
Sisters Under the Moon

Maria, Silvia, and Elizabeth—three sisters bound by blood and circumstance—found themselves in a desperate struggle against their own kin. Their parents, once loving and nurturing, had become mere memories. Greedy relatives sought the family’s inheritance, willing to sacrifice innocence for wealth. As darkness closed in, the sisters clung to each other, their determination unwavering. Their olive complexions glowed softly, contrasting with their dark hair that fell like night. Despite their modest stature, their resilience shone through. Little did they know, their journey was just beginning, and their sisterly bond would prove unbreakable

Melissa_Lewis_5404 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Sisters of Shadows

The three sisters, Maria, Silvia, and Elizabeth were a sight to behold, even amidst the dilapidation that surrounded them. Maria, her dark hair cascades like a midnight waterfall, framing her face with soft waves. Maria's hazel eyes hold a depth of emotion—an unwavering glint of determination.Her olive complexion glows softly, a testament to resilience. Although not tall, her lithe figure speaks of strength and agility.

Silvia's black hair, glossy and straight, falls just below her shoulders.Her hazel eyes are sharp, scanning the world for hidden paths and secrets.Silvia's practical attire blends seamlessly with their surroundings—simple and unassuming.Her stature, while not towering, exudes confidence and purpose.

The youngest sister, Elizabeth, shares their dark hair and hazel eyes.Her gaze is both curious and hopeful, reflecting her optimism.Elizabeth's olive skin carries a soft glow, hinting at dreams yet unfulfilled.Her nimble frame suggests resilience—the ability to adapt and survive.

Together, they form a trio—a constellation of determination against the backdrop of adversity.

 The sisters' attire was simple and practical, blending in seamlessly with the faded grandeur of their surroundings. Maria's fingers tapped gently against the armrest, a nervous habit developed over the years of anticipation and anxiety. Silvia's eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail, while Elizabeth's gaze remained fixed on the far wall, lost in contemplation.

The run-down building that sheltered them momentarily from the world outside was a stark reminder of the lives they longed to leave behind. Debris and discarded furniture littered the floor, providing a stark contrast to the once-grand architecture that now lay in ruin. Yet, the sisters remained hopeful, their dreams and aspirations alive in their hearts, illuminating their faces with a radiant determination. As they spoke in hushed tones, their voices carried the weight of their ambitions, each word a prayer for a better future.

Maria whispered, "I want to leave this place and make something of myself. I want to see the world and experience all the things we've never been able to."

Silvia nodded and said, "I want to find a way to make a difference, to help others who have been abandoned and abused like us."

Elizabeth Shaked her head and said "I just want to be happy. Is that too much to ask for?"

Maria smiled and softly said "Not at all, sister. We will make our own happiness, no matter what the world throws at us."

The sisters' conversation is interrupted by a strange sound outside their door.

Maria, frighten asked "What was that?"

Silvia softly answered, "I don't know, but we should be careful."

Elizabeth a little excited said, "Maybe it's someone who can help us."

Maria cautiously approaches the door and slowly opens it. A mysterious man was smiling at the door "Hello, my dear young ladies. May I come in? I have something important to tell you."

Maria questioned the man, "who are you?"

The mysterious man said, "I am a someone who cares about people who are in need, and I have been watching over you for a long time. I have an offer for you all."

The sisters exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. The man's presence was unexpected, yet his demeanor seemed genuine. Maria stepped aside, allowing him to enter their makeshift sanctuary. The room seemed to hold its breath as he crossed the threshold.

The mysterious man replied, "I can give you a life without pain, without suffering. You will have eternal youth and power. All you have to do is accept my gift."

The sisters stood frozen, caught between fear and curiosity. The man's words hung heavy in the air, weaving a web of uncertainty around them. Silvia's mind raced, torn between the allure of a pain-free existence and the haunting tales she'd heard about deals with the devil.

Maria, ever the pragmatic one, whispered to Silvia, "We can't trust him. There's always a price, and it's never what it seems." Her eyes darted to the man's outstretched hand, wondering what secrets lay hidden there.

As for the mysterious man, he reveled in their inner conflict. Souls were his currency, and he was a master at collecting debts. His offer was simple: escape suffering, embrace power. But the cost? That remained shrouded in darkness.

The sisters glanced at each other, their bond stronger than any temptation. They knew they had to decide together. Maria's resolve hardened. "We won't be pawns in your game," she declared, her voice steady. "Our souls are not for sale."

Silvia nodded, her fear replaced by determination. "We'll find another way," she said, her gaze unwavering. "We'll fight for our lives, not surrender them."

The man's smile faltered, but he didn't vanish. Instead, he stepped back, fading into the shadows. "Remember," he whispered, "I'll be waiting."

And so, the sisters closed the door, locking away the darkness. They would face their struggles, cling to their humanity, and protect each other. For in their unity lay a strength greater than any immortality.

As the room fell silent, Maria traced a protective sigil on the door. "We'll write our own story," she vowed. "No deals, no shortcuts."

And so began their journey—a tale of sacrifice, sisterhood, and the resilience of mortal hearts against the allure of eternity. The mysterious man would wait, but he'd find no takers here. The sisters had made their choice, and it was one that echoed through time, defying even the darkest of bargains.

But little did they know that their decision would lead them down a path far more treacherous than they could imagine—a path where shadows whispered secrets, and immortality came at a price beyond their wildest nightmares.