
Sir, You're Identity Was Discovered

Attylicus_ALX · Urban
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1 Chs


"Mother! Father!" A young boy ran towards his parents with a smile etched on his face.

"Look! Look at what I painted!" He raised up a small canvas. The painting on it could be compared to one done by an art student.

"How beautiful Ken." His mom smiled at her before glancing at her husband and gave him a smack on the head, "Honey, please look at what Ken painted. Don't you think It's beautiful?"

"Honey, it's a portrait of you of course it's beautiful." His dad had spoken softly as he rubbed the back of his head from the smack.

"Really? Really?" The young boy named Ken jumped in joy making his mom giggle at him

"Yes Ken, It's beautiful." She'd pat her son gently on the head before sending him to his room.

Ken held the painting upwards before running back inside his room as his mom looked towards his dad before speaking

"Honey, Should we send Ken to live with your Father?" Her face showed a worried expression as he held her hand

"Love, why would you suggest that, aren't we doing fine as we already are? I will not ask him or anyone from my family to take care of him! We ran away because they didn't accept our relationship now you want us to hand over our kid to him?!" He spoke lowly as he gently stroke the palm of her hand before continuing

"I don't want him to end up like me honey, I don't want him to experience that." She'd sit down beside him and hugged him tightly before saying.

"I'm sorry for suggesting it but I know that I shouldn't say it like that but I feel like we're holding him back sometimes." He'd tilt his head to look at her before kissing her forehead.

"I feel that way too bu-" A sudden knock to the door cut their conversation short as He stood up to go answer the door, "Who is it?" He yelled out yet the only reply he got was another knock.

He opened the door for a bit to look outside to see who was knocking, a frown suddenly appeared on his face as a tall man wearing a suit started to speak, "Young Master, Please come ba-"

before the man could finish He slammed the door in his face, "I'm not interested in what you're selling!" he then yelled out as his wife would rush over to him.

"Dear, what's wrong? who was at the door?" She could see him suddenly sweat as his face went pale. She walked him back to sit down on the sofa before going to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

"H...He found us Katie, My father found us. Pack your and Ken's bags tell him we're going on vacation." Katie had left his side and entered Ken's room as he stood up and peeked out of the window, he noticed that they were still out of his house. He grabbed his phone and contacted a few friends who knew about his situation and asked for help, yet no one picked up their phones.

Katie had walked out with three backpacks full of their clothes as Ken followed behind her.

"Go in the garage and get in the car quickly." Katie had carried the backpacks before grabbing Ken's hand bringing him to the car. He then walked back to the door and opened it the man in the suit still standing outside of it.

"Why don't you just leave, I'm clearly not interested in coming back to the family." He spoke coldly and the man replied, "The Old master doesn't care about that and wants to bring you back to the family, he said he forgives you for eloping with that girl."

"I don't give two shits about his apology, Aldrich he can forgive me and put me back in the family tree but I will never go back there." The man smirked hearing his words before he replied, "Young Master, You have no choice you're coming back to the family whether you like it or not. Tom! Jack!"

Two men came out from the garage with his knocked out wife and child, "Old Master wants us to bring all of you back no matter what. Young Master, Did you seriously think that the Old Master didn't know where you two would run to?"

"Put down my wife and child right now!" He yelled out before punching Aldrich in the Jaw. Aldrich stumbled back a few feet before massaging his jaw.

"It seems young master's strength hasn't deteriorated all these years." Aldrich spoke sarcastically before adding, "no matter how strong you are young master you'll be forced to come back, you don't want anything bad happening to them right?"

Aldrich glanced towards Katie and Ken before glancing back towards him, "So what will it be young master? Will you struggle and possibly hurt your wife and child? Or Will you follow me back to the ancestral home without anymore fuss?"

The Father grit his teeth and balled his fists as he spoke weakly, "I.. I'll come back."

Aldritch clasped his hands together and delightedly said, "That's great! Just in time for Christmas Young Master."