to strike. He thought that Naruto was gonna be easy to fool. "Hey, Naruto. Really quick, I have an additional test for you. This will allow us to give you enough points to cover all the previous tests and might make you Shinobi of the year." Mizuki said looking at the boy.

"Wow, really?! That way I could rub it in Sasuke's face." Naruto said in such a fake way that it was surprising that Mizuki didn't pick up on it.

"Exactly, now here is what I need you to do. I need you to get the forbidden scroll from the Hokage's office and bring it to me in the forest right outside the village. This will be able to convince the school you are much stronger now and already can perform stealth missions. What do you say?" Mizuki said trying his hardest to sound sincere.

"Wow, really! That's great Mizuki Sensei. I will get right on it and bring it to you. What time do you want to meet?" Naruto faked said so bad that he even used the same words.

Apparently Mizuki was either really dumb or thought he was such an easy target to trick that he didn't hesitate to tell him all the details of his plan. Naruto got a quest to handle the situation by himself, but being done with the guy took the other route and informed Yūgao of the situation. That morning he heard from Anko that Mizuki was still trying to blame him for everything.

"Well, SAAAASSSSUUUKKKKEEEE…" Naruto let out a high pitched saying of his name. "the reason you always won was because you were under genjutsu. It is easy to put single brain celled people under it."


Since Shisui, Naruto struggled with genjutsu. It wasn't that he couldn't use it he had just a hard time countering it. Kakashi in his sparring with him knew that was his weakness so used it consistently trying to pull him some resistances to it. The worst part was it wasn't working. That was until Yakumo came to live at his house and brought with her Kurenai.

Kurenai thankful for the protection he gave Yakumo, offered to train him in genjutsu. After one training session, Kurenai looked that the boy. He had been struggling with Chūnin level genjutsu all morning. It shocked her that he was able create Jounin level genjutsu but not able to protect himself from even half the level. "Naruto, why is it that you can use high level genjutsu?" Kurenai asked as her curiosity got the better of her.

"Well, Shisui always had me train in genjutsu. He always said I was exceptional at casting but terrible at dispelling." Naruto said with a smile that said he was remembering a fond memory.

"Hmm, I wonder… Naruto can you come get Yakumo for me please?" Kurenai asked as she wanted to help the young girl on her dream. What better way to do that then use the most abusable test subject.

"Sure, I'll be right back." Naruto said as he body flickered away.

After several moments, Naruto returned with Yakumo confused on why Kurenai wanted her. "Ah, your back." Kurenai started. She wasn't expecting them for a couple more minutes.

"Is there something wrong Kurenai-sensei?" Yakumo asked. Her and Ido started formulating plans to counter whatever they did wrong.

"No not at all. Well, except for the fact that it seems like Naruto can't protect himself from genjutsu very well. So here is the plan. He is gonna be our testing dummy." Kurenai said with a mischievous grin.

"Really?! Thank you Naruto!" Yakumo said with a mischievous grin of her own. She knew what Kurenai was up to. If it helped push her dream forward then by all means Naruto's sacrifice would not be in vain.

"Wait! That is what your plan is?" Naruto asked nervous about the entire thing.

"You, don't want to help us?" Ido asked putting a pouting face along with Yakumo.

"No, I never said that….hehe….. I was just in shock that's all. I will help anyway I can." Naruto said with a smile on his face but inside dreading what he just agreed to.

"You're the best Naruto!" Yakumo said as her and Ido gave him a kiss on each of his cheeks.

And thus, began his many months of hell…. I mean training.

Flashback end

Sasuke glared at the loser that dared to claim he never beat him. He was an elite. He would eventually prove it to everyone and make all the girls he wanted to be with him. Hell, he might even end up running the village once he came back from killing his brother. But for now, he needed to prove he was stronger than everyone here. That bitch Karin beat him by a couple of points showing off her chakra chains as well as a water style jutsu for extra points. She would be his first target. After he put down the loser again of course.

"Yo, loser. If you were that strong then why not fight me. In fact, let's make a bet. If I win, I get to override all your clan protections and every girl becomes under the Uchiha protection. It would be safer anyways. Also, you give me all your gear. It doesn't look right on a weakling like you." Sasuke issued his challenge. He knew that if Naruto did not accept it would prove that he could never beat him, and if he did he would lose anyways. All the women he had eyes on would then become under his protection and part of his clan. He would have those 2 bitches who abandoned the Uchiha name.

"And if you lose?" Naruto asked, knowing that Sasuke was to arrogant to not put something ridiculous on the line.

"Hmm, well it won't happen but if you do then well I will give you the Uchiha vault." Sasuke knew it was not a small amount by any means. The clan had been the wealthiest of all clans mainly due to shady side deals that his clan did.

"And you will leave everyone alone and never come harass the girls again." Naruto said putting his hand out in an exchange of agreement.

'Yeah, right like you will win anyways.' Sasuke thought as he thought of his time with the girls in his house already.

"Ino, can you go get Iruka sensei to be the official of the duel." Naruto asked getting a nod from Ino. "Hinata can you go get the Hokage. This is a clan-based duel. We need official documentation of what happened."

Hinata got up gave him a kiss before saying, "Of course. Make sure it is quick. We have our Genin team reveals in a bit." As she body flickered away.

"Man, what a drag. This isn't gonna be even a match." Shikamaru yawned out.

"**Munch** Yeah, this will be over too quickly." Choji said as he was eating a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips that Naruto had brought him.

