
SINS: The Rise Of The Crime King

In the quiet countryside where Luca grew up, life was anything but serene. Raised in a tough environment, he honed his skills as a fighter, determined to make a name for himself. Luca's life takes an unexpected turn when the Organization, an emerging mafia, witnesses his formidable skills in an underground fight ring. Drawn into the seductive world of crime, Luca is lured by the enigmatic and charismatic leader of the mafia, known only as The Bloody Prince. With his handsome facade and ruthless reputation, The Bloody Prince offers Luca a chance at a life filled with power, wealth, and purpose. Luca, driven by a desire for financial security and a yearning for meaning, accepts The Bloody Prince's invitation. Little does he know that this decision will plunge him into a world of treachery and deceit. As he rises through the ranks of the mafia, Luca finds himself torn between his ambitions and the moral implications of his actions. In the pursuit of power, Luca discovers that the line between right and wrong blurs in the shadows of organized crime. Loyalties shift, alliances form and crumble, and The Bloody Prince's true intentions remain a mystery. Luca grapples with the question of what it truly means to find meaning in a life where power and control reign supreme.

MetaAuion · Urban
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2 Chs

New Kid

As Luca made his way to his new school, the soft strains of music filled his ears, momentarily drowning out the thoughts that had been haunting him since he arrived in this unfamiliar town. The snow fell gently around him, and he rubbed his dark hands together, trying to ward off the winter chill that had settled into his bones. His coat, at least, offered some protection against the cold.

Sixteen years old and this was the twelfth school he'd attended. He had become a master at blending in, adapting to new places and faces with ease. But today, as he approached the smaller school than he was used to, a nagging sense of nervousness gnawed at him. It was the first day at yet another school, and he couldn't help but wonder if this time would be any different.

Lost in thought about his ever-present companion, the dark passenger that lingered within him, Luca barely noticed the three older kids who stepped in front of him. Their sudden appearance shattered the silence of the snowy morning, and Luca's heart raced as he looked at them.

The one in front, exuding an air of false bravado, pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Look what we got here, boys," he sneered, glancing back at his friends. "A new kid."

The two boys behind him chuckled menacingly, their faces hardened by the cold. Luca, however, remained calm, his inner monster alert but not yet unleashed.

"Listen here, new kid," the leader continued, taking a drag from his cigarette. "You're passing through our territory, and this here street belongs to us. You see, we have a little toll here, and you're gonna pay."

With a sly grin, he reached for his lighter to ignite the cigarette once more. But Luca, quicker than they expected, darted forward. His fist collided with the lighter, sending it flying into the boy's face. Teeth and sparks scattered in the snowy air as the boy stumbled back, clutching his bleeding nose.

Luca couldn't help but giggle, a disturbingly cheerful sound in the midst of the confrontation. "Man, it doesn't matter where you go," he remarked, shaking his head. "The people are always the same."

The other two boys stared in shock, momentarily forgetting their bravado as they assessed the situation. Luca's dark eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and something far more sinister. He wasn't just a new kid in town; he was a force to be reckoned with, and he carried his own darkness, ready to surface at a moment's notice.

The snowy street became an arena, and Luca stood at its center, surrounded by the three older boys who had dared to challenge him. As the leader clutched his bleeding nose, the other two exchanged nervous glances, uncertainty creeping into their expressions. But Luca was anything but uncertain. His heart raced with anticipation, his breath visible in the frigid air.

In that moment, something primal awakened within him, and his inner monster stirred. The very thing he both loathed and secretly craved surged to the forefront. He knew it was wrong, that it made him sick, but he couldn't deny the rush of exhilaration that coursed through his veins.

The first boy, his face twisted in anger, lunged at Luca with a reckless swing. Luca's reflexes were lightning-fast, and he sidestepped the attack effortlessly. He countered with a sharp jab to the boy's ribs, causing a sharp gasp of pain to escape his lips. Luca followed it with a crushing blow to the side of the boy's head, sending him sprawling into a snowbank.

As the second boy hesitated, Luca was on him in an instant. He moved with a fluidity that belied his years of combat experience. A flurry of precise strikes landed on the boy's body—ribs, stomach, and a final uppercut to the chin that sent him crumpling to the ground, groaning in agony.

The leader, now recovered from his bloody nose, attempted a desperate charge. But Luca was ready, his senses heightened by the rush of adrenaline. He sidestepped once more, and the leader stumbled past him. With a cold smile, Luca grabbed him from behind, twisting his arm with a vicious torque until the boy cried out in pain.

In the midst of the physical chaos, Luca's inner monologue whispered to him, a haunting counterpoint to the violence. He felt the sickening crunch of bone beneath his knuckles, the fiery pain in his chest as his heart pounded, and the tension in his teeth, as if he were a lion about to go for the throat.

It made him sick, the way he relished this feeling—the intoxication of the fight, the savage ecstasy of dominance. But he couldn't stop himself. The darkness within him reveled in the brutality, and it sickened him even more.

Finally, he released the leader, who fell to the ground, clutching his injured arm. The three boys lay defeated in the snow, moaning and battered. Luca stepped back, his breath heavy, his hands trembling. He couldn't deny the thrill of victory, but it was tainted by the knowledge of the darkness that lurked within him, always ready to surface when the fight began.

With a conflicted heart and a sense of unease, Luca turned and walked away from the fallen boys, leaving behind a scene of brutal conquest and his own inner demons.

The snow-covered street was a tableau of chaos, with the three beaten boys slowly picking themselves up and retreating, nursing their wounds. Luca, his hands trembling, walked away from the scene, leaving the echoes of the fight behind him.

Unbeknownst to him, on a distant hill, concealed by the falling snow, a black SUV sat silently. Inside, a man in a black suit reclined comfortably in the leather seat, a cigar smoldering between his fingers. He watched the fight unfold with keen interest, his eyes never leaving Luca.

Beside him, a younger man, sharp in appearance but less experienced, leaned against the window, his own cigar emanating a thin trail of smoke. He observed the fight with a mixture of admiration and calculation.

As Luca receded into the distance, the elder man turned to his younger companion and said in a gravelly voice, "Did you see that kid, boss?"

The younger man nodded slowly, acknowledging the raw talent on display. "Yeah, he's got some serious skills. And he's new in town, just moved here."

The man in the black suit took a contemplative puff of his cigar, the orange ember briefly illuminating his face. "Keep an eye on him," he ordered, his tone carrying the weight of authority. "If he causes too much trouble or disrupts our interests, you know what to do."

The younger man nodded again, his expression resolute. He understood the unspoken implications of the command. With Luca now a potential player in their world, they couldn't afford to ignore the threat or the opportunity he represented.

As the black SUV started its engine and slowly rolled away from the hill, the man in the black suit continued to stare at the scene below. Luca, unaware of the watchful eyes that had fixed upon him.

Luca found himself standing in front of Everheart High School, a small but bustling institution nestled in the heart of the unfamiliar town. His breath formed misty clouds in the cold air as he surveyed the school's entrance, a mixture of apprehension and determination in his eyes.

With a heavy sigh, he muttered to himself, "Here it is, Everheart. Hopefully, I won't have to conquer this school too..."

His words held a hint of resignation, as if the idea of starting anew, making friends, and finding acceptance felt like a daunting task. For Luca, it seemed like every school he attended was another battleground, a place where he had to prove himself all over again.

Carrying the weight of his past experiences and the memories of countless other schools, Luca squared his shoulders and entered the halls of Everheart High. Little did he know that this school would be different in more ways than one, that the challenges and choices awaiting him would be unlike any he had faced before.