
Situational Short Stories

I'm the author of The Founder of Qi Cultivation Reincarnates and The Growth of a Titan. These are just short stories or snippets from a longer one I came up with. It's mostly created for me since I wanted to practice my writing, but if you like to see what these stories are like go ahead and satiate that curiosity I don't mind. If you happened to like any one of them, you can mention it in the chapter comment section. Check out my works as well, they're well-written!! Though that's just my biased opinion. Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/tEdkhmrj5g ps: The tags are just there to tell you type stories that'll be there.

Tsetth · Fantasy
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3 Chs

High School Romance Is...

"Alright, this will be our last song!!"

Hearing Katana my heart felt like it was about to burst with emotion.

What was I feeling?







I don't know, maybe all of them.

As I played the guitar I channeled all of these emotions into our last performance.

No, don't cry.

I told myself as I held back tears.

We need to go out with a bang.

As I played, I soon realized we'd already reached the end of the last song.

It felt so short.

I wish this could have lasted longer, maybe even a lifetime.

Don't cry damn it!

We need everyone to know we accomplished our goal.

We will be remembered as the greatest band in Sakura High's history.


I finished my guitar play and what was left was Natsuki's drum solo.

He didn't hold back and it seemed as if the drums were about to burst.

I can hear the crowd chanting for us.

I can't imagine how much regret the principal must be feeling right now.

It's like we're at a rock concert.

I can even feel the auditorium shaking nonstop because of the vibrations from the speakers.

Natsuki's drumming came to an end, and Katana ended our last song on a soft note.

While the crowd was cheering I wiped off the sweat on my forehead.

This is it, it's really over with this performance.

I should feel happy, but why was there a tight feeling in my chest?

Don't cry.

My eyes squeezed shut and the grip on my guitar tightened.

The sounds of the crowd and the lingering static of the basses faded in my ears.

What will happen now?

Where do we go from here?

I can't help but recall the time when we started the band.

We had so much fun.

Ah, I wish we didn't have to graduate.

Just another year.

I wanted to make more memories with everyone for just one more year.

But now-


Katana's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and I saw her looking at me.

Tears were pouring down her cheeks without restraint.

The spotlight from the stage shone down on her.

Her hair fluttered along with her uniform.

She did her best to move the hair out of the way and tuck it behind her ear.

This image of Katana was going to brand itself on my heart, and it wouldn't ever go away even if I wanted it to.

It's as if I fell in love with her all over again.

"This is enough Aki."

Katana smiled as she said.

Hearing her words I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and they slipped down my cheeks unknowingly.

I lowered my head and wiped them away, but more simply came right after.


I answered.

"Hiro, I don't wanna say goodbye!"

I suddenly felt an impact on my side and Natsuki wrapped his hands around my neck.

His tears and snot were wiped all over my shoulder.

It was rare for Natsuki to show this side of him, he was in front of his fan girls after all.

But he seemed not to care and kept crying.

I looked over to Katana to see her and Mina hugging as they cried.

"The girls are the most emotional ones out of all of us, look at them!"

Natsuki said wiping his face as if he didn't cry a river just now.

Suddenly, a large shadow with a bass guitar strapped to its side loomed over us.

We turned back and it was Rei standing over us.

"Rei you-"

Natsuki began to say, but unlike Rei's always stoic expression, he suddenly burst into tears before grabbing the both of us into a bear hug.

"Forget what I said, this huge log is the most emotional one out of all of us combined."

Natsuki grumbled and I couldn't help but laugh.

It wasn't long before the principal came on stage and shooed us off.

His glare towards us said everything.

With the opposite reaction, Teacher Yamato, our club supervisor, gave us a thumbs up with a wide grin as we were shoved backstage.

While backstage, Neji fixed his glasses as he came up to us with his trusty manager clipboard.

Before he could say anything, Rei suddenly lunged forward and grabbed him into a chokehold.

The always calm and level-headed Class VP was frantic to push Rei off but obviously failed.

After my emotions died down, it was then I realized Mina was alone and Katana had disappeared.

Natsuki saw me looking around and he pointed at the exit with his thumb.

"She left, you better hurry up if you want to catch her."


