
118. Brown Envelope

Even so, Rena still did not give up, she switched and opened Brian's wardrobe. Brian's clothes were neatly arranged. Rena started looking for things in drawers and in cupboards. Rena kept looking until the last drawer at the bottom of the cupboard. There are lots of files and folders stacked by Brian. Rena began to look at the contents of the file one by one. There was nothing related to her investigation of Elise. Until a thick brown envelope that shows the amount of paper or files in it. The envelope binder that reads for Brian Fernandez from Stephen Hillen.

 When reading Stephen's name, Rena did not know who it was. Maybe it's Brian's business partner. However, Rena's guess was wrong. Stephen Hillen is the name of a private investigator who used to be hired by Fredy at Brian's order to investigate all things about Elena. And the envelope folder in Rena's hand right now is all the results of the detective's investigation into Elena.

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