
Sisters Under the Moon

Maria, Silvia, and Elizabeth—three sisters bound by blood and circumstance—found themselves in a desperate struggle against their own kin. Their parents, once loving and nurturing, had become mere memories. Greedy relatives sought the family’s inheritance, willing to sacrifice innocence for wealth. As darkness closed in, the sisters clung to each other, their determination unwavering. Their olive complexions glowed softly, contrasting with their dark hair that fell like night. Despite their modest stature, their resilience shone through. Little did they know, their journey was just beginning, and their sisterly bond would prove unbreakable

Melissa_Lewis_5404 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Sisters Reunited

The luxurious room had transformed into her prison - one adorned with gold, but a prison nonetheless. Maria's patience was wearing thin, her inquisitive nature itching relentlessly. Damien, the man who had purchased her, remained an enigma, and she grew weary of waiting for explanations.

The locked door taunted her, a gateway to secrets she couldn't ignore. Under the cover of a moonless night, Maria slipped the key into the lock. The hinges squeaked in protest, as if disapproving of her rebellion. The hallway lay ahead of her, beckoning her to explore. The mansion was a maze, a symphony of shadows and echoes. Maria's footsteps reverberated, her heart racing with determination. She had been confined for far too long, and now her resolve drove her forward.

The mansion was a maze, a symphony of shadows and echoes. Maria's footsteps reverberated through the halls, reminding her of the countless times she had been scolded for making noise. But now, her footsteps echoed with a different purpose - a purpose of rebellion and defiance.

Maria's adventure continued as she strolled down the hallway, feeling like a rebel without a cause. The moonless night provided the perfect cover for her escapade, and the familiar voices she heard only added to the intrigue. She couldn't help but wonder what these mysterious confinement experts would say if they knew of her nocturnal excursions.

As she turned a corner, Maria spotted two figures engaging in a peculiar conversation, their words dancing like a bizarre ballet. "It's like biting into a juicy tomato, the squishy texture and the burst of flavor—ah, bliss!" one of them exclaimed. Maria couldn't help but chuckle, the image of someone enjoying an overripe tomato squishing between their teeth. What followed was an uproarious discussion about the most absurd ways to consume tomatoes, from blending them into smoothies to using them as quirky hats. It was like a weird tomato-themed carnival, a whimsical distraction from her escape mission.

Maria's curiosity was piqued, and she couldn't resist joining the bizarre conversation, much like a secret society initiated into the holy order of the night and tomatoes. With a playful glint in her eye, she approached the pair, ready to indulge in this whimsical detour. Little did she know, the tomato talk was just what she needed to spice up her escape

As she approached the door, Maria couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The voices coming from inside were both familiar and foreign, and she couldn't quite place them. But curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist peeking inside when she saw the door slightly ajar.

What she saw inside was enough to make her gasp in shock and disbelief.

Her two sisters, who she have been missing, were standing in front of her. But they were no longer the sickly and frail girls she remembered. Instead, they were now adorned with a terrifying red hue in their eyes, making them look both alluring and ominous.Maria couldn't help but stare in awe at her sisters, who were now practically unrecognizable. "What happened to you two?" she asked, her voice filled with both fear and confusion.

Her sisters turned to face her, their red eyes locking onto hers. "Oh, you mean our new look?" one of them replied with a sly smile. "We've been spending a lot of time in the sun, getting that perfect tan."

Maria couldn't help but roll her eyes at her sister's ridiculous explanation. She knew something was off, and it wasn't just their appearance.

But before she could question them further, she heard a loud growling noise coming from inside the room.As she turned her head to investigate, she saw a large, fluffy dog bounding towards her, its tongue lolling out and its tail wagging excitedly. "Oh, don't mind him," her other sister chimed in. "He's just our new pet. We call him Fluffy."

Maria couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Her sisters, who used to be scared of even the smallest of dogs, now had a giant, friendly beast as a pet. "I can't believe this," she chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.

The room was filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and excitement. The noise that Maria had heard was not what she had expected, but it was a welcomed surprise. Her sisters had always been afraid of dogs, but here they were, proudly introducing their new pet - a large, fluffy dog they affectionately called Fluffy.

Maria couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Her sisters, who used to be scared of even the smallest of dogs, now had a giant, friendly beast as a pet. As Fluffy bounded towards her, Maria couldn't resist petting him. His fur was soft and his eyes were filled with nothing but love and adoration. She couldn't understand how her sisters had gone from being terrified of dogs to owning one.

"What changed?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Her sisters just laughed and explained that they had met Fluffy at a nearby shelter and instantly fell in love with him. They couldn't bear to leave him behind and so they brought him home, despite their initial fears. Maria couldn't help but feel proud of her sisters for facing their fears and opening their hearts to a new member of the family. As Fluffy continued to wag his tail and shower her with kisses, she couldn't imagine life without him. He had brought so much joy and love into their home and she was grateful to have him as a part of their lives. From that day on, Fluffy became a constant source of happiness and laughter for the three sisters.

Silvia's conflicted emotions churned like a tempest within her. The weight of their actions pressed heavily on her conscience, threatening to tear apart the fragile bond that held the sisters together. Elizabeth, her eyes haunted by the past, shared the burden. They had become creatures of the night, driven by primal instincts and an insatiable hunger for blood. Yet, their humanity lingered, a flicker of remorse that refused to be extinguished.

The truth about Fluffy's owner gnawed at Silvia's heart. The man had been a monster, tormenting the gentle creature they now cherished. Silvia had watched him beat Fluffy, rage contorting his face. In that moment, something snapped within her—a primal rage that transcended her humanity. She lunged at the man, fangs bared, and drained him dry. Elizabeth had joined her, their thirst sated but their souls scarred.

They buried the man's body in the woods, their secret shared only between them. Maria remained blissfully unaware, her laughter echoing through the halls as she played with Fluffy. Silvia wondered if Maria sensed their deception, if her intuition whispered of the darkness they concealed. But they couldn't burden her further. Maria was their beacon of hope, the one who believed in redemption even when they doubted it themselves.

Silvia met Elizabeth's gaze, and they exchanged a silent vow. They would protect Maria, shield her from the truth, and carry the weight of their sins. For now, Fluffy nuzzled against Silvia's leg, his warmth a reminder of the fragile balance they maintained—a family bound by secrets, love, and the unbreakable ties of blood