

I could say life is easy. But not when the odds are against you. Taken into the darkness of murder I find myself a victim of the truth untold. How do I fight back?? Vengeance!! Everyone must know how it feels to be a threat to the lives of the innocent. My reign will be for justice. People may quit but I never back down! Why?? Cause I'm Siren!! Irresistible with unmatched beauty and talent. My name will be the death of many!! Yes I'm a woman but that won't make me kill like a man when I can do it better than men!! Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty," where the allure of a woman with unparalleled beauty, talent, and skills conceals a multitude of enigmatic secrets. Prepare to be captivated as jealousy unravels the hidden truths that lie beneath her flawless facade. Amidst the duality of her existence, Siren embarks on daring missions that showcase her remarkable abilities. She is the epitome of perfection, a true marvel to behold. However, little does she know that her mysterious past lingers, waiting to resurface like a relentless hunter. What unfolds when the ghosts of her past come knocking? Will Siren's path remain strewn with delicate roses, or will it transform into an unforgiving bed of thorns? Journey alongside Siren as she navigates the treacherous terrain of her history, where her remarkable allure might just be the key to her survival. Prepare for a breathtaking tale filled with twists, revelations, and a mesmerizing protagonist whose secrets will leave you yearning for more. Will Siren rise above the shadows of her past, or will she succumb to the intricate web of deceit that surrounds her? "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty" is an irresistible literary gem that promises to enthral, enchant, and leave you craving the next chapter.

Bangume_pearl · Urban
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61 Chs


She walks in red..hair silver and long, her eyes captivating, her lips seductive, and her body is perfect and flawless, the second she moves to the music she captivates the crowd. Her body language is in perfect sync, her hips can kill without effort who is she that makes me want to grab her and claim her at this instant? Logan Brooks asks himself as his eyes scanned the beautiful woman on the stage. Never has a woman interested me, but this one... there's something about her...I feel like owning her without a reason. She's too gorgeous to be ignored.

I danced to the music seducing every man in sight but I had a mission and I will leave here successful I said smiling within.

After the dance as expected my prey came to me like a blind rat chasing cheese".

Bonsoir ma Belle! He greeted me with a flirtatious smile,

bonsoir monsieur! "I responded with the same flirty smile".

I would like you to join me for dinner in my private room if you don't mind. "He proposed"

Sure monsieur "I said beaming at him".

Je vais juste nettoyer et vous rejoindre sous peu

Dacor, apres ma Belle.

Oui monsieur I responded with a wink. Being an assassin makes me too smart, there's no language I can't speak, I mean... it's part of my job to be good at everything I do. I took my bath and found the perfect costume for my prey, you'd never be able to tell who I am, I always go undercover and today was different I wanted to dance with my real hair but no one would think of it as my hair because it's an extraordinarily rare colour. I wore a long red gown and a black wig that covered my hair completely, I kept my eye contacts on because I knew I had strange eyes, I'm blessed with phenomenal beauty, my eyes, my hair and my body, I've got the sexiest rare silver slender eyes, small heart-shaped lips which were as red as red roses, dimples and a milky complexion, with a body as soft as cotton and smooth as the word can best describe it. I've got an hourglass figure, with a very tiny waist, a heart-shaped peach booty, perfect boobs and round sexy legs. My body was a dream for men, so killing a man was a piece of cake to me. I do sports and lifts, I'm a martial arts expert and nothing is too difficult for me. I wore 7-inch heels, my gown was backless and had a split that ran up to my upper thigh, and my makeup was just perfect to disguise the real me, this was one hell of a kill that I didn't have the luxury of time.  When I was set, I left the room and strolled straight to the private room of Monsieur Boujoir.

   Knocks...Oh, ma belle c'est toi? He says with a smile.

Oui I responded smiling at him, pardon moi ma belle Veuillez entrer... he said opening the door wide for me to enter. I walked in swaying my hips seductively. Excusez-moi s'il vous plaît, je voulais juste dire...

oui monsieur??

TU est manifique! "He said and his eyes held nothing but pure lust...gross! I spat in my mind". Merci shu shu

"I responded smiling at him.  He offered me a drink which I took and had a sip, he had guards in the room. So I had to get rid of them".

Shu shu...

oui ma belle.

