
Sinner's Blood

Release schedule: 1 chapter per day (once WPC ends 2 chaps a day!) Vol 1 Act 1 Finale 10/31/2023! "In this ever-changing world of uncertainty, I find myself questioning whether the effort to rescue it is truly worth the sacrifice." Eduardo Herakles, Prince of Heraklion, is a lazy, good-for-nothing prince who does nothing but laze around all day, dreaming about ruling the empire. One day, all he knows is shattered, as the Ruling Queen Isabelle, who is Ed's mother, is kidnapped right under everyone's noses for unknown reasons. Sinner's blood is a captivating tale of treachery, trust, and pain as we follow the story of a guy who desperately wants to save this sinful world.

ProPug · Fantasy
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50 Chs

I didn't do it.

The sun's gentle rays painted the morning sky with hues of pink and gold, casting a warm glow over Amberhelm.

The bustling sounds of the market outside the castle walls seemed almost comforting, blending seamlessly with the chirping of birds in the air.

I stood by the window, taking in the vibrant cityscape, my thoughts adrift in the peaceful ambiance.

As I continued to gaze out of the window, absorbing the intricate details of the city that lay before me, I couldn't help but marvel at the harmony that existed between the vibrant chaos of urban life and the serene beauty of nature's embrace.

Abruptly, a loud knock echoed through the room, shattering the tranquility. Irritation surged within me. I proceeded to ignore it since I had given explicit instructions to not disturb me till the afternoon.

The knocking persisted and got louder. It pissed me off to the deepest depths of my heart ." Who is it?! Have my orders become meaningless? I am Altair, the future ruler of this empire! Show some respect!"

A stern voice from beyond the wooden door answered back, "This is Zorro." His words struck me with an unexpected weight, momentarily silencing my tirade. What could prompt the commander of the castle to disregard my instructions? A sense of foreboding crept over me as a brief silence followed.

"What is it?" I asked him, my voice back to normal now, for this could be something serious.

"I have to deliver a message of utmost importance to you." He didn't sound happy. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. "You see… umm… How do I say this?" His voice slowly faded away.

"What is it, Zorro? Look, I have work laid out on the table to study. Please tell me what it is that is so pressing and urgent that you have to interrupt me in my most important part of the day. Tell me whatever it is you want in under 50 words."

I said with a stern voice, my irritation coming back with the same vigor it disappeared. The reality was that I was doing nothing.

I was lazy and liked to laze around in my bed till past noon because I had nothing else to do. I don't need to do anything, I'm the crown prince of a powerful kingdom after all.

The door swung open, and Zorro strode in. His attire commanded attention, a resplendent peacock green ensemble accented by delicate touches of gold. The fabric whispered with each movement.

His polished armor, a testament to his position as a commander, adorned his form like a second skin. Its surface gleamed with a mirrored brilliance under the room's light, reflecting the chamber's opulent decor and the dance of the sun's rays.

But it was the weapon that hung at his side that truly spoke of his prowess—a longsword, its hilt a work of art in itself. 

Crafted from an unknown, dark-hued metal, the hilt was adorned with precious stones that glimmered like stars against the night sky. The grip, wrapped in supple leather, fit seamlessly into his hand.

The blade itself bore the mark of countless battles, its surface polished to a mirror-like sheen. It was an outfit that could easily be mistaken for that of an emperor, an assertion of his authority as he crossed the threshold.

As I looked up at his face, I could see that he had a very tense expression on his face as he walked towards me. It felt really foreboding.

He was bulky and large compared to my puny, average frame. He reminded me of the mother bears that get pissed off when you get too close to their cubs.

He came up to me, and without warning, grabbed my neck, lifted me like I was a glass of beer, and slammed me into the wall.

I tried resisting, but it was futile against the sheer raw strength he possessed. "What did you do to our beloved queen, Eduardo?!"" he shouted, exasperation showing in his voice.

I let out a squeal from being unable to breathe, and he released his grip a little to let me talk. "What do you mean, Zorro?" I asked him as I gasped for air.

"Our queen is sick," he pronounced gravely, the weight of those words hanging heavy in the air like a storm-laden cloud, casting a shadow over the room. The unexpectedness of his statement struck me like a bolt of lightning, and for a moment, I felt as if time itself had suspended.

"Okay?? and for what reason are you holding me up like this??" I asked him, my head racing to comprehend what he had just said. If the queen is sick, why interrogate me like I'm a war criminal or something?

"The previous night, you and the queen made quite the ruckus right? She was reportedly feeling very weak after that interaction with you, I've got multiple servants confirming this." Zorro said, with a piercing gaze that stared into my soul

"OK, what has THAT got to do with her falling sick?" My heart raced since I promised to keep the events of yesterday night a secret. A secret that I won't tell even a soul.

"She suddenly fell ill, and you were the last person who saw her when she was fully healthy. You're telling me you don't have anything to do with her falling sick?"

My mind raced to comprehend the implications of her sickness. In a kingdom where stability and the trust of its people were paramount, the news of the queen's illness had the potential to sow seeds of doubt and unrest. 

The loyalty she commanded was not just rooted in her position but in the genuine affection her subjects held for her. The thought that her absence could give rise to uncertainty was unsettling, to say the least.

With a heavy heart, I turned my gaze to Zorro, seeking solace in his familiar presence. He was not just a commander; he was a confidant, a mentor, and someone who had stood by my side since childhood. 

His very presence reassured me that amidst the tumultuous uncertainty, there were constants in this world that remained unshaken.

But as his stern gaze met mine, I sensed a tension that ran deeper than the queen's illness. There was a current of urgency in the air, a pressing need for answers that had brought him to my chamber.

"Now, the rest of the castle doesn't know that. If they knew, you would've been executed at this point. You know the amount of loyalty our queen commends." He said, a deathly stare plastered on his face. "The royal doctors have been stumped since last night. There won't be a second time, Ed. Tell me, what did you do to our Queen last night?"

"I-I did not--d-do any- gwah!"  His choking was really restricting my breathing, and my vision started to blur.


As I was gasping for air and trying to release myself from his grip, a familiar blue sword came out of nowhere and hit the wall right next to me.

On the other end of this extended sword was my brother, Hagen.

"Now, now, Zorro. Put him down." He said with a stern voice.