

I could say life is easy. But not when the odds are against you. Taken into the darkness of murder I find myself a victim of the truth untold. How do I fight back?? Vengeance!! Everyone must know how it feels to be a threat to the lives of the innocent. My reign will be for justice. People may quit but I never back down! Why?? Cause I'm Siren!! Irresistible with unmatched beauty and talent. My name will be the death of many!! Yes I'm a woman but that won't make me kill like a man when I can do it better than men!! Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty," where the allure of a woman with unparalleled beauty, talent, and skills conceals a multitude of enigmatic secrets. Prepare to be captivated as jealousy unravels the hidden truths that lie beneath her flawless facade. Amidst the duality of her existence, Siren embarks on daring missions that showcase her remarkable abilities. She is the epitome of perfection, a true marvel to behold. However, little does she know that her mysterious past lingers, waiting to resurface like a relentless hunter. What unfolds when the ghosts of her past come knocking? Will Siren's path remain strewn with delicate roses, or will it transform into an unforgiving bed of thorns? Journey alongside Siren as she navigates the treacherous terrain of her history, where her remarkable allure might just be the key to her survival. Prepare for a breathtaking tale filled with twists, revelations, and a mesmerizing protagonist whose secrets will leave you yearning for more. Will Siren rise above the shadows of her past, or will she succumb to the intricate web of deceit that surrounds her? "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty" is an irresistible literary gem that promises to enthral, enchant, and leave you craving the next chapter.

Bangume_pearl · Urban
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61 Chs



And?.. Siren demands with authority, "Who else is in charge?"

"It's his company," answers Liam.

"And does he have any other relatives?" Siren questions.

"No," replies Liam.

Siren's expression turns serious as she declares, "Starting tomorrow, someone needs to step in."

"What do you mean?" asks Liam.

"If my instincts are correct, this was perfectly planned. I know the organization too well," Siren says, deep in thought. This isn't just about my love for him.

Liam interrupts, "Nalani, there's a lot we don't understand."

Siren ignores him and asks, "How guarded is this place? Is it completely secured?"

Leo confirms, "No one knows its location."

"We'll take him home tomorrow. He'll be safe there with proper security," Siren decides.

"But-" protests Leo.

"Not now, Leo! If we want him to ever wake up, we need to get him out of here," Siren commands.

I say, "Let's go back inside."

They look at Nalani and say, "Why don't you get changed? Logan won't like seeing you like this. You should clean up so that if he wakes up, he'll see you doing okay. You look messed up." The words are persuasive.

Nalani glances at herself, taking in her dishevelled appearance. After a few seconds, she finally relaxes and accepts their suggestion.

"Okay, but I need a fresh change of clothes," she replies.

Without hesitation, Leo rushes to get them.

As he hurries off, Nalani turns and walks back to Logan's ward.

Just before entering, Nalani hears her brother's voice calling her name.

She stops and turns towards him, asking, "Yes?"

He hesitates for a moment before speaking, "What do I tell Grandpa?"

Nalani knows exactly what he means. She answers, "Tell him it's me, but you know where to drop the line."

Understanding passes between them, a shared secret.

His next words catch her off guard, "I've missed you!"

The weight of his confession hits her, and she can't hold back her emotions any longer. Tears well up in her eyes.

"I've missed you too," she whispers, finally letting her guard down as she embraces him.

He holds her tightly, his words now soft and tender, "My cute baby sister, you haven't changed even for a day. I don't care how many people you've killed or how bad you've become. Always remember that you'll be my one and only baby sister who looks exactly like Mum."

His words pierce through her tough exterior, breaking down the walls she has built. The tears flow freely now, a release of pent-up emotions.

I'll be ok eventually. I say In a whisper, I pull away and clean my eyes and we go into the ward.

Xifi? I called.


We'll just call it a day. I'll take care of Logan you guys can go to bed I said in a calm tone.

Siren spent the night in Logan's Ward, while the guys stood guard taking turns outside.


The next morning, Logan was escorted to his rest house, where he was given a much-needed bath. Afterwards, they all gathered in Logan's immaculate library, ready to discuss Nalani's plan.

"What's the plan?" Leo asked, his eyes brimming with curiosity.

Nalani took a deep breath, her demeanour transformed since the previous night. She had stopped crying and now radiated a determination that mirrored Logan's own. "We need someone to step in for Logan. One of you."