"Of course, Sasuke is gonna win. It will totally easy!" Sakura said out loud.

'No one is stronger in this class than Sasuke.' Sakura's inner Ego stated.

"Hahaha, its funny that you think he is gonna win." Kiba started laughing out loud. He respected Naruto because he was considered by his clan as an alpha after he beat up a Chūnin that was going after his sister even though Naruto already laid claim.


Naruto was over Kiba's helping with the puppies that were being born. While they were not good at all with medical Ninjutsu, Kiba and Naruto were there for support and getting any supplies his sister needed. That was the day Akamaru and Naruto's puppy Shisa was born. It was a stressful several hours for the young boys. The payoff though was worth it. When Akamaru first opened his eyes and bonded with him, it was the happiest moment in Kiba's life. He wasn't the biggest puppy of the liter but he was his partner. As they were bonding, a miracle in the Inuzuka clan occurred. Naruto was relaxing next to the pen of puppies and mother, when the smallest of the puppies wobbled over to him plopping right into his lap. Kiba looked on in shock as it never happened that someone from outside the Inuzuka clan being bonded to a puppy. The little girl puppy must have sensed something because it just plopped on his lap and fell asleep.

A couple weeks after the event, Naruto was hanging out with Kiba Akamaru and Shisa, named after his fallen Sensei. The day seemed pretty relaxed until someone slammed the door to the medical office. Ken or Kenchi Inuzuka was an arrogant man who thought the entire clan revolved around him. He was not the strongest by any means only reaching Chūnin in 8 years of his career, but he was sneaky. He would use any means necessary to win. Kiba hated the man. Apparently he had is eyes on Hana for a long time and had harassed her when for the last several years. Not that Hana couldn't handle him, but the man was persistent. Even when Naruto extended his clan protection to her, the man laid low and was looking for ways to get her to be with him. Apparently today he thought he would attempt again in front of the young boys.

"Ah, Hana beautiful as always. Would you happen to want to go out to dinner with me?" Ken asked knowing the boys were there. Plan was simple force the boys to attack him and then beat them so badly that Hana would have to be the reward for the fight. Inuzuka fought for pride, honor, and mates after all.

"Not on your life. Now leave the new pups need to be fed." Hana said as she used the 3 Haimaru brothers to block his way.

"Now, now Hana. Let's talk about this. You wouldn't want anything to happen around here would you." Ken threatened pulling her close to him.

"Enough!" Naruto yelled as he watched the man pull on Hana. He had come to respect her dream of being a top veterinarian and helping out with everyone pets and animals. "You need to leave."

"Oh, and who is gonna make me you? Aren't you the brat that is suppose to be protecting this place. Hahaha" Ken said trying to lure the boy into the fight.

"That's right now leave." Naruto stated getting up after putting Shisa down. The pup yipped at him telling him to beat this punk up.

"Oh, I'll leave with Hana only. Unless you wish to have a Inuzuka challenge for mates?" Ken asked laying the bait.

"Your on!" Naruto said as he walked outside.

Once outside they set up the fight pit in the middle of the road. It was a common thing for the Inuzuka to have a fight over something so people just walked around them. "Standard rules then. If you overpower your opponent and push them out of the ring, knock them out, or force the surrender then it's your win. Prize is Hana."

"I'm sorry Hana I didn't want to have to do this. I hope you can forgive me after I beat this guy down. Added to the prize the loser must never bother Hana or the winner again." Naruto stated taking off his weights.

"You're on kid." As Ken attacked cheating as always.

What he didn't expect was to hit an afterimage of Naruto as Naruto moved behind him using the man's momentum to smash him out of the ring.

Ken was in shock as he crashed into a building outside the ring. Refusing to accept his loss, he became enraged and attacked Naruto from behind. That ended up being a mistake and before he hit Naruto with his claws, Naruto ducked under him, punching him 5 times in a second. Before the man could register what happened he was up in the air only to be spike kicked into the ground knocking him unconscious. That night, Tsume praised Naruto for his marriage proposal and teased Hana. For Kiba it was an eye opener. He asked to train with Naruto more often even starting to help Naruto learn some move Shisa.

Flashback end

Naruto and Sasuke waited in the training ground for the Hokage to show up with Iruka. Both were excited to see how much Naruto progress, and disappointed in the attitude Sasuke had. Women weren't trophies, and Naruto was gonna do this to prove that point. The downside was the teams were just selected, unfortunately the 2 future teammates were about fight.

Right before the match, Naruto used 1000 of his free points. He wanted to prove to everyone that he was a force to be reckoned with. He was not going to allow anyone ruin the dreams of the girls under his protection. Hinata wanted to research a way to remove the bird cage seal. Ino wanted to become a mind expert and a mind healer to help others. Karin wanted to become a master of medic-jutsu to prevent events like her mother's death. Hana wanted her pet clinic to help any and all animals. Ayame wanted to have a ramen shop in every village to be able to find small children that lost their families. Naori wanted to become a master of Ninjutsu. Tenten wanted to become a weapon mistress and protect weapons of historical meaning. Izumi wanted to be a historian Nin that would find the secrets of the world. Anko wanted to become the snake Sage and pass her hated sensei. Yūgao wanted to eventually run a dojo that taught her sword style. Yakumo and Ido wanted to create the anti-genjutsu force to help fight against other ninja to prevent death. Each one was important to him. It was his job to defend them.

