

Okay well, haha, I'm the author! just call me sugar 👻👻. Here's information you need to know about Sin Javier, The main character (protagonist etc), Oh and I almost forgot about the other Main character (#2) it's a woman okay?!

Sin: Had a harsh childhood to harsh (that he'll bring up later and explain) He's 6'4 [hehe] And has black silky hot hair😖Favorite band: Panic! at the disco. Eye color: Green Nose: A manly nose, haha (I'm over here dreaming about my future guy...trust me I'm going to be a lady who will live with 34 cats *sigh*)

mouth: A mouth that all girls wanna touch. Is he in the v gang?: BRO! NO HE IS NOT A VIRGIN! Sin lost his very young (sadly) sharp jaw line?: Mhm I gots to make my manz good looking hehe. (I have problems)

Body?: Imagine a guy running without a shirt on, like Baywatch, and has fricken nice abs, so he's muscular but not like John cena muscular...age?: 20. Race?: Half Cuban, Half Mexican. sport: Football.

Aliene: 5'6, yes that's short,) Race: Half White, Half French. Had a good childhood except if she got horrible grades..-_< Hair color: Brunette. Favorite band?: Panic! At the disco. Favorite singer?: MAX. Eyecolor: Blue/Brown. nose: A womanly nose (I can't describe) Mouth?: A mouth that A lot guys can't touch. She in v gang?: Yeah! (I'm in v gang👻) LETS GO V GANG! (got that from adi fishmanxs yt) She has a very woman jaw line it and sharp cause she's a lady...but! she does have a jawline y'all....Body?: Skinny, Got a 4 pack cause she plays Softball. Age?: 18 sport? softball it's like right before her age....

Anyways Please continue! Please and thank you Enjoy!

Oh! Well forgot to introduce myself, I'm Mexican well, Half Mexican and half white., I don't like giving my age out there...and I have Brown eyes and my favorite singers are Brendon urie, MAX, Billie eilish, Cardi b.