
Second Chance?

  Is it my time already? Thank God I died, I don't think I would have liked to live with breathing problems or anything. I would've loved to live but I wouldn't get to do what I wanted to.

  You see I wanted to live a risky life, not doing a job, just living carefree but I couldn't after I heard doctors say they were not sure if I would survive or not and even if I did I would have to stay without any stress and always be calm, I didn't want to live that way, I know some people would give their lives to live like that but I couldn't and even if I did I would die way more early for not listening to the doctors.

  When I felt I was dying, it was so Peaceful and comfortable. I opened my eyes after just enjoying it for some time which to me I think was an hour, when I opened my eyes I couldn't see anything, everything was so dark but I was happy, Peacefully I started to swim in the blackness, it felt so good while doing so, like water but you don't need to breathe and you can just enjoy it.

  While I was swimming I saw a small light ahead so I started to swim towards it, as I reached closer it got brighter and brighter and when I finally reached it, everything was white but not the white that would hurt your eyes but it was comforting and good.

  When I was fully in the white light, everything started to shake and I started to fall, after what felt like minutes I reached a Floor, and when I started to stand up, a magical vortex or something like that started to open up, it was black and round in shape, first, it was small as a ring but then it started to open up more, like doctor strange portals when they go somewhere, it was like that, just in black.

  When it finally opened up a man who looked to be about 25 of age, Wearing what seems to look like black robes and black jeans, He had brown eyes and long black hair that was tied up in a low ponytail.

  After a quick second survey I looked at him to see him already looking at him, After some 5 minutes of him staring at me, I raised my eyebrow at him as to ask what? He cleared his throat scratching his neck, He seems to look nervous for some reason, hmm i wonder why? He then said, "Hello, I'm death and I'm here to give you a second chance at life to say." He said cheerfully like it was the most causal thing in the world. I looked at him curiously and asked, "Why? And if I do agree to a second chance what would I get? And where would I even go?". "You'll be taking the place of Mariana potter, She wants to live a normal life away from me and her formal family and friends, So I decided to give her a new life and you died the second I had that thought and I thought to put her in your body in exchange of putting you in her body", He said causally again as if it was the most normal thing to say to somebody.

  "But I know nothing about who I'll be or what I get, I want you to tell me about her, her family, where she lives, etc?" I said to him wanting to know more before making any decisions.

  "Mariana was nice, She was very much loved from her uncle, Aunt and cousin, Her parents died when she was aroung one year old, They were killed by a very filthy man, She has a twin brother, He's an hour younger than her, When she reached the age of eleven and went to her boarding school with her twin, She had a lot of attention as she and her twin were famous for killing the man who killed their parents and saving their world. When she got to her boarding school she was very famous and loved the attention she got, after some time in the attention she started to become really toxic towards her twin, It got to the point her twin tried to suicide, From then on I had enough so I made her twin brother my master, she didn't like that and started abusing her brother more, after in her 5th year she took up all the lordship of her and her twin, she was older so she could do it, Her name is Mariana lily Potter and Her brother's name is Harry james Potter. She took all the lordships and starting controlling Harry, abusing him, not letting him do anything, etc. After when Harry came of age he took an inheritance test and found out that all the lordships were supposed to be taken by him. After one day when she nearly killed Harry the family magic refused her as a lord of the house and made Harry lord, she still wouldn't leave or stop and then finally master begged me to complete her wish which was to go somewhere completely normal away from her twin and then-", His words were cut when the ground suddenly started to shake, Behind me a blue portal thingy started to open, Death looked very angry seeing it.

"We only have fifteen seconds so do you choose to be Harry potter's twin?", "Yes", And everything went blank.

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I opened my eyes and saw death looking at me with excitement, kinda weird if you ask me but okay.

"Okay so mistress, you've chosen to become my mistress, And become Harry Potter's big twin sister, and take Mariana's place. " He said Looking very proud while smirking.

"Yes, But I have a few demands If you don't mind me asking? And also i did not agree to be your mistress at all", I said to him.

"Oh yeah, that's totally fine mistress, Ask away", He said still smirking.

"OK so first can you change my name to he something else? I hate the name Mariana, And I'm not your mistress. When I get there I'll ask Harry if he wants to still be your master and if he said yes then he'll be your master and if he said no then you can choose somebody else, cause i am not your mistress. Can I also be an Metamorphmagus? So I can take Harry and put him in my care? Other than that I don't have any more requests yet", I said, slightly annoyed with the mistress thing.

"Okay I'll grant you your wish, You'll arrive for Harry and your's fourth birthday, You'll be put in a place that is abandoned near Diagon alley, From there you first have to go to the bank and then you can go where ever you want. You'll also have all the Deathly Hallows and your memories before of your parents till the killing curse hit you." He said looking very excited for some reason. I wanted to Squeeze his cheeks and i did.

"OK, ok, I'll stop now," I said to him when he started whining and trying to swat my hand away, "Now send me there".

"OK bye bye Mistress", He said. I became annoyed and just as i was about to refuse Everything went dark.

{ Hope you like it. Bye }