The Hokage arrived with the reset of the Jounin to the training ground after Hinata arrived with Naruto's message. A clan duel was very rare nowadays. He just hoped Naruto didn't kill the poor boy. Once they arrived he nodded to Iruka to start.

"This is a clan duel between Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki. Any and all weapons are permitted. Duel will last until 1 is incapacitated, surrender, or dead. We would like to avoid the last one so please be careful. Ready…" Iruka explained the rules. He hoped Naruto didn't take his weights off. "Begin!"

Sasuke smirked doing hand signs. He was going to end this quickly. "Fire Style: Giant Fireball jutsu." He yelled expecting Naruto to be hit. What ended up happening was Naruto just vanished. One minute he was in front of the fireball next he was no where to be found. Sasuke felt a feeling of terror running from behind him, as he turned to find Naruto with his Sharingan active and his blade at Sasuke's neck.

"Do you surrender?" was all Naruto asked looking bored at the whole thing. He knew Sasuke was weak, but he didn't think he was this weak. Maybe he put too many points into his stats.

"Never!" Sasuke yelled as he jumped back. "How do you have the Sharingan?!"

Naruto looked at him bored. He expected him to at least have 1 Tomoe. "I don't have to tell you anything but I am feeling generous. This eye is mine." Naruto pointed to his right eye. "This eye is from my departed brother figure. You will not beat me. Just give it up." Naruto stated looking at the boy.

Naruto could have put him under genjutsu, but that seemed like too easy of a win. He wanted to mess around a bit. Naruto put his blade away. Seeing Team Guy show up as news got out that a clan duel was being held, Naruto moved to Tenten handing her his blade. "Watch over this will you." He said as he gave Tenten a kiss on the cheek before dashing back at Sasuke.

Sasuke was at a loss for what to do. It felt like he was fighting his brother. Naruto was faster, stronger, and had the Sharingan already. That power should have been his. He will demand whoever trained Naruto to train him as well. No one should be more powerful in his class than him. He watched as Naruto got into a mixed Taijutsu stance.

"Kakashi! Does Naruto have his weights off? He is moving so fast." Guy asked hoping his thought process wasn't true.

"No, he didn't take them off. If anything, they seem heavier than they look." Kakashi said knowing Naruto had already perfected the gravity seals. Adding weight to his already 2 tons of weight on his body was maddening.

"Then how is so fast?! I know he wasn't showing anything more when we were training because of the extra weight but he is faster than I have even seen." Guy stated. The only person to keep up with that speed was himself, the Hokage, after Lee opened 2 gates, and Kakashi once he opened 2 gates.

"He is using Wind Chakra to cut any resistance he has making him faster than normal. Its crazy that picked all that from our lessons on how to add it to your weapons." Asuma said taking a puff of his cigarette. **Smoke responsibly. Follow the laws.**

"I knew you were teaching him how to use his wind and lightning chakra into weapons, but this is the end result." Kurenai looked at her boyfriend. They had started dating an evening 2 years ago when Naruto caught them taking peeks at each other.

"Apparently. I didn't even know it was possible to have this much control of the wind chakra. He must be hyper focusing." Asuma stated looking at the young boy.

Naruto was looking at Sasuke with amusement. The boy had pride he had to give him that. 'Well, if he had pride then let's break it.' Naruto thought as he started to do hand signs.

"Really kit you are gonna use clones and that jutsu?" Kurama asked as Naruto spawned 30 shadow clones.

'You bet I am.' He thought as his clones went to ensure Sasuke couldn't move. Even if he didn't need to it was gonna be a treat for everyone. "Water, Wind, Lightning chakra fusion style: Grand Hurricane" Naruto launched a miniature hurricane at Sasuke. The objective of the jutsu was to render him unconscious. He hadn't put enough into the jutsu to actually do anything in a 25-meter range.

Everyone watch is fascination as the boy of age 11 had just used a jutsu that would be considered Kage level. To control forces of natural was always so chakra taxing that must would die from the consumption.

Naruto watched as his clones disappeared as the mini hurricane smashed into them and Sasuke. The wind chakra inside shredded his clothing leaving cuts running all around his body. The water chakra made him a perfect conductor for the lightning chakra as it slammed into him searing part of Sasuke's hand as he used to block the lightning. Inside the storm seemed like forever, while it last at most 5 seconds. Once the chakra storm had dispersed, Naruto said as he walked past Sasuke, "You could have just surrendered. Instead you are gonna be needing medical attention. Hell, you can't even hear me right now. Pity."

Sasuke fell to the ground as Naruto passed him. No one breathed. The obvious winner decided to break the shocked look on everyone. "You know he will need some medical attention, but he will be fine in an hour if he is bandaged up. I will be taking the rewards now." Naruto said as he walked back to Tenten to get his blade back.

"Good job Naruto." Tenten said as she watched him come up right next to her. She was hoping for a victory kiss. Boy did she get one.

He kissed her for about 2 seconds but that was all that was needed to have the poor girl completely blushed. "Thanks for hold this." Naruto said to Tenten. They had bonded even more over the last 3 years with him learning forging from her dad.

"Of course, I am gonna get you back for that though." Tenten said with a smirk.

"Of that I don't doubt." Naruto said before laughing.

The Hokage just looked on in pride as the boy he said now was going to become the pride of the village in a couple of short years. "Let's get Sasuke patched up. If Naruto is right, he will be back for the announcement after lunch. I suggest not being late Kakashi."