J'aimerais un peu d'intimité, "I said acting all shy while indicating with my eyes what I mean. He understood and told his guards to go out. I decided to set my plan in motion and so I gave him a hot lap dance then took him to the bed after minutes of just massaging his back I snapped his neck, stabbed him in the heart, and left through the window. Xifi was already waiting for me in the van, but then I bumped into this hot guy! "

  Hey watch where you're going to, I screamed as I bumped into his hard chest. He didn't say a word, he had this domineering aura that made me shriek the second I looked into his eyes, his ice-blue eyes held nothing..it was the very first time I came across a man who turned me on without uttering a word".

I'm sorry I stuttered.

Hmm! "Was his short reply as he walked away. I couldn't help but look at his exiting back. He's sexy! I blurted out loud only to hear someone clear his throat". Xifi!

...Siren! "He called me by my code name. Let's go now before you rape someone's son he said looking as serious as always, making me roll my eyes at him".

Don't worry I don't have the luxury of time to fuck any asshole! I fired and walked passed him into the car.


   She disappeared after the dance and I was left blank, again!

Sir Mr Rome is waiting for you in his private suit for the meeting. I nodded stood up and left. After the meeting I was on my way to my car when this sexy maiden bumped into me... she looked damn familiar but I couldn't make out where, staring at her rant and then going mute just made me realize that I'm still the same cold-blooded human being. No emotions to show especially with how she kept staring at me like a scaredy cat. I didn't have the time for drama. I wanted to get home and have a good rest. So I simply responded and walked away. I wish I had that woman on the dancefloor but she's just a slut and who knows how many men have already fucked her? Scott let's go I ordered my right-hand man the second I sat in my car and we drove off.

The Organization


Boss! ... everything went well.

As expected "was his reply". Get me the eagle on your way out we have important issues to attend to. "he said unfazed ".

Okay, Boss. As I turned on my heels to leave he called me.


Yes, Boss!

Good job!

Thank you.

You may leave!

With that, I left. Big Boss is like a father to us all, he took me in at a very tender age and made me who I am today, my teacher promised me that he'll help me find out what happened to my family but to date nothing. I've been doing my investigation for the past 1 year without their knowledge, I will find out the truth eventually.


Good morning, boss

Siren, your next task is to get a hard drive from Mr Lim no matter what happens, get it and make sure you leave no traces behind. You'll be disguised as an elite, Mr Lim is a young bachelor who loves women, but don't be deceived because he's also smart, you know what to do once you get the hard drive.

Yes, boss!!

"my boss waas the most handsome man I had ever laid my eyes on, until last night. He's second in command and takes orders directly from the big boss, he's been like an elder brother to me, I'm their best student, I work for an organization known as "the dark shadow". Most often we are asked to kill businessmen, politicians and many more, who appear to be a threat to society. Despite the striking handsomeness of my boss, I don't seem to be attracted to him. Lately, I've been the best assassin in my class, I don't enjoy killing, but I've been taught various lessons and for that reason, I don't joke when it comes to my missions, I'm man's worst enemy because my looks are my spear against my preys. As I turned to depart he called.


Yes Boss

The big boss says congratulations, he was impressed with your last mission.

Thank you!!



Make me proud!

Yes, Boss.

"His eyes held something more than what he said but my boss was an expert at covering his sentiments, you'd never reckon what he was thinking about, even I who is his best student can't read him but I know how a man with emotions looks at a woman, and that was the attention I didn't want to heed to, I've killed a lot and I'm not even sure if there's a chance of love out there for me. To top it off, I don't discern anything for him, he'll deal with his shit and I'll deal with my tasks, It's the only significant thing to me now anyways."


I'm in my room getting ready for the night, I've never used my real appearance anywhere, it keeps me secure from the world. I got dressed in a sexy red long evening gown that ran to the floor, having a split running right up to my thigh, ending just below my hip, I applied light makeup to make me look delightful and callow, yet very sexy. Wore a black wig, which I rolled into curls, added contact lenses, to hide my real eyes, and sprayed a sweet perfume to heighten my target's senses, after looking at myself in the mirror, I smiled in pride and strolled out of my flat seductively. Waiting in the black van was XiFi who was my only reliable buddy, he's a nerd, and very shy with girls, except for computers they are toys for him.

G..Good evening Siren.

"he said stuttering, didn't seem new to me, it's the effect I have on men. They bow when they see me.

