
Single Mom's Club

Anna Davenport Beautiful, bold, courageous and happy yet she lacks one thing, love... Xander Knox Cold, domineering and a bold man yet he lacks one thing, happiness When they meet, will it be the best or the worst day ever? NOTE SEXUAL SCENES MIGHT START SOON, DON'T OPEN IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE...

Itz_jey · Celebrities
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6 Chs


Anna's Pov

I was really expecting a horrible turn of events but when I got the job, I had a heart attack internally and to top it all, I got an autograph from my crush and I felt on top of the world, I honestly felt like nothing could stop me.

I was standing outside the office of Xander Knox and I was waiting anxiously while acting like a teenager who just had her first kiss.

Speaking of the devil, Xander walked out and stared at me with this smoldering intensity that had me flustered for a minute before he cleared his throat and said,"So,they are a few rules you would need to know about watching the house"


I avoided his eyes and stared at the floor, I could literally see myself on the floor and that was kind of freaking me out,just how reach are these people?

"So rule number one, always look at me when I am talking to you",I snapped my head to stare at him but he had no idea how imagined him in my head.

In my head he was being chased by me and I had a pan that I used to smack his head every few times I got close to him. Also he was small and I was huge,the image was funny that I had to bite the inside of my cheek to avoid bursting into laughter.

"Are you listening miss Davenport?"

I killed the image and nodded,"Ok then, rule 2...always.be.punctual" his blue eyes drew me in and I nodded meekly,he was so scary when in a bad mood.

"Sir I have a question", I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life because he clenched his jaw but guess what, I am here to be a pain in his butt.

"What is it?"

"Exactly how early are we talking about?", He glared at me but I ignored it.

"8 am"

"What?,b-b..but that's too early"I cannot wake up by that time, I wouldn't be able to function well...dosen't he understand that?

Welcome to the world of the rich baby

He smirked,"I see that you are not ready for the job, maybe we should fire YOU and hire SOMEONE ELSE"he looked like he was about to explode but he still looked quite expressionless when saying it and it made him look kind of hot.

What am I saying?I must be mad,"Okay..I can do it"

"Great,rule number 3,Never ever enter the rooms located on the top floor, those rooms will be cleaned by our personal housemaid"

"Really?What difference does it make?" I can't believe I just said that out loud,he was giving me the do-you-wanna-die eyes and I wished a hole would open up and swallow me up.

"Come let me give you a tour of the house" I slouched my shoulders because I honestly thought it would be one of the worst tours ever given how grumpy and grouchy this man is... why can't Xavier give me a tour?

Besides I am his biggest fan but Xander managed to wow me.

I couldn't believe it, they had an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, and a mini-golf course in their backyard, they was also a wine cellar,I think I just found my best room in the house...each floor had like 13 rooms and they were 4 floors in the house..it is literally a hotel house...

The only downside to this wonderful house was the stairs, they were a lot of stairs and no elevators.

"Now, we are going to pass this last floor because you won't be cleaning it"

Oh, if I am not cleaning it then why are we heading up?and who said that I can clean...wait if there are 13 rooms on each floor,then...13+13..26+13..38..no wait...

39 rooms?!!! I ain't no motherfuc*king robot...

"Excuse me sirrr"I stretched the sir out so that he would know that I was talking to him.

He sighed and slowed down while I struggled to reach where he was, he must have a great deal of endurance to be able to climb all these stairs and still be upright...I was panting and sweating like there was no tomorrow..

"What?"he groaned out and I smiled to myself, he easily gets pissed off especially around me, I like that.

"So am I to clean all the rooms because according to my calculations-"

At that he froze, he looked at me and raised an eyebrow as if saying are-you-crazy-or-what?

I ignored him and continued...

"According to my calculations, I have to clean 39 rooms for the whole week?!!"

"Yes,is there a problem with that?" He has to be a masochist because the smile on his face said that he was so happy to relish in my misery...

"Oh,I'm sorry..I don't know if you know this but I CANNOT work 7 days a week and how many hours are we talking about here?", I stared at him waiting for him to tell me,

"9 hours"

"You see? I can't work that long, I have a son and he's too young to stay with my clumsy brother"

"That's why you can bring him with you and also you are the head of all maids so you should know that you can just send some people to clean rooms while you work on other rooms like the third floor rooms"

Now I am confused,what did they need so many rooms for?Anyways, it's not my business..


"Any more questions?"

"Yes, one more"

"Ask then..I don't have all day"

"Where's your brother?"

He opened his mouth to speak but someone beat him to it and dare I say that I have never been more happy to hear their voice.

"I'm here" I spun around so quick that I lost my footing and slipped,well goodbye sweet,sweet butt..I wish I could have known you better.

I started falliing when someone gripped my arm and pulled me up, I was still stuck in a daze as the person pulled me towards himself.

I opened my eyes and I came face to face with Xander,I swear that my heart is gonna win a race at this point. He's so handsome up close, he stared at my lips once again and he looked so dazed that he proba-

What's that thing that is poking me, I nudged my knee against it and Xander groaned and closed his eyes in pain and he also gripped my waist tighter.

I suddenly realized that that wasn't his leg, it was his... gosh,I jumped away quickly and my face burned brightly.

I then realized the presence of Xavier and I felt like hitting myself with a bat, I am in the presence of my crush and I am burning from the simple touch of Xander..I must be broken.

"Gosh are you okay?" Xavier asked while holding my hand, if only Zoey could see me right now...

Note...ask for Xavier's number...and a picture

"I-I...I'm fine,I guess I am clumsy like that"

"If you two are done, I have work to do"

I blushed and Xavier looked pink as he walked past his brother pulling me with him...

I can't believe that Xavier Knox is holding my hand, I stared at our hands as he pulled me towards a darker part of the stairs, we kept climbing and I had major RCS(Roller Coaster Syndrome).

I felt the coldness before I saw it. Xander walked past us with death written on his face, well there goes my boss.

Xander opened the door and stepped outside with Xavier and I following closely behind..

I gasped as I stared at the view before me, Xavier let go of me as I covered my mouth in shock..

This place is beautiful and the view below was wonderful.

I could see the whole city from up here, it was a magnificent sight. I ran towards the edge that had no railings and carefully peered over the edge...boy was I scared of heights...

"This place is beautiful...do you come here often?" I asked Xavier as he approached me...

"I do and now we want you to add your own charms to that place over there"

He pointed to a roof lounge that had lost it beauty..this is gonna be the best job ever...I was already seeing a plan...

"When do I start?"




"Are we done here?, I didn't exactly wear the right clothes for this weather", they lived up north and winter is around the corner making it colder than usual.

We headed downstairs and I took my purse from the seat I sat on, I bit my lip...what are the chances that Xavier would take a photo with me?I decided to test my luck..

"Um...Mr Xavier, can I get a picture?", I held up my phone and smiled at him and he smirked making me swoon over him again.

"Thought you'd never ask" we took a selfie together with our faces smooshed together side by side though, we haven't reached the level of kissing yet.

I put my phone down and found myself staring into the darkened electric blue eyes of Xander and he looked like the grim reaper himself...

I smile to myself and walked out of their house, waving goodbye and laughing to myself.

Hi everyone, I want to apologize for any mistakes because I do not have an editor... please bear in mind that I don't like hurtful comments so if you are gonna criticize me, please do it in a non-hurtful way.. thank you.

Question of the day

Whom do you prefer?

A. Dwanye Johnson

B. Kevin Hart

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