

I could say life is easy. But not when the odds are against you. Taken into the darkness of murder I find myself a victim of the truth untold. How do I fight back?? Vengeance!! Everyone must know how it feels to be a threat to the lives of the innocent. My reign will be for justice. People may quit but I never back down! Why?? Cause I'm Siren!! Irresistible with unmatched beauty and talent. My name will be the death of many!! Yes I'm a woman but that won't make me kill like a man when I can do it better than men!! Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty," where the allure of a woman with unparalleled beauty, talent, and skills conceals a multitude of enigmatic secrets. Prepare to be captivated as jealousy unravels the hidden truths that lie beneath her flawless facade. Amidst the duality of her existence, Siren embarks on daring missions that showcase her remarkable abilities. She is the epitome of perfection, a true marvel to behold. However, little does she know that her mysterious past lingers, waiting to resurface like a relentless hunter. What unfolds when the ghosts of her past come knocking? Will Siren's path remain strewn with delicate roses, or will it transform into an unforgiving bed of thorns? Journey alongside Siren as she navigates the treacherous terrain of her history, where her remarkable allure might just be the key to her survival. Prepare for a breathtaking tale filled with twists, revelations, and a mesmerizing protagonist whose secrets will leave you yearning for more. Will Siren rise above the shadows of her past, or will she succumb to the intricate web of deceit that surrounds her? "Siren: The Irresistible Beauty" is an irresistible literary gem that promises to enthral, enchant, and leave you craving the next chapter.

Bangume_pearl · Urban
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61 Chs


You don't understand I'm stressed, please just come and continue cause it's not easy running two companies. Logan is very powerful to handle all of this, and you too with the numerous branches this company has. Liam whined.

Calm down I'll be there by morning, you may not even need to go there. I said.

Okay, no problem we'll be expecting you.

Okay, how's Leo?

He's doing great, he's actually at the rest house now.

And Xifi?

He's perfectly fine, he's glued to his machine, it's been that way since he came and nothing changed when you left.

Ok good. Take care then.

Yeah, see you later.

The next morning I woke up and used Logan's private jet to get back to Texas. I landed at 7:00 AM and went straight to the office. To attend several meetings and sign some paperwork. At 4:00 PM I had barely settled in when my phone began buzzing again. I was tempted to ignore it, but something told me to pick up.

"What?!!" I snapped into the receiver, annoyed at the interruption. Dave's voice came through, shaken and scared: "Nalani, it's Dave. Grandpa is missing!"

My heart sank at his words, but I couldn't let my emotions show. I had anticipated this and had prepared for it in every way possible. "When did this happen?" I asked calmly, my voice betraying nothing.

"Just now," he replied. "They were too many, I couldn't hold them off."

"It's fine," I said, forcing my voice to stay even. "Leave it to me. Just inform Liam and Leo, and I'll talk to Xifi." I hung up before he could say anything else.

Why was I so calm? Because I knew this day would come. I had planned for it and had put contingencies in place that would protect Grandpa and Dave. There was no backing out now. I took a deep breath and dialled Xifi's number.

"Hello, Siren, your grandfather--"

"I know," I interrupted dismissively.

"Oh, okay," he said, catching on quickly. "So what's the plan?"

"Did you do your assignment?" I asked cryptically.

"Yes," he said.

"Good. Call all of them," I ordered. "I need to play chess today."

As I hung up, I felt the thrill of excitement course through me. The game was on, and I was ready to play. As I was about to leave my phone rang and I picked it up.

Well..well... well, how do you like my surprise? The chairman's voice came through, mockingly.

As expected! I said with a smirk.

Are you ready to submit? He asked.

Yes, but... I have one request.

Let me hear it, after all, there's nothing you can do, he says sarcastically.

Let's play chess! Came my short response.

Chess? He asked.

Yes, ... He paused for a while and I added.

Or...are you scared? I teased him.

Let's do it then! I'll send you the location.

Good. He disconnected the call and sent me the location. I went home and got ready, and in an hour I was standing in front of the chairman.

Chairman! I said with a smile.

Siren! I would have loved to say it's a pleasure to see you again, but not in these circumstances, he replied, his face devoid of any warmth.

Let's play? I asked pointing at the chessboard.

Sure," he said, taking his seat.

I took my seat and the game started.

So why this game? He asks as we start playing.

Well... remember the first lesson we were taught at the organization? I asked with a mischievous smile.

Yes, he answers not really interested.

"Well..." I hesitated, trying to think of the right words. "Chess is a game of strategy, Chairman. You taught us that and in the same way, one needs to be able to foresee their target's actions. Always think ahead."We were taught that chess is a game for the rich, it requires skills and intellect. You told us that knowing your opponent and being able to predict their moves is the best way to take them down.