With everyone in agreement the Jounin setoff to setup tasks.

Several hours later, Naruto was sitting in the classroom with everyone waiting for the Jounin to arrive. Sasuke had been broke back with bandages covering most of his body. Most of the cuts would heal in a day or 2 as they were more like thousands of papercuts. The problem was with his left hand. The burn mark would be permanent and would be a constant reminder of his lost. He was seething in anger that he had lost everything. 'How did the loser get so strong? He must have cheated. That's it. I will just make the council force him to teach me his jutsu. He will be forced to give me everything he has. I am an Uchiha after all. I might let him keep those eyes, they are my clan's property after all.' Sasuke thought in denial of how much he was better than Naruto. 'I just need to buy some time. Once I am on a proper team and a higher rank than him, he will have no choice.'

At that moment, Iruka walked in with the rest of the Jounin. "Now many of you know that squads are ran by Jounin. They will be your sensei until you become Chūnin and onward. I expect you all to give them the respect they deserve." Iruka laid down the law with the kids.

After a group yes, Iruka started out the squads. "Now before we begin, let this be a statement to heart. You are all genin all equal. Do not treat other differently. Trust is needed to survive as a squad. That being said here is the squads. Squad 11 Karin, Yakumo, and Kegiki are with Naori as your sensei." He hoped the girls wouldn't kill the poor boy before they truly formed a team.

"Next Squad 10. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji you are with Asuma as Sensei." Iruka looked at the group. This group at a massive amount of potential. The Ino-Shika-Cho squad had new strategies created with the help of the sensei group that helped tutor them.

"Next squad 9 is in rotation, so squad 8. Shino, Kiba, and Hinata, you are with Kurenai as a sensei." Iruka said out to the group. This group was a well-balanced team with a lot of areas to improve. It had the potential to track down targets forever if the squad worked together.

Looking around, Naruto heard each of the girls moan at the groups they were in. Not that they weren't all friends, but they wanted to be with Naruto. The worst probably came from Ino, who knew she was probably gonna get paired up with Choji and Shikamaru but also realized who Naruto's squad actually had.

"Finally, Squad 7. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto, you are with Kakashi as a sensei. That is, it for this class. I am proud of all of you making it this far. You all have differences but together with your squad, I expect you to become a team and have each other's back." Iruka announced pride looking at his group of graduates.

"Squad 11, meet at the training field in 5 minutes." Naori announced leaving first. She was very irritated that the Hokage did this to her.

"Yes! I can't wait until I get to spend time with Naori-sensei one on one. It will be just as amazing as spending time with the other beauties, Karin and Yakumo." Kegiki yelled out loud not realizing he was actually speaking instead of just thinking.

Karin and Yakumo looked over in disgust. The boy was worse than Sasuke. He consistently had perverted thoughts and said his perverted dreams out loud. They turned to look at Naruto, hoping they could switch him out for the worst. Unfortunately, Naruto with one look told them he didn't have that power. Well, at least they could train in private with their sensei.

"Squad 10, we are heading out. I am thinking Yakiniku Q." Asuma said. He was thanking god he only had to feed Choji this time. Last time he had almost emptied his wallet on the 3 plus Naruto. He had no doubt after the actual tests Naruto was gonna want to celebrate with ramen.

"Squad 8, let's meet up with squad 10 at Yakiniku Q." Kurenai said. She was looking forward to what her squad was capable of. So, a group exercise as the test seemed perfect. Afterall Shino, despite not working with the senseis that helped Naruto's group was helped by Naruto.

"Hmmm, Squad 7, let's meet on the roof. You have 3 minutes." Kakashi said as he was already regretting taking the squad. If the Civilian council didn't put pressure on him more than they could with Naori, he had no doubt Naori would have had Sasuke. However, because of Naruto, Kakashi was stuck with his training.

"YES! I am with Sasuke! Do you need help getting up to the roof Sasuke?" Sakura yelled as the teams started dispersing. It wasn't like any of her rivals in the Sasuke fangirl club were in the class. Still, it was principle. She had hoped her mom would pull strings and she came through.

What Saruka didn't know was that the strings were pulled to have Naruto there as well. Annoyed by Sakura's loud yelling Sasuke got up and pushed her slightly to walk out the door. 'How could the council accept this! The annoying girl was ok, if needed cannon fodder he had some. But that loser on my team.' Sasuke thought. It didn't matter that Naruto had wiped the floor with him. He would make it so their duel didn't count. He just needed to have the council work their magic.

Naruto watched on as Sasuke pushed Sakura out of the way. He didn't even acknowledge the poor girl. Naruto put his hand behind her as she was about to fall keeping her upright. He regretted it when all he heard was, "Naruto you idiot! Why did you trip me and push me into Sasuke! You could have seriously hurt us!" Sakura yelled at him.

She expected him to apologize, but all she got was, "Fine, next time I won't do anything." As she watched Naruto body flicker to the roof.

On the roof, Naruto appeared right next to Kakashi. Without looking up, Kakashi asked, "So, what is the overall likelihood you can work together?"

"Hmm, I can work with them as long as they actually try to not single me out for everything. That is not gonna be an easy task." Naruto said sitting down next to his sensei. Kakashi had become like a father to Naruto. Hell, he even gave Naruto his first Icha Icha books.

