
Evidence Hunt

They were all in the main hall when it happened. Students stood in the corners once again pointing and whispering, the only thing they seemed to be doing since the Sins had arrived at the academy. The teachers silent near the stage half scared half angered by what had happened and the creatures in question, The Sins stood in the middle including the accused, Amara, and Lucien.

The massive doors of the hall banged open soldiers fully armored pouring in, their weapons ready to attack as they surrounded the Sins. The rest of the students immediately shrank into the background hoping none of them would attract the attention of the soldiers.

When they'd taken their positions their commander, the Head Official of Investigation and Justices' primary unit arrived his head held up poised in intimidation despite the dread weighing upon his chest.

The Sins held their expression apathetic, no emotions in their eyes as they watched Richard Giovani proceeded with the arrest.

"Amara, the Sin of Lust and Lucien the Sin of Greed are taken into Custody under suspicion for manipulating theft, rape and murder, come peacefully, otherwise we have authority to do physical harm." His stern voice sounded around the hall and everyone held their breaths wondering what the sins would do.

The heavenly virtues looked from afar brows furrowed in worry. The Sins were a volatile bunch and this time the offenses had gone too far, as far as to get them arrested. But it had been planned well. If this had happened when the sins were outside Teras premises or if they were not attending Teras then they would have been untouchable. Mortal laws void, having no effect on them.

But now they were enrolled in the academy, so here the seven of them were regarded as just another seven students, hence the laws apply to them too. No wonder they loathed Teras with a passion.

But to everyone's surprise, the Sins did not act out, no instead both Amara and Lucien calmly stepped out their body language was languid and clam when they walked to the soldiers awaiting bindings as if they were just about to attend a damned party instead of jail.

"It's the first time I've had cuffs in my hands outside the bedroom, you have the privilege of being my first." Amara then spoke, her voice a mix of teasing and seductiveness making the soldier responsible for her flush a deep shade of red, an embarrassed cough escaping him.

This just made Lucien and the rest of the sins chuckle, no sign of distress in their faces.

This odd behavior worried the Commander and the students and teachers watched in horror how calm they were under such pressure.

While on the side of the virtues, it was a very different story.

Especially Jasper. A scoff escaping him at Amara's behavior, irritation strumming at him the soldier's rather inappropriate gaze. But what made him even more vexed was that he could not blame the soldier, for it was all Lust's fault.

"Calm down, if you look any longer the soldier just might freeze where he stands." Lukas elbowed him lightly his voice holding humor as he teased his dear friend Chastity.

"Shut up," Jasper grumbled at Diligence before stalking away.

The sins would be fine. If the way they acted was any indication then they were up to something and chaos was sure to follow, so Jasper did not want to be present to witness any of it.

"He is definitely jealous." Celen whisper shouted behind his back, but he ignored it continuing to walk away.

Of course, he was not jealous. Amara could do whatever she wanted. She could seduce all the men in the world, why would he care?!

Absolutely no reason!

"Their romance a game of cat and mouse, a tale lasting thousands of years. What would become of it, only the fates would know."


Lilith watched, a slight smirk playing at her lips as they cuffed Lucien and Amara. She did not miss the way Commander Richard emphasized the word suspicion. He was an intelligent man after all.

Now for them to reach the holding cells it would reach about two hours, more than enough time for them to do their work. Amara and Lucien will never step into bloody holding cells.

They were the Seven Deadly Sins, true Immortals. They will not be held hostage in pathetic holding cells by mere mortals.

As soon as the last of the soldiers stepped out of the doors all the remaining sins vanished from their places gasps echoing throughout the halls as everyone whipped their heads around attempting to find even a glimpse of the vanished creature only to come up with no indication of their presence.

They had used magic and the rest of them had no idea. The power and the sheer knowledge they carried were infinite. And the sins are about to show just how deadly they could be. The petty accusations would look like a joke soon enough.


Lilith and the rest appeared in a secluded room of the academy, Envy making sure to form a barrier around the room, providing them with the necessary privacy.

"So what's the plan?" Aaro questioned cocking his eyebrow, his attention on Pride who looked very put together as usual.

"Quite simple actually, this is not even a minuscule of what we've experienced. So consider this a test, the fastest to complete their tasks would be rewarded by anything they wished for." Pride started and on cue, everyone's eyes started gleaming in excitement. Even the lazy bugs Lilith and Aaro straightened listening eagerly to the words Nicholos uttered.

If the instigators, the virtues, or anyone else heard or so this they would have surely fainted from frustration or cursing, for who the hell would make rescuing their family a bloody test. And to top it all they all seemed eager as puppies, their colorful eyes shining with stars at the mention of rewards.

But who could blame them, rewards from Pride were always so satisfying and this time it was anything they wished for. So who could resist it? Who could resist rewards from the richest of the oldest Immortals on Earth?

So like that the lot spent ten minutes planning and assigning tasks before everyone dispersed ready to tackle their tests, currently it was 09.10 in the morning and they had 1 hour and thirty minutes before time reached an end...

Let the hunt begin...


09.15 am

Lilith and Aaro entered the warlock and witch branch their entrance grand as the two of them made their presence known. Directly lifting the teacher preaching at present by the collar of his shirt Aaro deposited him behind him giving him the deadliest glare he could muster in midst of his laziness and the teacher quickly obeyed, opting to keep his head on his shoulder.

Especially with two of the seven accused of murder.

"Dear students of witchcraft do not panic we are here just to have a rather nice chat. So we would be very much happy if you remain seated, and don't try any spells, I can guarantee you would not like the outcome. Lilith's siren-like voice turned sharp at the end, turning those who were preparing to do just that turn stiff scared. Their hands falling to their sides obediently.

