
The After -End 13

Sisyphyra is on WebNovel


He took the liberty to bury the bushman's body, placing the spear he had used to kill the brute as a marking. He continued on his journey. Finally, he found himself getting closer to the Grand Master's abode. He came across a camp filled with tents surrounded by a long pointed bulwark. Many Soldiers in the Grand Master uniform matched around the camp-keeping guards. As he moved closer, he noticed the two hefty Archers that had been pursuing him and also killed his sister. He tailed them as they entered a tent. After a long while, they came out again. They look different but he couldn't understand why. He continued to monitor the camp activities in hope of seeing his daughter. As he started to doze off, a loud cry from the camp sent away his slumber. He noticed a man struggle with some soldiers. He was cruelly beaten, his face bashed as he continued to accommodate their beatings. More soldiers watch on captivated by the man's resilience to withstand the assault.

Seizing the opportunity, he sneaked into the camp and went into the tent the archers had gone into.

It's the supply tent. He thought.

It had a massive compartment of weaponry and clothes. They were arranged on a tall wooden shelf, some contained different types of weaponry. While the rest were different forms of items of clothing. He moved deeper and noticed a shelf full of uniforms neatly folded in stacks. On the spur of the moment, he decided to change his cloth. He took one of the folded uniforms, a sash, and quickly changed his clothes. He unwrapped the dagger hidden in his shoe and attached it to his belt. On second thought, he changed his mind and hid the dagger in his shoe. As soon as he was done dressing up he left the tent and went in search of the prison cell. He wandered about, cautiously searching. As he moved towards the edge of the camp he noticed a wooden cage made from large timber he decided to check it out. There was no one standing guide which was strange.

It might not be a cage. He looked away

But there's no harm in checking what's in there

What if your daughter is in there. The voice said

What if. he repeated.

He turned back and unlocked the door. Opening It, he called out for his daughter. He saw some moment in the cage and felt a figure move towards him. His daughter rushed into his hand. He felt a sharp blow to his head and he drooped to the dirt.

Tied on his hand, with his head cast downwards oblivious to the happenings around him. Flashes of Lightning lit the red sky at close intervals and one of it struck down a tree just before the camp. The forest was getting engulfed in red wicked wild touch, the wildfire winded its way through the trees and the wind ran as if it had always been suppressed and was determined to break out. It did outrun the fog and it embraced every tree until the crackling thunder rippled; the deafening noise engulfed him from where he was, sending shocking waves as he rose to his feet. He saw the heat gaining ground. He darted away for the heat grew oppressively out of control. Then he had nowhere to run, he was surrounded by burning flames of fire and it mocked him.

You are not going anywhere, It says.

A portion of the fiery inferno transformed to a face. It grew thicker and closer to him. A torch from it burnt into his flesh and aroused him from a deep pain-induced sleep.

He screamed out, the brown rusty chains that held his arms apart to the ceiling jerked with his


"I thought that won't wake you" A voice looming in the shadows said.

He looked up, he noticed some movement in the dark shadows. With the burning fleshy wound on his hand, he recalled where he was.

"My daughter, where is she?" He pleaded though he felt tired as needle prickly pain stabbed his neck. Suddenly, his face came in contact with a heavy blow. In response, his head wobbled to the sides and a little bump began to develop under his chin. Another hard slap struck his face, he winced as the assault made his teeth cut into his cheek and drew out blood that stained his tooth.

"You've got a lot of nerve taking what does not belong to you" The person stepped forward. He was one of the Grand master's archers, the one who had probably shot his sister. He glared at him with his tiny black eyes. The man walked to the wall slowly and back holding a metal rod in his grip. He stood in front of him and struck his stomach with it. This made him grunt in pain and coughed out blood. He hit him again and again.

"No man comes here and one leaves, except his own. You hear me?" The scarred man shouted at him preparing to compounded him in another spree of beating.

"Please, no, ...please stop!" He mumbled.

"...I need to find my daughter, please" he begged but the man laughed

A heavy knock on the door disrupted their conversation causing the scarred man to leave. As he watched him leave, he struggled to breathe out a sigh but felt an intense pain in his stomach. He checked his surrounding but he couldn't see things clearly, as everywhere was dark. The door opened abruptly. Looking up he saw a person in an oversized black garb come in. The person removed the head cover.

It was the red-haired boy. He stood by the entrance with a light touch

Seeing the lad, he said, "What are you doing here?" As usual, the boy shrugged his shoulder in response.

"Go away, go back, it's not safe here"

Ignoring his statement, he dropped the touch on a handle by the wall and began to remove the chain that held him from the ceiling. He laid heavily on the floor and the boy released him from the iron cuff. The boy removed the garb, he wore to reveal the cloth underneath. He three the garb at him. Standing up from the floor, he discarded the uniform and wire the garb thrown at him. As soon as he was done, they left with the boy assisting him to walk, as he was in a bad shape. As they made it out of the camp unnoticed because every soldier was busy following orders. They believed war was coming.

As they made it to the wood, he could walk on his own and the boy walked along with him. After a while, the wind picked up and it caused the trees to ruffle. The broken twig behind him made him stop on his track, he turned back slowly trying to delay the inevitable. The boy had been captured by the scarred man that had tortured him.

"Leave the kid alone, take me, let him go," he said

The scary man laughed so hard tears came from his eyes. "But, we have you already"

Without sparing him another glance, he turned to leave, the boy with him.

"Come and get me! He has nothing to do with this" He shouted back at them and gritted his teeth in anger though he was helpless.

Becoming more amused by his outburst, the man turned back and looked at him

"You don't get it," pointing to the boy "He is new and he will be useful for the Grand master, but as for you, we already have you" He leaves, his back turned.

Surprisingly, the boy did not struggle with him but gazed back deeply at him as he is led away. He knew he was helpless and he hated himself for it. He tore his gaze away and stared at the man.

"Come on, Come get me, chase me down but let the boy go, please!" He looked at the boy again but he was already far away from him.

Not him to God.

The man yelled from afar "I like it when you beg, I don't need to chase you, you will be back. You always come back"

The words repeatedly echoed in his mind, he knelt crying.

After a while, he stopped the tears. He had forgotten something, no. Someone. Someone important.

My daughter!