"Well, you know what is gonna be expected of you. I will not pull punches." Kakashi said without looking at the young boy.

"Yes, sensei!" Naruto said as he jumped down hearing footsteps approach.

After a few seconds of standing around, Naruto watched as an out of breath Sakura and Sasuke walked onto the roof. "Right, so welcome to the first meeting, why don't we get to know each other better. You, pinkie go first."

"What?! What should we say?" Saruka asked in a panic of being singled out.

"What you like, hate, your dreams, and hobbies. Something like that." Kakashi peers down at them from the top of small roof top above the rooftop entrance.

"Why don't you introduce yourself first, Sensei." Naruto suggested knowing full well, that it was gonna piss off the other 2.

"Hmm, I guess I could. I'm Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes, I have no intention of telling you. As for my dreams….. Oh, and I have a few hobbies." Kakashi said with the straightest face possible.

It took all Naruto had not to bursting out laughing at the looks on Sakura and Sasuke's faces. They literally just looked like he was mocking them, which Naruto knew he was. "Alright next, you there why don't you go next." Kakashi pointed at Sakura. He knew full well that this was gonna be good.

"Ok, I'm Sakura Haruno. My likes are…." As she stared at Sasuke, "My dislikes are liars and people who they are better than others." She glared at Naruto. Had she known it was further from the truth. "As for my dreams well, I hope to get married one day….." She looked hopefully at Sasuke only for him to not even open his eyes.

"Alllllllriiiiigggghhhht. Next spiky." Kakashi pointed at Naruto.

"Right, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. My likes are my friends, family, and ramen. My dislikes are arrogant people and people who threaten people I care about. My is to live up to my parents lives and become Hokage. That way I know they would be proud of me." Naruto said with a straight face trying his hardest not to laugh at Kakashi's name for him. He was determined to make the dream a reality.

"Wait. Who are your parents? I thought you were an orphan?" Sakura asked. She was really confused on why they had a clan duel earlier instead of a regular sparring match.

"Well, not that I can't tell you, I just won't. If you want to know then find out yourself." Naruto stated clearly picking on the girl with no real knowledge outside of the academy.

"Fine I will. Then I will prove that you are nothing compared who you try to act." Sakura stated. When she found out, Naruto and Kakashi wished to be a fly on the wall.

"Ok, and finally captain emo of there." Kakashi said looking at his book.

Sasuke was super annoyed already. 'Did he really just make fun of me?' "I'm Sasuke Uchiha. My likes well really I don't have any. My dislikes I have many things. My dreams aren't really dreams, I have goals that will complete. I will kill a certain man and return my clan to its former glory." 'Afterall, without my clan then this whole village would be worthless.'

"Hmm, I wonder who that could be?" Naruto asked out loud, making fun of Sasuke in the process.

"Alright, alright calm down." Kakashi deescalating the situation before another fight broke out. "Right, now that we know each other, it is time for your test."

"Wait, what test? I thought we passed all of the tests?" Sakura asked. She was not happy about Naruto picking on Sasuke.

"Oh, you thought the tests in the academy were the final test. No, that was just the test to see if you are worthy of the test. Meet at training ground 7 tomorrow morning at 5AM. Don't be late and I recommend you not eating. You might throw it back up." Kakashi said trying to instill as much fear as possible as he body flickered away only to side of the building. He wanted to hear what happened next.

"Well, I guess I will see you guys at 8AM. I recommend eating and getting a long rest." Naruto said trying to help out his teammates without giving them the straight up answer. If they chose to listen to him fine, if not well it would be interesting.

"No, Kakashi-Sensei said 5. We should really listen to him." Sakura complained as Sasuke was getting up to leave.

"Well, your choice. I am gonna head to Yakiniku Q now if you wish to join. My treat." Naruto left the offer on the table for them as he body flickered to the side of the building next to Kakashi.

"Yeah, right like I would go anywhere with him." Saruka complained. "Sasuke, do you want to get some dinner?" turning around to see that Sasuke was already walking down the stairs off the roof.

"Wait up" was all Kakashi and Naruto heard as they both sighed. "Well, it looks like my team is gonna be uncooperative. Good luck Sensei. I will try to get them to work together tomorrow." Naruto said as he left to go meet up with everyone else at the BBQ.

The Next day

Naruto was standing at the memorial stone near training ground 7. He knew that Kakashi was gonna be there any second and wanted to talk to him beforehand. "Ah, good morning Naruto. Why aren't you at the training ground already waiting?" Kakashi asked as he dropped next to the boy.

"I just wanted to talk to you about the test. Is it the same one I am thinking it is going to be?" Naruto asked knowing about the infamous bell test from the previous generations of the test.

"Yes, I expect you to remain quiet about the true meaning. I know you know what it is. However, if they do not figure it out, then I will have to fail all of you." Kakashi stated looking down at the names of his friends on the monument.

"I understand, what is the restriction of jutsu?" Naruto asked. He knew Kakashi didn't want him to go all out. It would end up being a normal training session if he did.

"C and lower, if you could. I feel like you have too much endurance if I don't restrict the amount you can do." Kakashi laid down the guidelines.

"Shadow clones allowed?" Naruto asked knowing the technique was actually Jounin level, but it was his go to.

"No more than 4 of you at a time. This is supposed to be a test for all of you remember that." Kakashi reminded Naruto the reason for the test.

"Damn, I wanted to try to see if I could use Chidori or my dad's technique yet." Naruto sighed.

