1 How It Started !!

He barely knows the route to the extrem river {Kola Whispered to me} ; Just allow him lead the way, since he claims to know everywhere; {I responded quickly as if we had bad intentions against our fellow brother } .

Kola , Darian and I { Mike} were Brothers, though not from the same Mother's; I could say we are step brothers, but the resemblance we had, made people think we were triplets, we do things together; we will fetch water, sing, play, run errands and whatever things brothers do together, The life we had was one of a kind, Not until hatred and envy finds it's way Into our lives, I caused it actually, if not for me , I would have both of my brothers with me till date. What really happened was very disheartening.. It shouldn't have warrant Kola beheading Darian...{I thought}.... And now the Kings Guard and the federal Forces are after my Brother" Kola "

It was very Sunny that fateful day when the post officer dropped a mail from the Kings spokesmen... saying he wants all able bodied men, who are interested in taking over the throne, as he didn't have any son to relihim from their families throne.
