
Crushes (1) | 'WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!'

"Faith, let us go! We are running late already! What are you still doing?! I will leave you behind. See ya!" Out of anger, Asa left Faith for school with the car. Faith was just done with her make-up just before Asa zoomed off. This is not the first time Asa would do this, '...and definitely not the last.' Faith thought and smiled at herself. As usual, Faith would spend a whole hour deciding on which particular pair of shoes to put on, depending on the weather. Afterward, she would switch off all the sockets and close all windows in case of thunderstorms.

When she was just about to lock the room, she suddenly had a strong feeling to take a beautiful but casual pair of flip-flops. She knew that she would get such feelings once in a blue moon. So, she quickly ran in and took along them from her shoe rack. She wrapped it with polythene and kept it neatly in her bag. 'Now, I am damn late.'

Immediately she stepped on the road, she spotted a good-looking and well-built guy of about twenty years. He was fair with curly long dark hair. Of course, his dressing was mind-blowing. He was on a black Jean jacket and pants, sparkling white turtleneck, and sneakers. Staring at him made Faith waste an extra five minutes. She had forgotten everything else, including the fact that it remained fifteen minutes to the end of her first lecture.

On the other hand, Jason just arrived from London. His father rejected him because he refused to join his father in the family business which was doing drugs. Although his father hated him, he furthered his education in a different continental since his son insisted to have a 'future'. Because of this deed, Jason found it difficult to hate his father.

At the very time Asa was done dressing up, Jason landed. Now, a new problem, he did not know the way to his new school. He tried asking around but he constantly met oldies. 'Maybe all the students in this area have gone to school.' He concluded.

"Hi?!" Faith startled Jason. "I am sorry to scare you. You so much look lost and I felt I can help." That was just the minor truth. Faith just wanted to have a clearer and bigger image of him in her memory. Yeah, you may say Faith crushed on him at first sight.

"Well, you are right there." Jason chuckled and it made Faith feel weak immediately. "Well, I am new here and yet to know the way to my new school." Jason realized that she continuously glanced at his flat tummy and he smiled. "You could just take a picture." Now, he stared at her like a new chick. He was already used to girls drooling at him.

"What? I'm...I'm...not..." 'And when did I start stammering? This is so weird. I will so beat Asa for this. She caused it.' It was her turn to be lost in thoughts.

Jason just realized that of a sudden, she became quiet and angry. 'Now, that is new.' He needed quick help because his father taught him time-consciousness (unlike Faith). He had to speak.

"Hello? Girl? You were just about to help me?" He startled her and she leaped, bringing her face so close to his face. Both of them felt the heat from their proximity. Faith removed her face-first after she noticed his grey eyes.

"Oh! Ahm...yes! Help! I remember..." 'This is worse than I thought. I need help urgently.' She admitted. "So, what is the name of the school? I'm quite familiar with this environment so I can tell the direction from just the name of the school." She could not look at his eyes.

"Oh! Great! It is the Kings and Queens College of Health Sciences." Jason noticed a change of attitude, something like fear in her.

"What?! Wow! That's nice. I was just about to leave in that direction as well. If you don't mind, you can give me a lift while I direct you. Both sides win." 'And why am I feeling this way? My heartbeat, oh God! My college is his college. God, which kind of arrangement is this?' She tried to cover her shyness with the casualty.

"I'm good with that. Shall we?" Jason led her to the front seat. He noticed that her buttocks were not too small and not too big, just the size he always wanted to handle every night, unlike the ones his father would kill himself within his room all day. Each time a lady with overload wrapped his father in his presence, he would just leave their sight. Since then, he was determined that he would date a lady whose buttocks are just his palm size. Luckily, he has seen this day. 'And when did I ever think like a pervert? It is not as if she is interested in me.....or is she? Shut it, Jason! You just met her. So, behave!'

It was driving time. It was super quiet. Faith did not want to talk because she was yet to recover from the proximity here. Jason did not want to talk because Faith did not look like talking, and the silence was about to kill him. So, he just turned on some Gospel music by Kirk Franklin and it was like it brought Faith back to life. Jason, unaware that that was her best musician, was so surprised at her sudden change of mood. All of a sudden, Faith sang from A to Z. Not forgetting the fact that she was a born and passionate singer, she sang so melodiously as if it was Franklin and she that composed it. Jason was so amazed that he had to pull over at the Tee-junction. No more directions, all attention on the singer.

"Wow! Being a while I did that." She spilled before realizing that it wasn't Asa's car. "Oh....my...oh...my..." 'Not again! The stammering is back. Why didn't he stop me, or distract me, or something?' At this point, she was panting and sweating. "Oh! Please, turn left and we will see the Kings and Queens College." 'Our school, hottie.'

"Okay. Wow!" Best experience and welcome gift ever. He did not want to appear like a pervert but he was so much liking Faith.

In three minutes, they arrived at the school's car park. Faith did not want Jason to know that they were both in the same school. So, she insisted that she had to go to her 'school's from there when she meant passing the back door to her class. Jason was about to show his gratitude with some cash but she refused and ran off.

"Wow! That was strange. I didn't even realize my breath cease when she was so close to me.....oh God! I need to go to my class as well." Jason soliloquy.

(In Biology class...)

"Where have you been?" Asa whispered.

"Long story sis. Trust me, you really wanna know that later." Faith struggled with her books in her bag because of her pair of flip-flops. She has not realized that she had left her iPhone in Jason's car. While she was on that, a newbie came to the class and the lecturer welcomed him. He went straight to Faith while she was still head down.

"Babe, you forgot your phone in my car. Hope you were not too worried about it." All mouths opened. News spreading. Gossips at work. Immediately, Faith recognized that voice. Asa was dumbfounded, already giving her a questioning look.

"Hi! Hmm.....not at all. Thanks a bunch." 'WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!'

What about you?

Do you have a crush or once did?

How was it when you two first met?

I will honestly love to see your reply in the comments.

OpeSquare_1creators' thoughts
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