
Sisters Under the Moon

Maria, Silvia, and Elizabeth—three sisters bound by blood and circumstance—found themselves in a desperate struggle against their own kin. Their parents, once loving and nurturing, had become mere memories. Greedy relatives sought the family’s inheritance, willing to sacrifice innocence for wealth. As darkness closed in, the sisters clung to each other, their determination unwavering. Their olive complexions glowed softly, contrasting with their dark hair that fell like night. Despite their modest stature, their resilience shone through. Little did they know, their journey was just beginning, and their sisterly bond would prove unbreakable

Melissa_Lewis_5404 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Desperate Shadows

The moon hung low, casting elongated shadows across the cobblestone streets. Silvia and Elizabeth, hearts pounding in synchrony, navigated the labyrinthine alleys. Their breaths misted in the cold night air, and their footsteps echoed like whispered secrets. Maria—their sister, their anchor—was out there, lost in the darkness. They'd heard the rumors—the Vanderhoffs, the clandestine auction, the enigmatic man named Thorne. But they were sisters, bound by blood and desperation, and they'd stop at nothing to find her.

Silvia, the middle sister, was the strategist—the one who saw patterns in chaos. Her eyes darted from shadow to shadow, seeking clues. Maria's disappearance had left a void—a chasm that threatened to swallow them whole. Silvia's fingers traced the sigil on her wrist—a protective charm passed down through generations. It pulsed with latent magic, a beacon guiding her steps.

"We'll find her," she whispered to Elizabeth. Her voice trembled, but her resolve was unwavering. "We'll follow the breadcrumbs—the rumors, the half-truths. Maria wouldn't abandon us. Not willingly."

Elizabeth nodded, her eyes wide. She clutched a faded photograph—the three of them, arms around each other, sunlight dancing in their hair. Maria's laughter had echoed in that moment, a melody they'd carry forever. But now, the laughter was silenced, replaced by fear and uncertainty.

Elizabeth, the youngest, was the dreamer—the one who believed in fairy tales even when reality turned cruel. Her purity was a fragile thing, like spun glass. She'd never tasted bitterness, never felt the weight of betrayal. But Maria's absence had chipped away at her innocence. The world was no longer a canvas of wonder; it was a maze with hidden traps.

"We'll find her," Elizabeth echoed. Her voice held a childlike determination. "We'll knock on every door, ask every stranger. Someone must have seen her—the girl with the wild curls and the fire in her eyes."

Silvia glanced at her sister. Elizabeth's cheeks were flushed, her breath visible in the frosty air. She'd keep her purity intact, Silvia vowed. She'd shield Elizabeth from the darkness—the predators lurking in the corners. But how long could they remain untouched? How long before innocence crumbled like dried petals?

The night clung to Silvia and Elizabeth like a shroud. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, hearts pounding in sync with their hurried footsteps. The search for Maria had led them into the underbelly of the city—a place where desperation and danger danced a macabre waltz.

They rounded a dimly lit corner, their eyes scanning for any sign of their sister. But instead, they stumbled upon a different kind of predator—an alleyway filled with shadows and menace. The thugs materialized—hooded figures with eyes devoid of humanity. 

Silvia's breath caught as the hooded thugs stepped forward. Elizabeth's grip tightened on Silvia's arm, and Maria's voice cut through the tension.

"Who are you?" Silvia demanded, her determination unwavering.

One of the thugs' lips curved into a cryptic smile. "Names matter little," he replied. "What matters is the choice before you."

Silvia's mind raced. Fight or flee? But this wasn't just about survival. It was about protecting her sister.. She glanced at Elizabeth, then back at the thugs.

"What do you want?" Silvia asked, her voice steady.

The one who spoke before his eyes bore into hers. "Everything," he whispered. "And nothing." Suddenly a loud bang came from the end of the alley way and everyone looked back to see what was happening except the sisters.

They started to run and prayed no one will catch up with them. And then it happened—an alley narrower than a heartbeat. Silvia stumbled, her foot catching on a loose cobblestone. Elizabeth reached for her, their fingers entwined. But a figure emerged—a silhouette against the moon. His eyes were unreadable. Thorne? Or another predator?

"Lost, little lambs?" His voice slithered, a serpent's whisper. "Seeking salvation?"

Silvia's breath hitched. Elizabeth's pulse raced. The man's allure was undeniable—danger wrapped in velvet. His suit was tailored to perfection, his smile a blade. But Maria's face haunted them—their bond, their shared memories. They'd risk everything for her—their sisterhood, their souls.

Thorne circled them, a spider weaving a web. "Your sister," he murmured. "Her soul is currency. Will you trade yours to find her?"

Silvia's mind raced. The Vanderhoffs' legacy—their vampiric hunger, their cruelty—loomed like storm clouds. But Thorne? He was a riddle wrapped in silk, a predator with a hidden agenda. Maria's fate hung in the balance—a pendulum between two predators.

Elizabeth's grip tightened on the photograph. She'd keep her purity, but at what cost? The man's eyes promised both salvation and damnation. Maria awaited them, and the city held its breath.

"We'll find her," Silvia declared. Her voice cracked, but her gaze remained steady. "But not at any cost. Our souls are our own."

Elizabeth nodded, her purity a shield against the darkness. They'd unravel the Vanderhoffs' secrets, face the abyss, and keep their souls intact. For Maria, for sisterhood, for love.

They ran—Silvia's breath burning in her chest, Elizabeth's fingers trembling. The thugs pursued, their footsteps echoing like death's drumbeat. Silvia's mind raced through escape routes—the abandoned building they'd stumbled upon earlier. It loomed ahead—a crumbling relic, its windows shattered, secrets buried within its decaying walls.

They slipped inside, hearts pounding, adrenaline fueling their flight. The air smelled of dampness and decay. Silvia barred the door with a piece of splintered wood, their breaths ragged. They huddled in the darkness, Maria's absence a gaping wound.

Silvia's hand trembled as she wiped sweat from her brow. They had to decide—wait for Maria's return or venture out again, risking discovery. Elizabeth's eyes held fear and determination. She whispered, "We can't stay here forever. Maria needs us."

Silvia nodded. They'd rest, tend to their wounds, and then venture out once more. But the thugs' faces haunted her—their eyes devoid of mercy. They'd barely escaped violation, their purity tested in the crucible of survival.

Elizabeth clung to the photograph—the three of them, arms around each other, sunlight dancing in their hair. Maria's laughter echoed in that frozen moment. Silvia's resolve hardened. They'd find Maria, face the darkness, and emerge stronger. Their sisterhood was their anchor—the bond that held them together even in the darkest of shadows.

As dawn approached, they listened—the distant footsteps fading. Silvia whispered, "We'll find her, Elizabeth. We'll fight for Maria, for ourselves."

And so, they waited—two desperate shadows, their souls entwined, their choices etched in the crumbling walls of the abandoned building.