

I could say life is easy. But not when the odds are against you. Taken into the darkness of murder I find myself a victim of the truth untold. How do I fight back?? Vengeance!! Everyone must know how it feels to be a threat to the lives of the innocent. My reign will be for justice. People may quit but I never back down! Why?? Cause I'm Siren!! Irresistible with unmatched beauty and talent. My name will be the death of many!! Yes I'm a woman but that won't make me kill like a man when I can do it better than men!! Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty," where the allure of a woman with unparalleled beauty, talent, and skills conceals a multitude of enigmatic secrets. Prepare to be captivated as jealousy unravels the hidden truths that lie beneath her flawless facade. Amidst the duality of her existence, Siren embarks on daring missions that showcase her remarkable abilities. She is the epitome of perfection, a true marvel to behold. However, little does she know that her mysterious past lingers, waiting to resurface like a relentless hunter. What unfolds when the ghosts of her past come knocking? Will Siren's path remain strewn with delicate roses, or will it transform into an unforgiving bed of thorns? Journey alongside Siren as she navigates the treacherous terrain of her history, where her remarkable allure might just be the key to her survival. Prepare for a breathtaking tale filled with twists, revelations, and a mesmerizing protagonist whose secrets will leave you yearning for more. Will Siren rise above the shadows of her past, or will she succumb to the intricate web of deceit that surrounds her? "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty" is an irresistible literary gem that promises to enthral, enchant, and leave you craving the next chapter.

Bangume_pearl · Urban
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61 Chs


As the music came to an end, Siren walks away without uttering a word to Logan. No one could understand why she walked away she did. But it was all part of the plan, "to distract him while they attempt to detect where the bomb has been placed. " I know my brother noticed something, but that's also part of the plan, " my family needs to know that I'm still alive, I need to unite with them to make sure I can keep them safe"

Logan's heart sank as Siren walked away without saying a word. He couldn't understand why she would leave like that, especially after their intimate dance just moments ago. He stood there, frozen in place, watching her disappear into the crowd. I walk to my seat and sat down what could be the problem?

Logan's friends looked at him incredulously as Siren walked away without a word. "What the hell just happened?" Liam asked.

Logan shrugged, trying to fight off the panic rising in his chest. "I don't know," he said, "We were dancing, and then she just walked away."

"You were dancing perfectly just now," Liam said, not believing Logan's story.

Logan's mind raced. He didn't want to tell his friends the truth - that there was a bomb planted somewhere in the building, and that they were all in danger.

"I left something in the car," he said, his voice firm as ever, "I'll be right back."

As Logan made his way towards the exit, he tried to think of a way to talk to Nalani again. He knew that there was something she was not telling him, and he also knew someone in there had bad intentions for him. His team had informed him, but they were yet to know where the bomb was placed. Seeing Nalani here tonight reminded him of their previous encounters, he felt she was somehow involved, but he didn't know how deep her involvement went.

He reached the parking lot and just as he started walking towards the car door, the car exploded throwing him far off in an unconscious state.


As the music came to an end, Siren walks away without uttering a word to Logan. No one could understand why she walked away she did. But it was all part of the plan, "to distract him while they attempt to detect where the bomb has been placed. " I know my brother noticed something, but that's also part of the plan, " my family needs to know that I'm still alive, I need to unite with them to make sure I can keep them safe" as I walk trying to get to Xi I bumped into my worst enemy. "Loic AKA "arrow"

We meet again... Beauty! He says with an evil smirk on his face.


Hahaha, he chuckles.

I glared at Arrow, my heart pounding in my chest. I hope that he doesn't suspect my plan. I need to keep Logan safe, no matter what. "What do you want, Arrow?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I just wanted to say hello to my favourite little spy," he said, his eyes flickering over her shoulder, "Is your big brother here, too?"

Siren's heart skipped a beat. If Arrow found out that her brother was at the event, then the plan would be ruined. "No, he's not here," she lied, desperately trying to keep her cool. As Xi spoke through the telecom "Siren we have a problem". My brows creased in confusion, as he added: "We can't defuse the bomb!". Those words made me panic as I tried to keep the hard facade.

Arrow sneered. "Well, that's a shame," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "I was hoping to catch both of you in the act. But I can settle for just you."

I felt my body tense up. I was about to make a break for it when I heard a loud explosion. The ground shook beneath my feet, and the windows shattered behind me.

I turned around, my eyes widening in horror. Logan's car had exploded into flames, and I knew that the bomb had been planted there by Arrow. "Logan!" I screamed, pushing past the crowd and running towards the wreckage.

I searched through the debris, gasping for air as the smoke filled my lungs. And then, I saw him. Logan was lying on the ground, his body covered in cuts and bruises.

I didn't hesitate. I scooped him up into my arms, crying yet ignoring the screams and chaos around me. I knew that I needed to get him out of there before another bomb goes off.

As I ran towards the entrance, I heard Arrow's voice behind me. "You'll never escape me, Siren," he taunted, "I'll find you, no matter where you hide!" Leo and Liam rushed to me asking questions.

What happened??

"I think we need to take him to the hospital," I said, panicked. "He's unconscious."

Logan's friends crowded around him, worry etched on their faces. "What happened?" Liam asked.

"It's the effect of the bomb," I said, my voice shaking, "I think he was too close."

Without hesitation, we lifted Logan into our car and rushed him to the nearest hospital. The journey was a blur of, flashing lights, and tears.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctors rushed Logan into the emergency room. We waited outside, our hearts in our throats and our minds racing with worry.

Finally, the doctor emerged from the room. "He's stable," he said, "But we need to keep him here for observation."

We all let out a collective sigh of relief. We may not know how bad the effect was on Logan, but we knew that he was going to be okay.

As we sat in the hospital waiting room, Logan's friends talked amongst themselves, trying to piece together what had happened. But I couldn't join in. My mind was still racing with worry.

Guilt was eating me up, I was not able to protect him. Why Logan? And more importantly, would he ever be the same again? Will he still feel the same towards me?

As the hours ticked by, I couldn't help but wonder what the next day would bring. None of us could have predicted the events of tonight would turn out this way, and I knew that our lives would never be the same again.

Siren! Xi mutters as he walks into the hospital, with a worried look on his face." Baby girl, are you ok?"