
Put to the test

(Narration)-Tia studies on the couch in the main room meanwhile Tamera intrudes through the doorway.

Tamera- Tia!!?! ... Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia,Tia!! You've got to help me take the algebra test tomorrow I got for next class.

Tia- Tamera, I'm not gonna cheat for you AGAIN.

Tamera- Well who said we were cheating?!

Tia-(looks at her and mugs)

Tamera- (pouts) Oh, come on Tia!?!!! You know I can't take the test tomorrow without failing again??!!! Come on, Tia?.? We're twins, remember?? You're suppose to be there for me- be by my side?!!.. (leans over her shoulders and gives her puppy-eyes) please.

Tia- Okay, okay.!!

Tamera- Ohhhh, thanks sis!( tightly wraps her arms around Tia)

Tia- But then- where're YOU gonna be at??!

Tamera- Easy!-whatever class you have.

Tia- Tamera- I have gym.!


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