What are you getting at? He asked me making his moves.

In the same way, one needs to be able to foresee their target's actions. Always think ahead, I explained as a made a smart move in the game, making it impossible for him to move his king in the game.

And yet you dared to bite the hand that fed you," he said, making a move on the board. How foolish can you be?

Let me finish chairman! I said in a firm voice.

So you think a kid like you can outsmart your boss? Come on Siren I made you, he says in mockery.

I know that! I cut him off in a calm voice but the air surrounding us was suffocating. We appeared to be just chatting but, it was like we were waging an invisible war between the two of us.

Your actions will not go unpunished. He taunts with a calm expression but his eyes blazed like fire.

Oh, come on chairman! What were you expecting me to do? Fold my arms after discovering the truth?? What will that make of me? I said with sarcasm.

A loyal servant, he said focusing on the game. And then said, "You betrayed the organization, Siren. You betrayed me," he hissed.

"I did what was right. I couldn't work for an organization that kills innocent people and destroys lives," I said firmly. And besides not all servants are loyal when they find out the truth. I said as a matter of fact.

"That's where you're wrong, Siren. We don't kill innocent people. We're doing what's necessary to maintain law and order," he said, his voice rising

What about Hawk's family? Did they deserve to die?" I asked, baiting him.

What do you mean by that? He asked innocently.

Does Hawk know that you had his family killed and his only sister was sent to an orphanage in America? I asked to annoy him a little.

He doesn't need to know he let out dismissively. But the guards around us tensed up upon the discovery of what I just said. However, no one dared to show a sign of fear, for fear of their life.

That's none of your concern," he snapped.

Oh really? I asked not surprised. What if I tell him?

He won't believe you! the Chairman said, his eyes narrowing.

Are you sure about that? I ask mischievously arching an eyebrow.

Yes I am, he says still focused on the game. You're nothing but a traitor, Siren," he spat.

How about I try it now? I proposed. Look, ... I may be a traitor, Chairman, but hey, I learned from the best " I said with a smirk.

You can't! Any mistakes you make will lead to the death of your precious grandfather. He spoke calmly but his words were like venom to my wounds. I'll make you pay for what you did," he growled, his hand hovering over one of his pieces.

"Is that a threat, Chairman?" I asked, with an evil grin plastered on my face.

It's a promise," he replied, his face contorted with anger.

I have one more request, I said to change the top.

What's that?

I have a call to make.

Go ahead.



Are you there?

Yes, boss.

Turn the camera.

Ok, boss. As he turned the camera I handed the phone to the chairman.

How dare you?!! "I'll kill you!" he screamed, reaching for his gun.

But before he could do anything, his men had their guns prepared on me. The tension in the air was thick, but I didn't flinch.

I.simply said, "Checkmate"! With an evil smile on my face.

I'll kill you! He screamed in the video call, he could see a gun pointed towards the direction of his wife and last daughter and they had no clue of it.

Will you? I asked carefreely. But all his men pointed guns at me, there was tension in the air, but I was sitting like a dominant woman calm in the chaos.

If you dare do anything to them I'll kill you and your entire family.

Laughs mockingly, Chairman if you as much as dare to touch even a hair on his head, your entire family will be wiped out within a second. I threatened with a piercing stare.

What do you mean?

Call up your two daughters, and find out for yourself calmly.

He took out his phone and made a joint call with them, they were in panic.

The tension in the room was discernable as the chairman held the phone to his ear. The guards around us were armed and ready to shoot, but I remained calm, like still water.

"Dad! Dad, please tell us what's going on?" The panicked cries of the chairman's daughters could be heard over the speakerphone. We have guns pointed at our heads. Please help us.

"Stay where you are, both of you. Don't move a muscle." The chairman spoke in a low, threatening voice. "I'll sort it out soon enough."

I leaned forward, grabbed the phone from the chairman's hand, and turned off the speaker. "Sorry to disappoint you, Chairman, but things aren't going to be that easy. You see, I already called your daughters and had a little chat with them."

The chairman's face turned pale as he realized what I was saying. "What did you do?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"I told them that their father was responsible for the death of many innocent people and that their own lives were in danger," I sneered, knowing that I had the upper hand. "Now, here's what's going to happen. You're going to call off your men, disarm them, and let my grandfather go unharmed.

The chairman looked at me with hatred in his eyes. "You think you can outsmart me, Siren? You're nothing but a brat who's over her head."

"Maybe," I said with a shrug. "But I have something you don't: ...a heart. That's soft now but you never can tell how dangerous I can be.

And what if I don't?

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