

The storm lasted for a couple of hours and Atlas could only endure the cold under the blankets next to Claire who at some point had woken up. Then finally when the storm stopped, Atlas peeked his head out feeling the cold breeze hit his face.

'Ugh...' Atlas grimaced and quickly walked over to the campfire to try and start it, however he soon realized it was useless.

All the wood they had available had gotten wet and was now useless. So they could no longer have a fire.

'Damn... I already survived that crazy mage, I don't want to die of cold'

Atlas turned his head and looked at Claire who was looking at him just peeking her head out from under the covers. Then he simply shook his head, and the girl went back under the covers to stop uselessly enduring the cold.

Fortunately the blanket was large considering their bodies were small compared to Yendar. So they had no problem staying together inside it.

Without much else to do, they both lay under the blankets with their bodies hugging each other.

Suddenly, Claire said: "...Thank you"

Atlas was silent for a couple of seconds before replying: "Why?"

Another couple of seconds of silence later, Claire tightened her embrace.

"If it wasn't for you... I wouldn't be alive right now"

Atlas didn't say anything this time, he simply stayed silent with his thoughts.

'You shouldn't be thanking me... not if you knew I almost abandoned you' 

He thought about saying that but didn't dare and simply nodded mumbling.


They both just stood there hugging each other without saying more and time passed.

One day after the storm, Atlas was trying to light a fire with pieces of wood from the cut logs that formed what was once the table where Yendar experimented.

The bark of the log was wet from the snow, but the wood inside was not.

Claire had cut the wood with her unique magic once she regained her mana and Atlas was lighting it with [Minor Fire Spark]. Then, when he saw the cloth that had dried out over time catching fire, he sighed and approached the wood and set it on fire shortly after.

Both were glad to see the fire and did not hesitate to approach the fire to warm their bodies. 

The cold was waning, but it was only a matter of time before another storm would hit the surrounding area. So time was limited.

Then, as the two moons began to rise over the horizon, Atlas saw a light far off in the forest. 

'Who or what is it?'

The first thing that came to his mind was the expedition group, but it also occurred to him that it might be a monster. That's why he didn't dare to draw the attention of whatever it was that was approaching the cave.

But then, Claire walked past him startling him as she shouted: "It's my father!"

Atlas could only extend his arm forward.


She didn't hear him and kept running regardless of the snow in her path. But she wasn't the only one running, as Atlas watched as Tharon and the others of the expedition group approached them.

'They've finally arrived' Atlas thought as he watched Claire reach her father before hugging him and burying her face in his coat.

Tharon hugged Claire and then looked up to look at Atlas who had remained inside the cave. Soon some mages approached the cave and looked around in surprise.

"Why is there a guard in the middle of this forest?" said one of the mages, then looked at Atlas and asked: "Are you alright?"

Atlas simply nodded and then asked: "Aryn... What happened to her?"

The mage smiled and put his hand on his shoulder before replying: "She's fine, she's recovering from her injuries at the camp"

Atlas lowered his head and closed his eyes. It was truly a weight off his mind to know that Aryn was alive. 

Soon, the group was on their way to the camp having rescued the two children and Atlas didn't give the cave a second glance. That place had reminded him that the world he was in was full of dangers and above all that he was still weak.

But Atlas didn't feel depressed compared to the other times. Now that he had absorbed so many mana cores he was much stronger than a couple of months ago.

Almost one hour after, they arrived at the camp and everyone greeted them with joy, but Atlas ignored everything and quickly went to the tent where Aryn was while she was receiving medical treatment.

When he entered the tent, he saw how one of the mages from the raid was concentrating on healing her with healing magic.

'She's actually fine...'

Until he saw her with his own eyes, Atlas still couldn't believe that Aryn was still alive. She was asleep, but her chest was rising and falling rhythmically, indicating that she was breathing.

Suddenly, the mage let out a sigh and looked at Atlas as soon as he stopped treating Aryn. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw him realizing that the rescue had gone well, then he simply smiled at him.

"She's out of danger, she just need to rest"

"...Thank you" Atlas thanked approaching Aryn.

"It's my job" 

The mage smiled and walked out of the tent to give him time. Then, Atlas looked at Aryn and sighed again.

He had decided not to get attached in this world, but Aryn, the elf who became his guardian after adopting him was the first person he met who didn't want to kill him, abuse him, or sell him.

Moreover, she gave him a roof over his head and food in a world that was completely new to him. Atlas couldn't be more grateful to her for everything.

Next chapter