"Oh, how close are you to the techniques?" Kakashi asked his young student.

"Chidori it keeps fizzling out as I launch myself forward. I think my chakra is being placed incorrectly. As for my dad's well, you will have found out eventually won't you." Naruto smiled cheekily at his Sensei.

"If you master that technique you have to show me how. Your father next got to show me the finished form outside of combat." Kakashi was excited it was one of the techniques he couldn't copy.

"Sure, sure don't be too late Sensei." Naruto waved back at Kakashi as he headed to the training ground.

Naruto arrived exactly at 8AM to find Sasuke sitting against a tree and Sakura pacing around the field. When she noticed him, she immediately started yelling, "WHERE WERE YOU?! SENSEI SAID TO BE HERE FOR 5AM. IT IS ALMOST 9! IF YOU MEAN SASUKE AND I FAIL THIS BECAUSE YOU WERE LATE THAN I WOULD HAVE STRANGLED YOU!" She was super angry because she had followed her Sensei's advice and hadn't eaten that morning. Combined that with the fact that she diets a lot she was to the point of exhaustion already.

"Hey, I am here aren't I. Besides it is only 8AM. Relax. Do you want a rice ball?" Naruto pulled out his storage seal and pulled out 2 rice balls. He hoped to get on his teams' good side to hopefully get them to work together.

Neither of the other's moved as Naruto brought out the rice balls. Both were super hungry but Sasuke's pride and Sakura's fear of being rejected by Sasuke kept them from eating. Realizing that they weren't gonna eat them, Naruto ate them while waiting for Kakashi. About 20 minutes later, Kakashi arrived with 2 box lunches.

"WHERE WERE YOU! YOU ARE ALMOST 4 HOURS LATE!" Sakura yelled. Her hunger must have been really getting to her.

"Sorry, I got lost on the road of life, then I was helping an old lady to the grocery store. You can't expect me to not help when someone asks me." Kakashi lied to the group. "Now, before we begin. Let's explain this test."

Kakashi pulled out 2 bells. "Your test is to grab 1 of the 2 bells before the timer runs out. If you do not have a bell before the end of timer you fail and will be sent back to the academy."

"Wait?! You can't do that. It isn't fair." Sakura was already having a mental breakdown. She knew that she was least likely to pass this test. She was always weaker than Naruto and Sasuke.

"Oh, what in life is ever fair? Is enemies gonna play fair? Listen right now all of you. If you want fair then quit now. If not get it together, we start in 30 seconds." Kakashi set the timer for 3 hours.

Naruto knew the test, he was ready to try to succeed and as much as he didn't like either of them he didn't want them to fail. Sasuke could be good for Konoha if he got his head out of his ass. As for Sakura, well he made a promise to help her.


After the BBQ, everyone went over to Naruto's place seeing how half of the rookies that were with them lived there. It was a great time while they relaxed and told stories of how the squad meetings went. Karin, Yakumo and Naori were complaining already about their new teammate. How can your goal to touch every woman's boob in Konoha? Naori was pretty sure Kegiki was still in the ground after his attempt to touch hers. She just hoped she would only have to deal with him until she got enough evidence to be able to kick him from her squad. There was plenty of older Genin that no longer had a fulltime squad. Just before everyone left to go home, Ino pulled Naruto to the side.

Ino wanted 2 things from him. She was going to get one, she just hoped he would do the second for her. "What's up Ino?" Naruto asked as she pulled him off to the side. It wasn't like her to be shy about things.

"Naruto," Ino started as she went up to kiss him for a couple of seconds. "That was one, the second is I want you to help Sakura tomorrow."

"Ino" Naruto looked at her as she cut him off.

"I know she isn't the nicest, but she was my friend. If we didn't get into a stupid fight over guys we will would have. Maybe then she would have seen how amazing you truly are. Please help her for me?" Ino started giving her best puppy dog eyes with the quivering lower lip and all.

"That's not fair." Naruto started laughing. "Fine, fine I will help her but only if she can help herself. I can't make Kakashi pass her."

"I know, thank you." Ino said as she kissed him a second time.

Flashback ended


Naruto immediately jumped into the nearby trees activating his Sharingan. He wanted to confront Kakashi and actually get some training in but he knew that wasn't what he was suppose to do. "Shadow clone Jutsu" Naruto said creating his clones to follow Sasuke and Sakura. His hope was to hopefully get them to realize the importance of fighting together. He had 2 clones go starting to track Kakashi, while 1 went to find Sasuke. He went in the direction of Sakura.

His clone found Sasuke before he found Sakura. "Yo, Sasuke." Naruto whispered.

"What do you want loser?" Sasuke whispered back. He was trying to formulate a plan on how to get the bells.

"We need to work together to get the bells. So, I was thinking we team up with Sakura and while we distract Sensei, Sakura can get the bells." Naruto explained his simple plan. Obviously he knew that if Kakashi was actually being serious which his clone tracking him told him that he was leaning against a tree with his Make out Paradise out.

"No way, I don't need either of you losers help. I am from the Uchiha, this is just a stepping stone on my path to killing him." Sasuke said truly blinded about the fact that they were up against a Jounin. Not just any Jounin either. A former Anbu squad leader Jounin too.

Knowing it is impossible to convince him otherwise, he let the boy off on his own. He would learn at some point the clone thought at it dispersed sending the information back to Naruto.

