
SINNOCENT DARK: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her

[Mature Content Warning: The mega R-18, guilty adaptation to the novel Sinnocent] They say innocence is bliss, but what happens when innocence meets hardcore corruption triggered by your precious childhood friend? 'Oh dear me, Maya is so innocent' Everyone would say. From the onset of primary school her devilish naivety was apparent ever since she brought in an erotic magazine for show and tell. Tonight it ends. Her purity. Her naivety. Her innocence. Welcome to the Dark Side, Maya... Or that was what was supposed to happen- "I heard you played me with a vibrator today.." She whispered, as a mechanic whirring sound echoed before my broken body. "Mie.. Whatever you heard today.. nnngh~" I moaned out as she taped the two buzzing vibrator eggs onto my charred nipples. "Shh.. don't speak.. you damn slut.." #Yuri begins on Chapter 12 --------- Once forbidden on webnovel for *ahem* reasons. The Dark version returns edited, covering a smutty series of events that will almost always be R-18. Somehow the first chapter is not. Unfortunate. ---------- Upload Schedule: 1 Chapter / Week (Thursdays) Note: If you like the novel, please check out the consensual version of the story, Sinnocent: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her. I don't own the cover. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section. That being said, credits go to Yoneyamai, feel free to support her works! Twitter: @p_slarom

Professor_slaroM · Fantasy
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39 Chs

I Hope They Catch You

Haah.. Haah.. Nn..

"Are you okay? Hehe~" Maya chirped, the sound of her giggles made me want to laugh and cry at the same time.. 

At least the sick smile that adorned her face when she was teasing me had disappeared, replaced with the bright and soft one that I was familiar with all my life.

She had locked my right arm in her chest as I slowly wheeled the trolley forward, each step just as agonizing than the last.

"Finish shopping my ass" I muttered under my breath. My trolley cart was still empty, and it had been almost twenty minutes since I had entered the store, thirty minutes since Maya had strapped me down in this, and about two hours since she had slipped me that aphrodisiac glitter in the cake she had happily nicknamed Vixen..

'Fuck me' I groaned as my body shivered lightly. Was I blind or did the supermarket stash all the items I need in the back of the store??