Liam frowned, clearly confused. "I don't understand. Step in for Logan? In what way?"

Nalani leaned forward, her voice steady. "Based on my past missions, I can confidently say that someone close to Logan wants to take him down. They want his businesses, his files, everything related to his success."

Leo's eyes widened, realization dawning on him. "Logan has enemies, but who could it be?"

Nalani shook her head. "I don't know yet, but I intend to find out. But for now, we need to focus on finding a replacement. Someone who can protect Logan's business while we get to the bottom of this."

Leo and Liam exchanged hesitant glances, their reluctance apparent. "I can't do it," Leo finally admitted.

Liam nodded in agreement. "Me neither."

Nalani couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Seriously? You both can't step in for Logan?"

Leo hesitated before speaking up. "Why don't you do it, Nalani? You've changed. You're more like Logan now."

I narrowed my eyes at them, stunned by their suggestion. "Are you even serious? Me?"

Leo nodded firmly, and Liam echoed his sentiment. "We believe in you. No one can protect that place better than you. You'll do just fine."

"But I don't know anything about Logan's business," I argued, feeling unprepared and uncertain.

Liam stepped forward, his voice filled with empathy. "We'll teach you everything you need to know. We have too much on our plates to handle it properly. Please, consider it."

Leo joined in, his eyes pleading. "Please... we need you."

After what seemed like an eternity of internal debate, I reluctantly acquiesced. I could see the relief wash over their faces as they realized I had agreed.

"Dave, you'll take care of Gramps and the company," I instructed, turning to my brother.

Dave nodded in understanding. "I've got it covered."

I met their gazes, a new fire burning within me. "I'm sure they're planning to attack my family too. Xifi, I need you to handle the security of the rest house and my family's mansion. Leo and Liam, dig up every bit of dirt on every single member of the company. That'll be my way of keeping them quiet so that no one dares to oppose me standing in for Logan."

The conversation grew intense as we planned our moves, a sense of determination and righteous anger fueling our every word. We were ready to protect Logan, his business, and most importantly, our own families. The battle had just begun, and we would not rest until we had uncovered the truth and brought the guilty to justice.

As the weekend rolled on, the guys took on the task of teaching Nalani the ropes. Leo and Liam, experienced in their respective fields, proved to be excellent mentors. They patiently showed Nalani the intricacies of their work, ensuring she understood every detail. From explaining complex mathematical algorithms to teaching her the most important things about the business and Nalani soaked up their knowledge like a sponge.

Simultaneously, Xifi diligently worked on his laptop, engrossed in creating an impenetrable security system for the rest house and Nalani's family mansion. With his exceptional coding skills and innate understanding of cybersecurity, he was determined to shield their properties from any potential threats. Every keystroke was purposeful and each line of code was infused with his expertise, resulting in a formidable defense mechanism.

Meanwhile, Nalani, fueled by her unwavering dedication and her desire to create an exceptional payback for Logan, spent countless sleepless nights working on his documents. She was determined to make this work. She was like a hungry lion ready to devour its prey. They called it a night at 7:00 PM, and she spent the night next to Logan, it was her resting place. He may be unconscious but her love for him will never change.


The early morning sun cast a golden glow across the sleek glass exterior of Brooks Corp, as the bustling city awakened from its slumber. Employees scurried about, their faces etched with determination and purpose, never noticing the impending excitement that was about to shake their monotonous routines.

And then she appeared.

As if materializing from a distant realm of enchantment, a woman entered the corporate lobby, emanating a charisma that was a force to be reckoned with. Her mere presence commanded attention, and heads turned instinctively towards her.

Her beauty was ethereal - a rare combination of delicate features and smouldering allure. Perfectly chiselled cheekbones framed a pair of captivating, moonlight grey eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. Her grey hair cascaded effortlessly down her shoulders, like a burning sunset wrapped around her. Her suit hugged every curve, accentuating her figure in a way that bespoke confidence and power.

But it was her shoes that puzzled onlookers the most. They were not mere accessories to complement her ensemble; they were integral to the enigmatic energy that surrounded her. Crafted from a rare, shimmering material, they glimmered with a mystic radiance. With each measured stride, her steps echoed with a symphony of authority, exuding a dominance that animated the very air she treads upon.

Whispers and murmurs swept through the crowd as intrigued glances followed her every move. Employees paused mid-task, their curiosity piqued by this mysterious figure who had disrupted the mundane rhythm of an ordinary day. The air crackled with buzzing anticipation as if an untamed storm was brewing just beneath the surface.

