

After several nobles vomited, everything fell silent again. The sphere of light that Hanert had created disappeared and only the light that the guards and the instructor maintained illuminated the area.

The performance of the nobles in combat was simple to describe, it was pitiful. For mages, people who possessed mana and therefore superior to many percent of the world, what they had done was simply horrible.

But in reality, what happened was the most likely thing to happen out of many situations. Although these young nobles had powerful magics that had been the emblem of their houses for dozens of years, they were still children who had never encountered a beast before, or at least not faced one.

Of course, Atlas was also disgusted by the beast's physique, but that didn't let him be affected. Whether it was an Enk or some beast resembling an animal, they both wanted to kill them and were going to try.

All the nobles were still stunned so they did not hear the guards laughing at them cautiously. Even if they were guards, they were still below the nobles. But even the instructor had a somewhat amused look at seeing the suffering of the nobles.

Everyone knew this was going to happen and yet they did nothing to prevent it.

A few moments later, the instructor clapped his hands several times, drawing everyone's attention. When all the nobles looked at him, he smiled and said: "That was good"

Of course not, that's what everyone thought, but no one deigned to say that.

"But you also made mistakes"

The instructor began to highlight the biggest mistakes that each one had made.

Rort took the lead without even knowing what was in front of him. He got too close to the darkness and attacked without even seeing anything. Any beast a little more intelligent than the Enk could have easily killed him, plus the Enk usually gathered in groups, so he was also lucky that this one was completely alone.

Hanert made the mistake of using that water bubble so close to Rort, and also using magic that was not appropriate for the situation. So, what he failed the most in was making decisions.

About Akrin and Benedetto it was even simpler. They both froze and did nothing.

While Daniel was the one who did the most, since he ended up killing the Enk, even so, what he did was not without flaws. Danield had forgotten to activate his magic in the flash of the moment and although he had managed to kill the Enk, with another beast his sword may not have been able to penetrate its skin.

Still, considering it was his first time, he didn't really do bad.

Finally, when the instructor looked at Atlas, he asked: "Do you have experience fighting beasts?"

The question caught him somewhat off guard, so he took a while to answer.

"A bit"

Although Atlas really had little experience fighting beasts, it was still enough to get used to them. Even, he had more experience fighting monsters than beasts thanks to those days he spent with Claire in the dead forest while the expedition group went into the forest and returned.

"I could see it. Your decisions were correct, you let your companions experience fighting a beast and you allowed your companion to finish it"

Atlas simply thanked silently. There was no need for the instructor to say everything explicitly. Atlas already knew how to fight beasts and could have killed the Enk easily, but the idea was for the nobles to learn to fight them, so it would have been of no use if Atlas killed him the moment it revealed himself and started running towards them. 

Obviously, the glances of the nobles that penetrated Atlas's back were anything but grateful. But Atlas gave little importance to the thoughts of the nobles.

After that they continued touring the ruins. These were not so big that there was a need to camp inside. They would not cover the entire ruins either, so it was enough to leave in the evening to return to the mansion.

On other occasions they met more Enks and again they all made mistakes again. But it was logical, and even Atlas had made mistakes when Aryn taught him to fight in the forest.

He even remembered how the spike rabbit almost killed him because he had run out of mana. At that time Atlas was a complete novice, perhaps even more so than the nobles here. But it was also true that facing a rabbit was very different than facing an Enk.

Both were inferior beasts, but one was much more striking to look at than the other. Either way, it was something necessary for nobles to learn to be real mages.

When they had been inside the ruins for a few hours, suddenly the instructor raised his hand indicating for everyone to stop. Naturally everyone stopped and looked curiously at their surroundings without knowing what type of beast was approaching.

Would it be another Enk? Maybe something worse?

The nobles began to get nervous, then they saw a light approaching them from a hallway. Then everyone calmed down.

The beasts that lived inside the ruins did not usually need light to move. They had night vision or moved by other methods. Which meant that what was approaching them were not beasts but humans.

When the other group revealed itself to them, Atlas began to count the members.

'There are 7 people... How many are mages?'

Not only mages entered the ruins, but also researchers and so on. But there was no group that did not have a mage.

The instructor, on the other hand, approached the group and introduced himself. Atlas could not hear what he was saying, but he assumed that he introduced himself saying that they came from the Viscount.

The other group nodded at some of his words and the instructor turned around.

"Let's hang out with this group for a while, I'll show you all something that commonly happens in the ruins"

As soon as he said that, the instructor frowned and turned around in an instant, then raised his arms to cover himself from the attack that was about to crash into him.

When the ball of water collided with his forearms, a large ball of smoke spread around the place, completely blinding them.

"Don't be distracted!" the instructor shouted without wasting a second.

Atlas listened as the guards behind him drew their swords and prepared themselves. He himself tightened his grip on his staff and created a magic circle pointing upwards.

Soon, a gust of air moved through the place, removing the smoke that prevented them from seeing the surroundings. But as far as he could see around him, a ball of fire was approaching the group.

One of the guards was quick to react and raised his arm, creating a translucent barrier generated from hexagons. The fireball collided with the barrier and exploded, as did the barrier. Even so, it had fulfilled his purpose.

Next chapter