
Sisters Under the Moon

Maria, Silvia, and Elizabeth—three sisters bound by blood and circumstance—found themselves in a desperate struggle against their own kin. Their parents, once loving and nurturing, had become mere memories. Greedy relatives sought the family’s inheritance, willing to sacrifice innocence for wealth. As darkness closed in, the sisters clung to each other, their determination unwavering. Their olive complexions glowed softly, contrasting with their dark hair that fell like night. Despite their modest stature, their resilience shone through. Little did they know, their journey was just beginning, and their sisterly bond would prove unbreakable

Melissa_Lewis_5404 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

bite-sized badasses

Silvia's eyes fluttered open, and the world was different. The air tasted metallic, and her senses sharpened—a symphony of heartbeats, distant footsteps, and the faintest rustle of wings. She sat up, her body lighter, stronger. The pain from the thugs' beating was a distant memory.

Elizabeth stirred beside her, her skin pale as moonlight. Her eyes, once brown, now held a hunger—a primal need that Silvia recognized. They were no longer mere mortals. They were something else—something darker.

"Elizabeth," Silvia whispered, her voice a velvet rasp. "Do you remember?"

Elizabeth's gaze met hers, and the truth settled between them. "The fire," she said. "The burning. And then… darkness."

Silvia nodded. "Thorne's offer," she murmured. "We chose life."

They stood, their movements fluid, and surveyed their surroundings. They were in a chamber—a hidden corner of Damien's mansion, far from Maria. The walls were adorned with ancient tapestries, depicting forgotten rituals and bloodlines. A single candle flickered on a stone pedestal.

"Where is Maria?" Elizabeth's voice trembled.

Silvia's mind raced. "Thorne promised us life," she said. "But at what cost?"

And then, from the shadows, Damien Thorne emerged. "Welcome," he said, his voice a velvet blade. "My sisters."

Silvia's fangs elongated, and Elizabeth's nails sharpened. "What have you done to us?" Silvia demanded.

Thorne circled them, his smile enigmatic. "I've given you eternity," he replied. "Power beyond imagination."

Elizabeth's gaze never wavered. "And Maria?"

Thorne's laughter echoed. "Maria is safe—for now. But you, my dear sisters, are bound to me. Our bloodline, our hunger—it connects us."

Silvia's heart raced. "Why?"

His lips brushed her cheek. "Because the world is changing. Chaos brews. And you, my darlings, will play a pivotal role."

As they stood there—vampires in the shadows—Silvia wondered if their loyalty to each other would be enough.

The next days were a blur of moonlit lessons and crimson cravings. Silvia and Elizabeth, now vampires, found themselves in Thorne's underground training chamber. The walls were lined with mirrors—distorted reflections of their new selves.

Thorne's lessons were necessary—a crash course in survival, control, and the delicate balance between their monstrous hunger and their humanity. He knew they'd need guidance to navigate this new existence, to avoid becoming mindless predators. And so, the sisters listened, practiced, and wondered if their loyalty to each other would be enough to withstand the darkness that awaited them.

"Welcome to Vampire 101," Thorne announced, his cape billowing dramatically. "Lesson one: Fangs."

Silvia raised her hand. "Professor Thorne, do we get a syllabus?"

He smirked. "No, but you do get a lifetime supply of blood bags. Now, watch closely." Thorne's fangs elongated, and he bit into a juicy tomato. "See? Like this."

Elizabeth leaned over. "Silvia, you try."

Silvia hesitated. "What if I accidentally bite my tongue?"

Thorne rolled his eyes. "You won't. Just focus on the tomato."

Silvia bit down, juice dribbling. "I feel ridiculous."

Elizabeth grinned. "You look like a vampire toddler."

Thorne clapped. "Excellent! Now, hunger management. You'll crave blood, but resist. Think of it as a diet—like avoiding carbs."

Silvia squinted. "So, no midnight snacks?"

"No," Thorne said. "Unless you want to snack on humans."

Elizabeth shuddered. "I'll stick to tomatoes."

Thorne's eyes sparkled. "Lesson two: Glamour. Seduce your prey."

Silvia tried her best smolder. "Hello, I'm Silvia. Want to be my midnight snack?"

Elizabeth snorted. "More like midnight awkward."

Thorne sighed. "Fine, let's move on. Speed. Run like the wind."

They sprinted, Silvia tripping over her own feet. "I thought vampires were graceful!"

Thorne chuckled. "Only in movies. Now, last lesson: Sunlight."

Elizabeth peeked out the window. "It's raining."

Thorne frowned. "Well, that's anticlimactic."

As the night passed, Silvia and Elizabeth practiced—fangs, glamour, speed, and all. They bonded over tomato juice and terrible vampire puns. And Maria? She remained elusive, a mystery they vowed to unravel.

Thorne clapped them on the back. "You're bite-sized badasses now."

Silvia grinned. "Thanks, Professor Thorne."

Elizabeth added, "But can we still have pizza?"

Thorne sighed. "Vampires and their eternal love for carbs."

And so, the sisters navigated their new existence—one tomato at a time, with humor and hunger.

As the moon hung low in the sky, Silvia and Elizabeth sat cross-legged in the candlelit chamber. Thorne, their enigmatic mentor, leaned against a tapestry depicting ancient blood rituals. The room smelled of incense and anticipation.

"Congratulations," Thorne said, his eyes gleaming. "You've survived Vampire 101."

Silvia flexed her newly sharpened nails. "Do we get a diploma?"

Thorne chuckled. "No, but you do get a lifetime supply of blood bags."

Elizabeth squinted. "And what about sleep?"

Thorne's expression shifted. "Ah, the eternal question. Vampires don't need sleep, technically. But you can rest—meditate, if you will."

Silvia raised an eyebrow. "So, no cozy coffins?"

Thorne sighed. "Coffins are overrated. You're not Dracula."

Elizabeth leaned back. "What about nightmares?"

Thorne's gaze softened. "Your past will haunt you, but you'll learn to control it. And remember, you're bound by blood. Your sisterhood is your anchor."

Silvia glanced at Elizabeth. "So, no slumber parties?"

Thorne smirked. "Not in the traditional sense. But you'll find your rhythm—nights for hunting, days for unraveling secrets."

Elizabeth yawned. "I'm tired."

Thorne's eyes twinkled. "Welcome to eternity."

As they settled into their new existence, Silvia wondered if their sister Maria faced the same nocturnal dilemma.