
Physique Refinement Realm

Luoxi spoke "The differences within the Physique Refinement Realm are in strength."

Strength is measured in Kilograms or Kg

A first state Physique Refiner can give out 100kg of strength in a normal attack.

A second state Physique Refiner can give out 200kg of strength in a normal attack

A third state Physique Refiner can give out 300kg of strength in a normal attack

A fourth state Physique Refiner can give out 400kg of strength in a normal attack

A fifth state Physique Refiner can give out 500kg of strength in a normal attack

A sixth state Physique Refiner can give out 600kg of strength in a normal attack

A seventh state Physique Refiner can give out 700kg of strength

A eighth state Physique Refiner can give out 800kg of strength

A ninth state Physique Refiner can give out 900kg of strength

For the first 3 states one uses different methods to strengthen their skin

For the middle 3 states one would strengthen his bones

For the last 3 states one spends time cautiously strengthing their body

Of course some talented prodigies can give out stronger strength in the same realm.

She than said Proudly "For example, I'm in the 4th state so I'm tempering my bones. Although in the 4th state i can already give out 446kg strength in a normal attack"

"I'm considered talented enough to be an orange."

She than said excitedly "Next year I'll definitely get chosen by a strong sect!"

I took in all the information before asking "But what about the 10th state?What are the requirements for it?"

Luoxi looked at me in bewilderment.

As if saying "must you bring up something to hurt my pride?"

She said in a slightly irritated voice "reaching the 10th state is only possible for Black-level talents."

"The requirement for such a stage is said to be between 1000kg and 1100kg."

Although it may seem like a small change, it is the biggest difference between emperor's and others of their generation.

When someone can go above the heavens and survive they will surely be rewarded.

I once again asked a question that made me receive strange glances from Luoxi

"What if one goes above the strength of 1100kg for a normal attack?"

Luoxi said obviously annoyed "isn't recorded in the history of the human race."

I nod than think back to the path i wish to walk.