Naruto sighed as he looked at Sakura hiding underneath a bush. Honestly the hiding spot was good, for a Genin that is. A Chūnin or higher would be able to spot her a mile away. Getting the information of what Sasuke had told his clone had truly lowered his expectations. Maybe he could convince Sakura another way. Creeping up to Sakura, Naruto grabbed her mouth as she attempted to scream. He pulled her into the earth, away from Kakashi who was doing a round to "pick" I mean challenge his new Genin. A clone dispersed giving Naruto the ok signal as he pulled Sakura back above the ground. "Be quiet and whisper only. Kakashi Sensei has very good hearing." Naruto said as he took his hand away from Sakura's mouth.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Sakura whisper yelled at Naruto. "Do you want me to die of a heart attack?"

'No, that isn't what I envisioned the one time' he thought as he pulled himself out of that thought. "Listen, I want to team up and take on Kakashi together."

"No way! The only person I am teaming up with is Sasuke. When we get the bells, we will be the perfect team while you are sent back." Sakura imagined her whole life together with the boy.

'Does she seriously not remember that squads are always groups of 3 to 4. Honestly how far up Sasuke's ass is she? Ino better love me for this.' Naruto shook his head at the girl. "Listen, when Sasuke and I attack Sensei, I just want you to wait and watch his movements. You are smart you will see when you can strike. Get the bells."

"Ok," Sakura said as her inner voice was going crazy. 'YEAH, THEN I WILL BE THE ONE SASUKE PRAISES AND LOVES!'

"Good, good luck Sakura." Naruto said as he body flickered away.

2 1/2 hours later, Kakashi was getting bored. He had teased Sasuke a little by using some earth style techniques and bearing him in the ground at one point. He could still hear the boy yelling as he was buried up to his neck. His genjutsu on Sakura was hilarious too. She was so naïve that it surprising she graduated. Well, if they kept this up they weren't going to pass. The problem though was Naruto.

Naruto had not done anything against him. He knew even with the restriction he gave him, Naruto was strong enough to make him sweat. However, the boy had done nothing. The only thing he had seen of the boy was the occasional clone when he ran into it. Sure, the fight was fun but it was a clone. 1 solid hit and it was gone. Now with only 30 minutes left on the clock, he was sure something was gonna happen.

Naruto watched his 2 idiots*cough* teammates as they looked at Kakashi, he hoped Sakura at least realized what to do. Afterall, he had to save both of them from multiple traps that they had found themselves in. Of course, he didn't get a thank you, but he wasn't expecting one. He had hoped they would realize they couldn't take Kakashi one on one. He watched as Sasuke tensed up holding a kunai. 'The idiot is about to attack. Well I guess it is time. I hope Sakura does the right thing. ' Naruto thought as he got ready for his own attack.

He couldn't use any jutsu at this close range without some friendly fire. Mainly because Sasuke would probably refuse to believe he could actually use the jutsu. Thus, making refusing to dodge when the attack was coming at him. With a sigh, Naruto launched himself into action as Sasuke rushed from his hiding spot.

Sakura couldn't believe it. 2 ½ hours and they were no where near close to claiming the bells. She was looking on as Kakashi was dodging both Sasuke and Naruto while reading his book. No matter what they did it didn't seem to be enough. Maybe, just maybe she should follow Naruto's plan. Looking out she noticed for the first time, that Naruto was leaving openings in his attacks that allowed her to sneak in and grab the bells while he distracted Kakashi. Grinning she lunged for her chance.

Sasuke was furious. This man had the nerve to read a book while fighting him?! He was an Uchiha. Then that pest jumped in. Of course, it was sheer luck that he beat him. I mean look at all the mistakes and opening he was leaving. Well, if he didn't want to actually get the bells then he might as will be a distraction for him. Sasuke lunged at Kakashi.

Kakashi while not entire sure what they were up to, realized that he didn't need to put his all in. Naruto wasn't using jutsu and his form seemed off. Maybe trying to not hit a teammate was distracting him. Oh well. They only had a few minutes left anyways. That was when he heard the bells ringing from a distance.

Naruto knew what everyone was planning on doing. His clone notified him that Sakura made her move. Now all he had to do was create a false image. Simple enough against a distracted Kakashi. Had he not been worried about Sasuke it probably wouldn't have worked. He grabbed the one bell as Sakura grabbed the other as he dragged her immediately out of the way as Sasuke's kick was aimed directly at her head.

It had all happened so fast, she got her bell! Downside is Naruto did as well. But she had did it. She proved that she could do it. Screw all the other girls who used to say she would never be a shinobi. That thought brought her back to Ino. She missed her former best friend. She had ended a friendship over a boy or boys really. "Give me your bell, Sakura. I need it." Was all she heard as she was broken out of her thoughts.

Sasuke was in front of her, with his hand out expecting her to hand over her bell. "But, but I need it too. I want to be a shinobi as well." Sakura cried out as she didn't want to give up her chance.

"Sakura, what is more important? Me? Or your goal of being a shinobi?" Sasuke said manipulating everything.

"You are." Sakura said as she handed her bell over. She just hoped that she could become one next time. 'Maybe mom and dad will be proud of me. I'm giving up my spot to a greater part of the village. Maybe they won't be disappointed.' Was what she thought as she clutched her hand back to her chest after giving up her bell.