Little did they know, this captivating woman carried a torrent of ambition in her wake. As she made her way towards the elevators, her eyes sparkled with a shrewd determination, holding the promise of great upheaval. Unbeknownst to all, she carried within her the blueprint for a revolution that would redefine the boundaries of success and power.

The scene played out like a tantalizing prologue to a story that was about to unfold. In the corridors of Brooks Corp, a silent challenge emerged, as colleagues questioned their abilities and ambitions. A thrilling energy danced between the walls, igniting dormant dreams and nudging individuals to seek greatness.

This rare beauty had unknowingly reignited the passions within those who crossed her path, leaving behind a trail of shimmering inspiration. The stage was set, and the dominoes of fate were about to topple, forever altering the course of Brooks Corp.

Who is she? They questioned among themselves.


Noises could be heard as the board members argued among themselves until she stepped in. She was an atom of beauty that the men were now full of lust for and the women full of envy.

I'm Nalani and I'll be sitting in for the president till he's back in town. She said with a passive look, and that's when most of the board members came back to their senses.

I beg your pardon. An aged man uttered in a confused state.

You heard me!

Where's the President?

On a business trip.

But still, who are you to sit in for the president? He asked.

His fiancee!! I said with the least interest.

Please share my little present with them. She said instructing one of the guards. The moment each of them opened their files, their faces fell.

Excuse me miss, don't you think you're running ahead of yourself? A young woman asked with sarcasm clear in her tone.

Why Amanda? I asked with the least interest.

Because I'm the one engaged to him. She said with mockery.

And yet I'm the one with the ring. I said flashing Logan's ring in front of her eyes. She was in shock and glared at me instantly.

I guess Cat caught your tongue right? Stop clinging to a man that's not yours, get a life, Amanda!

Now... Who has anything else to say?? I asked scanning the faces of the board members, but no one said a word. Since there's nothing else to be said let's move to the most important issues. I said and started explaining the matters of the company and providing solutions to them.

and professionalism such that the board members cannot take their eyes off her.

Nalani was a striking figure, her fiery hair neatly tied up in a bun and her fitting suit accentuating her curves. She exuded confidence and poise which immediately caught the attention of everyone in the room.

Nalani wasted no time and got straight to the point. Despite Logan, the CEO, not being present, Nalani picked up the baton effortlessly. She began by delving into the company's objectives for the upcoming year and outlining the issues that needed to be addressed. Her sharp insights and strategic thinking were immediately palpable, and the atmosphere in the room was electric as everyone waited with bated breath for her next words.

Nalani's compelling arguments were supported by data, statistics, and thorough analysis, leaving no room for any doubt or ambiguity. She provided concrete solutions to all the shortcomings of the company and showed the board members exactly what needed to be done. Her communication skills were impeccable as she articulated her points with passion and conviction.

As she spoke, the board members soon realized that they were in the presence of a true leader. Nalani captivated their attention with her in-depth knowledge and impressive presentation skills. Her ability to think on her feet and provide solutions to any situation was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

The board members watched as Nalani navigated through every intricate detail of the company without breaking a sweat. Her work was flawless, and her calm demeanour added to the elegance of her presentation. When she finished, the board members were left stunned, amazed, and awestruck by Nalani's skills and professionalism.

Nalani was indeed a boss lady, and that day she had left an indelible impression on everyone in the boardroom. As the meeting ended she carried her stuff out of the boardroom, and the members dispersed, but the impact of Nalani's skills and abilities resonated for a long time after. She was more than just a fiancee; she was a force to be reckoned with.

That went well, said Liam.

Yeah! Was her response.

Keep that safe, it belonged to his late father.

I will.

We'll be leaving you now, they said entering their cars and driving off.

I enter mine and decided to go see my grandfather. But I don't want to go there empty handed so I stopped at a shopping mall to get a gift for him.


Good morning Miss I need a good walking stick.

G... Good morning! She stuttered as she met my gaze.

Saleslady's Pov

Wow, she's very beautiful, I can't believe such beauty still exists. Wow, if I had half of her beauty, I won't be standing here right now. Check out those boobs, face and figure. Everything is on point.

Not that I didn't notice the way she's been looking at me, but that's not why I'm here. So to stop her from gawking at me, I clear my throat.

Oh sorry miss, please follow me.


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