I yelled and everyone stopped to watch me sprint to the exit.

"Akihiro, I'm cheering for you!"

"No, get off me first!"

Rei yelled but his grip was still firm on Neji who was still trying to get him to let go.

With Rei's open and the other's silent encouragement, I felt like I could really do it this time.

"I'm going to confess to Katana!"

I said this as I pushed the door that led outside, but my face suddenly turned beet red.


I quickly slapped my cheeks when I felt myself waver.

I'll do it this time, I have to tell her now or I won't ever be able to.

With determination, I rush forward.

If I know Katana she would probably be on the roof of the school.

Haa! Haa! Haa!

After reaching the door leading to the roof I calm my breath. With nervousness rising in me, I raised my hand to open the door to the roof.

But I hesitated.

Unbeknownst to me, on the other side of the door was Katana.

Seeing the handle of the door starting to turn but stop, a disappointed expression appeared on her face.

However, all of a sudden I pushed the door open fast.

"Katana, I-!"

I began to say, but a moment later I saw that she was right in front of me, but my speed when coming through the door made me unable to stop in time.


"Ah, my head is spinning."

I immediately felt my forehead throbbing.

Opening my eyes, I looked down to see that I was positioned over Katana while we were on the floor.

"Ow, it hurts!"

"Katana, are you okay?"

I snapped out of my momentary daze and asked frantically.

I saw a slight red bruise hidden by her bangs and I instinctively went to move it to take a look.

As I did, our eyes met, and my hand paused.

Katana blushed and turned her head to the side.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you."

I apologize as I pull my hand back and raise up.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Katana said while she got up and rubbed the bump on her forehead.

I sat in a seiza position in front of her and scratched the back of my head.

To say I was embarrassed was an understatement.

"Ah, I... uhh... I came here to tell you the others have decided to go to Rei's ramen shop."

I made up a lie.

Technically it wasn't a lie. We all decided to sneak out of the school festival and go after the performance.

I was just using it as an excuse.

Maybe this isn't the right time after all.

I thought before letting out a sigh and getting up to leave.


I felt Katana grabbing my sleeve.

"Is that really what you wanted to tell me?"

I turned to look at her.

Seeing Katan's expression, I felt hopeful.

Does she know what I came here for?

My heart started beating fast until I could hear it in my ears.

I decided to sit back down this time with my legs crossed.

"No," I replied to Katana.

I then saw an expectation come over her face as if she was waiting for me to say something.

My heartbeat increased and the words I wanted to say rose up.

But it paused on the tip of my tongue.

Clenching my pants with my head lowered I steeled my resolve.

"Katana, I like you! Will you go out with me?!"

Because of my nervousness, I ended up yelling like an idiot.

I kept my head lowered; I couldn't help but avoid seeing Katana's reaction.

What would she say?

What was her expression currently like after my confession?

Even though I wanted to know I couldn't bring myself to look up.

Silence fell for a moment before I heard what sounded like water droplets falling.

"I'm glad."

I heard Katana say, but her voice was trembling.

Instinctively I looked up to see she was holding her head down, with tears falling onto her hands that were on her lap.

"I'm glad Aki confessed to me."

Hearing those words my emotions slowly turned from nervousness to happiness.

However, Katana suddenly spoke again.

"I really like Aki too, but my parents said that my future is in Tokyo. Mom got a job there and the whole family is planning to move to Tokyo.

"I'm sorry Aki."

Katana apologized as she wiped her tears.

She continued to speak, but by now I could hardly hear her. Everything around me sounded faint as if I was underwater.

My heart felt like it was drowning.

I felt suffocated.

I didn't remember anything after the both of us left the rooftop.

We snuck out of school and headed to Rei's ramen shop as we planned. Everyone was laughing but below all of that, the atmosphere was awkward. After everything was over we said our goodbyes.

I don't think Katana looked at me properly even once.

The others felt the weird atmosphere between us and didn't mention anything about me and Katana.

Graduation came quickly, and I left high school to become a productive adult in society.

There was no happy ending to my high school life, and the happy memories I had with everyone were overshadowed by my childhood friend rejecting me.

High School romance is... all lies.