
Sinners Street

Future has come, technology is everywhere. The world became transparent. Smartphones with cameras, security cameras around all the city, the eyes of government are on you, the eyes of bosses are on you. The cops, your neighboors, you wife, your priest, everybody. Like in the song, from The Police - Every breath you take. (I'll be watching you. Can't you see? You belong to me! But, wonder about: if, you were observed during all the hours of your days, you would do the same things that you make alone? All humans sins, and need to. The human Crieativity is imposible to be describe, limmitless, is in fact, our best resource. So the "sin city". Las Vegas. Made a secret street. A place where the sun almos doen'st touch, only when the sun is in the center of the sky (12 o'clock, and only for fiften minutes). This spot is betwen two buildins. A hotel in West strea and a casino in east street. In the dark street, there is no rules, no judment, no law, no cameras. In this dark place, people go make, what they hide in the light. My name is Lucas. Instagram: @dunhyll0147 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOlYek2zGjvB6y6JJFp7vA patreon.com/user?u=81253269 PIX - CODE 56056168-d897-4253-b141-4c8915c59c88

Dunhyll0147 · Urban
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The Free Pass

As i finished my wine, i wanted to use my free pass. So i went to the barman i asked whisky and soda. I like that drink. Of course, my friends would make fun of me if seeing me drinking that, be as i was alone, i can do everything. Even, ordering a drink like that.

I'm a guy who likes to keep the description. So, the intention wasn't to get very drunk, just enough to have fun. And i wanted to use my free pass at most.

After that drink, i was ready to my first "line" of cocaine. So, i went to the bathroom. In that particular bathroom, the "gentlemen" who are there to help with towels already know what customers want. Then they knock gently on the door and say, "Do you need paper in another color sir?"

So, if by any chance it is an unsuspecting person who has entered the bathroom, he will say no, but if it is a customer, he will inform the amount, and so I did: "yes, two please". The clerk handed me two grams, discreetly, and I used them discreetly.

The fun has begun!

A merchant-looking guy came to talk to me when I came out of the bathroom and went to my table for another drink. It's not a time you want to talk, the drug is taking effect and you either talk too much or you talk too little. You get stuck with the drug in your blood.

-Hey, you don't look as someone that come here often, my name is Paul.

-Nice to meet you Paul, i'm Sebastian Roth, i'm a judge, thats why i'm here, and you? Are you Living in Vegas?

-Yes, i selling tickts for a bar with ladys, if you know what i means...

-Not interested, i'm married. I show my hand with my marriage ring.

-You won't be the only one there, who is married. Paul said that and laugh as like that joke was super funny.

-I need to sell ten, and i sold nine, be my ten and i get something special for you, i promise.

This should be his hook line. "ow i just need to sell one more" "I get you something special" the same bullshit as always.

-Is not my first time here, Paul, so i'm just drinking and maybe a poker game later, but thanks a lot.

-All right, i won't be pain in the ass... You don't look like someone who is into drugs, but if you were give me a call... He pass me a card...

-I got the best cocaine and the best LSD and i can make deal for other things if you wanted...

I shouldn't give him attention, but when someone is a seller he really knows how to sell, and now, Paul got me into my knees.

-Show me the cocaine, if is that good, i buy ten grams...

-Now we talking, Mr. Sebastian, here take two for free.

I tooked. And i went to the bathroom, this time, i said just one, to mix with the other that i got for free, after all i have a free pass, i don't need to buy, but that shit was dope! And i went for more... But where the hell Paul went?