
Sinful Union

Dive into a world of mystery, unexpected romance and discover the secrets that lie within. With its diverse cast of characters, heart-pumping action sequences, and thought-provoking themes, this book is a must-read for fans of dark romance

Lunaaa_Night · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Taken

Villains are often depicted as the embodiment of evil, wreaking havoc and destruction.

However, their adversaries, often hailed as heroes, commit similar atrocities in the name of justice. The villains' motivations stem from a deep-seated desire for retribution, fueled by the pain and suffering they've endured. They find solace in the sight of their enemies' bloodshed, a twisted form of equilibrium for the pain they've suffered. This craving for vengeance and torture drives them, until they ultimately meet their demise at the hands of their foes. While many believe that the evil within villains consumes them, the truth is that the rage and anger they feel upon seeing their enemies immune to the pain they've inflicted is what truly controls their thoughts and actions. The villains' satisfaction comes from witnessing the tangible evidence of their torture, the screams of agony, and the bloodshed that surrounds them a twisted feedback loop of pain and suffering that they seek to relive repeatedly.

As I stepped into the club, the pulsating music and vibrant lights enveloped me, a stark contrast to the dark pavement outside. After flashing my ID to the bald doorman, I slipped inside, my eyes scanning the dimly lit room until they landed on my target. I adjusted my black silk dress, ensuring it accentuated my curves, before making my way over to the bar. As I sat down, our eyes met, and his amused grin hinted at the evening's possibilities. With a subtle smile, I crossed my legs and accepted the drink from the bartender, feeling his gaze burn into my skin as I savored the burning liquid. My intentions weren't romantic, merely a playful indulgence of my sadistic side. You see, I had no intention of being shipped off to Mexico to marry some arrogant mafia don, not without a fight. "However, l'd need to figure out a way to escape the arrangement on my way home, assuming I even make it home. He shifted his gaze to me, his curls bouncing with each step, his eyes devoured my body before locking onto mine, filled with mischief and desire. "Hi," we echoed in unison, our smiles mirroring each other's. His proximity was palpable, his head tilting down to meet my gaze, seeking dominance. I played along, my eyes drifting to the counter before returning to his."What's your name?" I felt his proximity get closer as he spoke "Ava," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the music. His smirk widened, and his hand traced my thigh, sending shivers down my spine. "Damien," he whispered back, his breath hot against my ear, "Want to get out of here with me?" I nodded, and he led me out, his grip on my hand firm. 

Way too easy.

As we stepped out into the chilly night air, a voice called out from behind us, its firm but gentle tone a stark contrast to the tension that followed. "Damien." We turned to face the speaker, and I was met with eyes that seemed to hold the depths of the ocean - a rich, deep blue that drew me in. As he stepped into the light, I took in the sight of this enigmatic stranger, his chiseled features and striking appearance leaving me both unsettled and intrigued. Despite my initial unease, I couldn't help but be drawn to him, his intensity and overwhelming presence sparking a thrill of excitement within me. His slow approach was calculated, his gaze fixed on mine as he examined my face. I found myself lost in his eyes, their endless depth seeming to hold a million secrets.

 When I finally broke away, my gaze traced the lines of his nose, his lips, and his sharp jawline, the scar on his cheekbone a poignant reminder that this man was not just a myth, but a reality. He stands at a distance but not too far from me,his touch was hot, his grip on my chin firm as he spoke to Damien in a tone that sent shivers down my spine. The air was thick with tension, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of fear as I realized the danger that lurked beneath this man's polished exterior. 

When his gaze shifted to me again, I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body, my mind racing with possibilities.I wanted his hands roaming over my body while he held my neck thrusting into me. 

I snap back to reality, forcing myself to silence the reckless voice in my head that's urging me to surrender to my baser instincts. I remind myself where I am and the situation I'm in, and I push those thoughts aside. He turns his attention to Damien, his eyes glinting with a cold intensity as he speaks. "You'd think the person responsible for stealing my shipment would have the sense to run before getting caught, but no, I think you underestimated me, Damien". His tone is eerily calm, yet it's clear he's asserting his dominance. I've never seen anyone manage to do so with such detachment, and it's both fascinating and terrifying. Damien's expression falters, but he quickly regains composure, saying, "Boss, you know I'd never betray you." However, I catch a fleeting glimpse of something in his eyes a tiny flicker of annoyance that vanishes in an instant, leaving me wondering if I really saw it at all. The man holsters his gun, his gaze locking onto Damien's as his face remains expressionless. 

A tense silence ensues, with the man before us showing no discernible emotion. It's as if he's devoid of human sentiment. 

The question seems to have been a mere diversion, as in the blink of an eye, his hand moves with deadly precision, firing only a single bullet that strikes Damien's forehead. The bullet's impact causes Damien's head to erupt in a grisly explosion showering me in blood, sending a chill in my bones. The man's gaze finally shifts to me, his eyes lingering on mine as if l've only now met the threshold of his interest. It's a chilling moment, his attention feeling like a cold, calculated weight. Even as his gaze settles on me, it remains devoid of any genuine interest or concern. Suddenly the world around me grows dim and my vision begins to fade, I surrender to the inevitability of my fate, finding a strange sense of peace in the darkness that envelops me. The last sound I register is his detached voice, inquiring, "Are you okay?" before everything goes black.