

What could romance mixed with gravels and bitter waters taste like? When love comes at the wrong time, tears of joy could turn tears of blood and agony. 'Single moms' brings to humanity the story of what it feels like to exit in a lone world - different from every other, the challenges of existing as a father and a mother and at the same time the stabbings of ex lovers who bring torture, the possibility of finding love and being loved again. What will it feel like, what will be the battle of new lovers trying to love moms who have become scared of being loved again? Here, the battle of character and emotional balance is what to look forward to. Written for and dedicated to Single moms the world over - Single moms solution tablet by favourite author, Anee A David

AneeDavid · Urban
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28 Chs


It has been three weeks of honeymoon in Dike's luxury apartment in Lagos Nigeria. His marriage to Tabitha had ended his stay in the family house at the federal capital territory.

On this evening, they sat in the sitting room watching a TV program. Tabitha had her head on Dike's legs controlling the remote and feeding from the snacks on the table.

Just then, the door rang. Tabitha sat up looking at her husband, as a way of asking if he was expecting anybody, but he gestured same.

Well, Dike decided to check the door himself to know who it was.

As he stood within some yards scanning the door, he saw a man looking rough with some rusty loads on his back.

He opened the door slightly and asked him who he was.

He cleared his throat and fought to mutter some words;

"I have come to see the mother of my daughter." He said.

"Mother of your daughter? Please may I know you? Who are you?" Dike asked persistently.

"I am sorry sir, for disturbing your peace. I want to see the mother of my daughter. Please let me in. I am given just some few minutes sir. Please! ." The man pleaded.

"Fine, I will grant your wish if you tell me who you are." Dike spoke softly.

"Just call your wife sir. She knows who I am." He insisted.

A bit angered, Dike left back in and informed Tabitha that there was a man at the door who was demanding to see her.

Tabitha stood up almost confused and followed behind her husband. When they got to the door and he opened, she saw that it was Tony, the biological father of Joy.

"Oh, no! Tony! What are you doing here?" She asked, rushing to help him in because he was looking terribly exhausted.

"Please get me some water to free my roasting throat. Please a drop of water." He pleaded, as hope restored seeing Tabitha.

"Sweet, you know him?" Dike asked.

"Love forgive me. This is Tony, the biological father of Joy." She answered.

"But Tony is dead. Are you sure about this?" He asked again.

"I am not dead sir. I am alive, heading to my place of death." He said, confusing them the more.

"Please hurry up and get him something to eat." Dike pleaded with his wife.

Tabitha rushed in and brought him a towel, led him to the bathroom and returned to stuff the table with food.

When he was done bathing and came out, he sat on the table and ate to his fill while Tabitha watched in bewilderment.

"Tabitha!" He begun

"Where is Joy my daughter? Please can I set my eyes on her for this last time?" He pleaded.

"Tony why are you speaking like this? Well, I am sorry it will take a while for you to see her again because she is not here. My husband's mother has adopted her in my place." She summarised.

"Okay, if there are pictures of her, please let me see them." He requested.

Tabitha hurried in and brought pictures of Joy and gave him to watch. Tony calmly watched the pictures in tears and handed them back to Tabitha.

"Thank you so much Tabitha. Please take care of Joy and be a good wife to your husband. My owners are waiting for me at the door."

"Waiting for you? I rebuke this in the name of Jesus. What owners are you talking about Tony. I be..." She wanted saying something but Tony cut in.

"Tabitha, remember the assignment that was given to you. Remember the banquet. The Lord is waiting. I wish I would be part of it, but my owners are waiting for me."

As he concluded his words, laud banging came through the door almost breaking it down.

Tony took steady steps weeping, his tears turning into blood as he went. As soon as he opened the door, a legion of demonic spirit pulled him into what appeared to be a magma of colonies of fire. Tabitha heard him cried out as the fire swallowed him.

"No!!!" Tabitha screamed out so laud and woke up only to find herself in terrible tears, realizing that it was only but a dream.

Her yelling caused Dike to wake up suddenly asking her what was the problem.

The dream took a great part of her and she cried so much until strength departed from her.

Dike consoled her and reminded her that it was time for the banquet of single moms to begin without delay. As they would be ending their honeymoon, the first mission at hand would be to initiate the ministry of the "The Banquet Of Single Moms."

The first program would witness a launching ceremony that would be characterised with the exactness of what she saw in her vision when she wanted commiting suicide.

In this program, single moms would be drawn from all works of life and places. It would be a three days banquet of feeding on the word of God, Tabitha sharing her story with them and feasting on physical food.

The Lord Jesus would himself be speaking to his daughters and shielding them with the comfort of his arms - the love they ever longed for.

This time was precious to him, the master. He had sat at the other end of the table with his arms spread wide, hoping for that day that his daughters, the single mothers would be gathered to him.

Now it was time - Tabitha was the staff in his hands to bring his daughters for the banquet.