
Six Eyes of the Uchiha Family

Pinyin: 火影:宇智波家的六眼 Synopsis: One day, a boy with white hair and blue eyes was brought to the Uchiha Clan. His appearance was so different from the other clan members that he was ridiculed as an illegitimate child. His mesmerizing eyes, known as the “Six Eyes,” and his innate Limitless abilities, combined with the Uchiha bloodline, allowed him to quickly rise to become the strongest. A few years later, he led the Uchiha Clan to the pinnacle of Konoha and even the ninja world, revitalizing the Uchiha Clan!

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Six Eyes

Hiroshi was also taken aback by the surprising maturity of the transfer student, but he was well-informed and had seen all kinds of students before, so he stepped onto the podium.

"You can take the empty seat."

He pointed to the empty seat in the classroom.

The Ninja School classroom was equipped with desks and chairs with three seats each, and the so-called empty seat was the innermost seat next to Asuma and Kurenai, located on the far right of the second row near the window.

"Please make way."

Asuma didn't respond, silently standing up and moving aside from his position.

Kurenai smiled and greeted.

"Hello, I'm Yuhi Kurenai. Please take care of me in the future."

Shintaro showed a clear expression. After all, Yuhi Kurenai and Yuhi Shinku were almost identical father and daughter.

"Thank you."

Shintaro bowed slightly, genuinely expressing his gratitude to the father and daughter.

However, Kurenai blushed because of this serious attitude and waved her hand, saying: "No need to be so polite, my father asked me to look after you."

Shintaro nodded and sat down.

When Asuma heard Kurenai's words, he couldn't help but feel jealous.

Hiroshi handed Shintaro the textbook, then returned to the podium to start teaching.

"Today in our history class, we'll talk about the First Ninja World War…"

"War... it's inevitable in every world." Shintaro said emotionally, opening the book and reading it carefully.

"Huh? What did you say?" Kurenai asked curiously.

Shintaro shook his head and said, "Nothing."

"You opened the wrong page. This is the history of Konoha's founding."

Kurenai looked at the textbook in front of Shintaro and said.

Shintaro saw the Senju and Uchiha family emblems in the textbook and was momentarily lost in thought.

Kurenai reached out and helped him turn to the correct page. Shintaro thanked her and took a piece of paper from the book, flipping through it.

This harmonious and friendly scene made Asuma clench his fists, touching his head and feeling discomfort, as if wearing something.

The class passed quickly, and Shintaro listened attentively. After all, this was the first time he had received systematic knowledge education in this world, so he was still flipping through the book after class ended.

His blue eyes quickly scanned the book. History, code texts, chakra extraction, theoretical ninjutsu knowledge... all of it was absorbed into Shintaro's brain like water into a sponge.

With his intelligence, it was easy to understand these new things. He had finished reading more than half the book and certainly didn't intend to let it go after class ended.

The classroom was very noisy after class, and almost everyone gathered in pairs or threes to chat and play.

After all, they were in their first year at Ninja School. These boys and girls were half-grown children.

Kurenai left her seat to chat with her female friend, Mitarashi Anko.

Anko nudged Kurenai with her elbow.

"Hehe, your new desk mate is very handsome, much more handsome than Asuma, and he suits you better."

Anko said this with a knowing smile that only close friends would understand, raising her eyebrows, making Kurenai immediately understand what she meant.

"What are you talking about?"

Kurenai patted her shoulder shyly, but Anko kept gossiping.

Asuma looked at Shintaro sitting obediently at his desk and mocked him as a "nerd."

The novelty of being a transfer student wasn't comparable to the fun after class ended, so no one bothered him.

Shintaro just read quietly for a few minutes.

The students in the class left one by one. The next class was combat training, so it had to be held outdoors.

Shintaro then put down his textbook, left his seat, and followed the crowd to the training ground.

Hiroshi was still the teacher for this class and was already waiting on the field.

"It's time for class. You're walking too slowly!"

He was still very strict, so the students hurriedly gathered.

When everyone arrived, Hiroshi took out his list and announced: "Today's combat training continues. We'll start with Gekko Hayate. You can choose your opponent. The winner can continue to choose their opponent."

(Due to the setting, Gekko Hayate and Mitarashi Anko are currently only two years old, but they are the same age as Kakashi in the original memory, so I'm ignoring the age-setting bug here.)

"I choose Uchiha Shintaro."

Gekko Hayate, a sickly-looking boy with dark circles under his eyes, stepped forward and announced his chosen opponent.

The atmosphere on the field instantly became lively.

"Hey, I think the transfer student doesn't know how to fight."

"Even though Hayate always coughs, he's still very strong."

"Right, the transfer student might be in danger."

Shintaro's ears twitched slightly, gathering information about his opponent.

It seemed the opponent was considered a strong player in the class.

Kurenai couldn't help but worry about Shintaro, her eyes fixed on his back as he walked to the stage.

Anko beside her looked like she had been knocked down, while Asuma looked sullen.

Shintaro and Hayate stood in the middle of the open space in front of everyone. The open space was about twenty meters long and wide, which was more than enough for children to fight.

Shintaro clenched his fists, thinking about how to defeat the boy in front of him.

"You haven't refined chakra, have you? To be fair, I won't use chakra."

Hayate took the initiative to limit himself.

Shintaro refused.

"It's unfair to you if you don't use chakra."

Shintaro's words were understood by Hayate as "I don't need chakra to beat you."

So Hayate didn't hesitate anymore and planned to use his original skills to face the transfer student in front of him.

Although in every aspect, he should be stronger than the boy in front of him who didn't even have chakra, Hayate felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

The white-haired, blue-eyed boy in front of him always gave an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Being able to use chakra actually made Hayate feel relieved.

Shintaro touched the area around his eyes, and his blue eyes were still clearly visible.

All sorts of details from all directions were visible to his eyes.

"Six Eyes..."

Shintaro remembered his eyes being called Six Eyes. It seemed these eyes could give him keen insight.

These eyes, coupled with the remaining combat experience in his subconscious and the combat awareness in his bones, became the confidence that he, a new student who had only been exposed to chakra for less than two days, dared to fight against the strong in the class.

Shintaro raised his fists one by one and placed them in front of his forehead and chest. He spread his legs and took a horse stance, staying in the same position to face all changes.

However, Hiroshi interrupted his readiness to fight.

"Shintaro, you need to form the friendship symbol first."

Hayate raised his right hand, extending his index and middle fingers together, and brought his other fingers together.

This was the friendship symbol.

Shintaro followed suit and placed his hands to form the friendship symbol.

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