Strange she saw Sasuke had one. Then why was there a weight still in her hand. Sakura looked down in shock as a bell was still in her hand. She looked around to see multiple Naruto was engaged in a fight with Kakashi. Kakashi didn't even have his book out anymore. She then looked around her to see Naruto standing there with no bell in his hand. 'Why?! Why would he give me his?!' Sakura thought as she watched the Naruto right next to her join in the fight.

Of course, the one with his head so far up his own ass would do that. Of course, he would manipulate the poor girl. Sakura had earned that bell. Sasuke being as arrogant as possible had basically done nothing as a team. If anyone didn't deserve to move up it was him. So, Naruto gave her his bell. It is not like it matters anyways. The bells are a lie. Naruto truly didn't care though he could finally go all out. Naruto launched himself at Kakashi with the rest of his clones. His goal to stop him until the buzzer went off. Simple right.

Sakura watched in awe as Naruto fought Kakashi in hand to hand combat. Both of them using small jutsu here and there but never hitting. Multiple time Kakashi had attacked her to get the bell back, only to be stopped by Naruto. Then the buzzer rang. She had done it. She had become a shinobi. She was gonna be on a team with Sasuke! So, why did it feel so bad? Why did it feel like she didn't deserve it?

Kakashi was actually impressed. He had thought it would take until lunch to actually cause unity. "Well, time is up. It looks like Naruto doesn't have a bell." Kakashi pressed on as he went to get the bento boxes.

"Here, Sakura, Sasuke. Eat up. After lunch we are going to send Naruto back. But before that we will have one last fight. Best 2 out of 3. If you win all of you will stay. If you lose then Naruto goes back. Oh, punishment time. Naruto you can not eat nor are you allowed to feed him. Enjoy." Kakashi said as she body flickered to a nearby tree.

Naruto knew this was coming. I mean come on Kakashi. It was obvious that you want them to band together but for me I doubt it. Naruto was sitting by the Taijutsu posts that the alarm was set on as he meditated. He had found that meditating helped him organize the information he got from all the clones quicker. I also helped that Kurama was able to go through the data easier as well. What he wasn't expecting was to have Sakura come over. "Psst, Naruto here." Sakura said as she was trying to give him some food. "What Kakashi doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides you must be hungry after that fight."

"Why would you take the risk?" Naruto asked looking at the girl. She didn't seem like the type to go against authority.

"Because, you helped me out. I would be in your position if you didn't give me the bell. We have a fight going on next, we will need you at full strength." Sakura said as she held up a piece of her food. She truthfully believed they could all make it if they worked together. It worked the first time.

At that moment, Kakashi arrived. He looked furious, but Naruto knew better. "What do you think you are doing?" Kakashi asked Sakura as Sasuke was looking at the situation. "I thought I said, he wasn't allowed to eat or be fed?"

"Yes, but if it wasn't for him I would be in that situation. I couldn't just do that to him." Sakura said knowing she may have just ruined her chances.

'Stupid had you just eaten it, then you wouldn't be in this mess.' Sasuke thought as he looked at Kakashi.

"So, you disobeyed a direct order, to help a teammate out? Well, I have one thing to say to you…." Kakashi let the suspense build.

This is it. She broke the rules and failed. 'Well, it was worth it I guess. Now I don't have to worry about feeling guilty.' Sakura thought. 'CHA! YOU CAN ALWAYS TRY NEXT YEAR!' her inner yelled. She knew she did what was right.

"Congrats, you passed." Kakashi said to them smiling underneath his mask.

The look on Sasuke's and Sakura's faces was too much for Naruto. He started crying laughing. "Man, you should see your faces." Naruto roared as he cried laughing.

"WAIT what do you mean we all passed? We all didn't get a bell?" Sakura questioned. It didn't make sense to her. She was happy but it didn't make sense.

"Sakura, do you know of any genin squad that doesn't consist of 3 genin and a Jounin?" Naruto asked as Sakura shook her head. "That is because there isn't one. The test was meant for us to work together."

"WAIT, how do you know that?" Sasuke asked furious about being tricked.

"Think about it. 3 genin fresh from academy vs a Jounin. That doesn't seem like we would win does it. Then add the fact that there are 2 bells. It is meant to distract us from the fact that we would never wind without helping each other." Naruto said proudly.

"Naruto is right. The test is meant to test your teamwork. While you just barely passed, you passed. Remember those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." Kakashi said looking out at the sky.

"Alright, seeing how you all passed the test. Team 7 report to the Hokage's office for your first official mission tomorrow." Kakashi said as he looked at Naruto giving him his patent 1 eye wink.

Naruto understood the meaning and as the other 2 disperse, after rejecting his offer to join him for some victory ramen, jumped back down to meet up with Kakashi at the monument. "So, which one said that to you?" Naruto asked as he looked at the names Kakashi lost in the last war.

"Obito did. I failed him too when I lost Rin. He was the one who gave me my left eye." Kakashi said somberly.

"How bad are we gonna be?" Naruto asked dreading the true answer.

"Pretty terrible. I saw what Sasuke did to her. That was just bullying all over again. Did you know why she was bullied?" Kakashi asked.

"Hmm, I would have to say because her family was anti-Uchiha I am assuming. When they couldn't put pressure on the parents they used kids." Naruto thought of how much he had heard while working on Fuinjutsu with the Hokage.

"It is a messed-up world Naruto. Maybe, this team will be able to change it." Kakashi said as he continued to look at names.

"Yes….. Maybe…." Naruto said as he walked away to head to Ichiraku's.