Good evening XiFi

Here take this.." he spoke handing out a speaker for me to put in my ears, which I did. We arrived at 7:00 PM using the back door I entered the auction and blended in like a nobility class.


Good evening ladies and gentlemen, thanks so much for coming to the launch of the artworks of various artists, these works are of great passion to their owners. So we're about to start the bidding process. The first piece is a painting by Jonathan Pierce, bidding starts from 500,000 dollars. So.. let's go 600,000, 750,000,

800,000 echoed an aged man, 900,000 added a young lady, 900,..900,000 dollars, do I hear a 1 million? looks like there's none. Going 1,.. going 2.., and...Sold! And just like that the bidding kept going till the 9th piece. This piece is the 9th out of the ten pieces for Auction, and as the saying goes the best things come last. This is a table made of glass, but very sturdy, materials are of great quality, and bidding starts from seven million.

8.500,000 said a rich woman who sat at the far end, 10,000,000, .. 11000000,15.500000 million. do I hear a sixteen?

Is anyone with a sixteen??.... Going 1 going 2 and...

25,000,000 million. "Came a voice from the high tables. Seated in a blue suit was Logan Brooks, the world's top billionaire. Also known as the handsome and beautiful devil, because he wasn't just ruthless with business, but even with people and other things no one knew of. The demon never smiles, he's always about business. To his side were his two handsome friends Leo Domingo and Liam Baltazar. These three were ruthless but as earlier said Logan was the king of demons."

Turning to look at the direction from which the voice came, my breath hitched and my panties instantly moistened. What the fuck!! Where did this hottie come from?? Damn even from afar he looks like a snack, what more if he were close?.

Siren...Target is moving towards his private suite.

Copy! "I responded blinking away my messed up mind" and heading towards the suite area.

His ice-blue eyes trailed the woman in red, she was an atom of beauty and seduction, I couldn't take my eyes off her and for the short moment our eyes met despite the distance between us, I felt a connection. And it instantly annoyed me, because she was a total stranger and feeling this way towards her was the most foolish thing that had ever happened to me. I'm leaving I spoke surprising my friends,

Finally!! "said Leo"

Let's get out of here. "added Liam"

The trio sauntered out of the auction using the back entrance and got into their various cars leaving the venue.

Walking towards the suite of Mr Lim, moaning sounds were all I could hear, he's a woman whore fucking everything he comes across. I knocked on the door and adjusted my dress. "door cliques open and the moment he sees me he's smitten"

Good evening Mr Lim, see... I'm a bit lost so I was wondering if you could give me a hand with finding my way back, I'm finding it hard to walk on this path but your session earlier caught my attention.

I see so would you like to join the party? I mean .. you're one hell of a magnificence! "he commented surveying my body like a predator"

Sure! I said as I stepped into the room, only to find 2 other ladies naked. I now see the type of squad he's hosting.

Siren the hard drive is on his bedside table, get this done soon, we don't have that much time his so-called girlfriend might show up any minute.

Got it XiFi! "I whispered.

I strolled seductively to the bed and sat on it lifting one leg and seductively gliding it on the other without breaking eye contact, he lost all focus and came to me trying to kiss me, but I sexily placed a finger on his lips to stop him from doing so"

No! Pretty boy if you want me, you'll have to do that privately, I'm not frugal.. like them. "I spoke seductively leaning to his ear and then biting his earlobe. I then smiled at him in an alluring way.


Everybody get out.

What? "came one of the ladies"

I said.. get the fuck out of my chamber or would you want me to drag you out?

We came here first so there's no way we are leaving. "They spoke in dissent, he turned to drag them out. while he was doing that I grabbed the hard drive and placed it on my lap band and got down from the bed walking towards the door. I wanted to leave and spare his life.

Hey, sexy..where are you going?

I lost my attraction, you're too slow I asserted making every word seem like a temptation. Shutting the door he pulls me by force towards the bed and I laugh in disbelief. Just when I wanted to spare your life you proved to me that you're not even worthy of living.

Trust me Mr Lim you don't want to do this

I always get what I want! "he barked angrily

Before he could register anything, I raked him off the floor throwing him to the floor and stabbing him twice in the abdomen. It was brisk and slick.

Next time..learn to let your prey go! That is if you survive this. I uttered in a chilling tone.



Mission accomplished.

Good job!