"Very good. As you've heard sweet sister and me are a rather lazy team so this is going to be very short and swift. Let's get to business now. Two of our family had been taken to custody under suspicion, and a little bird told me that the ones who checked for the victims' as you lot call them were a team of witches and warlocks..."

"And it would be very much our pleasure to know it was." Lilith finished for her brother in a very sweet tone, her ruby eyes eyeing everyone of them coldly so different from her smile. While Aaro stood behind her almost protectively glaring at them all the same.

For a minute no one moved or spoke, cold seat dripping down their brows in sheer fright. Already losing her patience Lilith snapped her hands suddenly extending as she lifted one of the students by her neck, everyone watching in astonishment wondering how she could've possibly done that.

But nobody dared ask or think of it for the girl was clawing at her throat, her eyes watering begging from the rest of them for help.

"If I were you I would speak now, even I would not test Lilu's patience now." Aaro supplied pleasantly and watched in pleasure as five students got up gulping down in fear.

Almost immediately the girl was released, cruel smiles flashing in the two silver-haired sins' faces.

"Nice. Let's begin, shall we?


The investigation department had been in a chaotic state since the crimes were reported and most of all officer Helen Williams had been the center of attention with all the work and praises raining down at her for finding out that the Sins were accountable for the crimes.

Helen sat in her cubicle fellow officers surrounding her as they discussed the new developments of the case but all jumped startled when the steel doors to the department creaked open a teasing yet haunting voice spoke, arousing goosebumps and fear in them.

"Ohhh... look at this, the bloody lot is gossiping like a bunch of grandmas." Col drawled leaning against the now open door while Nicholos stood next to him tall and intimidating, albeit in their academy uniforms the pressure they emitted from their bodies was enough to scare the life out of the experience officers inside.

"What is this nonsense?! Immediately leave this place! This is the department of investigation and justice, where only the righteous officers of the Academy Teras are permitted. You criminals are prohibited from stepping into this righteous ground. Immediately leave!" Helen stood up commanding forcefully, her face a mask of scorn and pride, yet the hatred which flashed through her eyes were unmistakable.

But the result she expected obviously did not take place, for instead of obeying her rather righteous well-worded command Col burst out laughing in her face, and Pride merely turning his head to the side as if come upon a circus clown.

The obvious disregard and disrespect were enough to make Helen turn red in anger.

"Your pride will always lack in my presence and as for the criminals you speak of, we've been in this world far longer than you, and due to the chaos and crimes we've caused over the millenniums we cannot be simply called criminals, it is rather insulting. So next time, do work on your vocabulary." Nicholos disdained, gaining a chortle of mirth from Col, Gluttony enjoying his brother's newfound mood to joke very much entertaining.

"Alright, alright calm down. You might just melt to the flow with your anger." Col then chastised closing the door behind him firmly before turning to look at them with a glint in his eyes. "We are here on business."

Walking further into the room they both surveyed the officers' faces, looking for any clues they could find. Most of them looked flustered and frightened but two of them, though trying to calm their anger were glaring at them with steel in their eyes.

That is where they would start, after all, quivering pets do not dare to work against the sins so nonchalantly.

"So who was assigned the cases of rape and murder?" Col questioned casually and as expected, the officers reflexively turned to the two they were already suspecting.

"Good. You two it is." Nicholos then vanished from his place appearing behind the two officers in question before vanishing once again, this time with the two in his hands.

While Col remained behind a dark, giddy smile playing at his lips as he got ready to rummage around the place.

"Don't worry about them, I'm here to accompany you." The statement did not help in assuring the remaining officers at all. It only helped in making them further unsettled.


While Lilith, Aaro, Col, and Nicholos took care of things being in the open Damien blended into the shadows haunting throughout the academy following whispers and voices as he searched for suspicious behavior.

Most of the voices consisted of gossiping and detailed discussion of the recent developments while within those hundreds of noises a small whisper caught his ears.

It was of a group of kids further into the academy, the building they were in shrouded and encompassed by the other taller ones.

Damien stealthily hid inside within the darkness and shadow intently listening into the three students who were celebrating secretly on their completed mission.

"Damn! I thought they would have put on a harder fight. But the two just easily walked away with the soldiers." The only girl of them sneered chugging down the alcohol in her flask.

The three were very unlike the rest of the students. While every one of Teras was dressed to impress the three looked very rowdy. The boys, one brown-haired and the other pink-haired styled into a punk look, hoops of earing and jewelry adorning their bodies.

The girl had a very hard build, her muscular arms flexing as she brought the flask to her lips, green hair cropped short on her head.

"Well, we did what we were told to do. It's the money that matters." The pink-haired boy shrugged a devil may care attitude surrounding him.

"Yeah, but I kind of have a bad feeling. Like we are being incredibly stupid." The brown-haired one grumbled his eyes flitting around the place superstitiously.

Damien stayed silent deciding to watch some more before making his presence known. While inside his silent self seethed in rage at the brats' courage and stupidity.

How dare they?!


09.30 am

"Haaa....." A yawn escaped Lilith as she leaned back on her chair, her eyes drooping close, not wanting to do anything anymore.

"This is boring me, and if I were to sleep I would rather do it on my bed than on a cheap wooden chair. And the five of them have been less than cooperative. Aaro please do something." Lilith urged waving her hand while resisting down another yawn.

But when she got no reply in return she whipped her head around only to find the man already falling asleep his head hanging down. The embarrassing state of her brother only angering her.

Grabbing the nearest book she could find, which was a thousand paged hardback book she brought it down on his head effectively waking the Sin of Sloth up a cry of pain accompanying him.

"Owww, why the hell would you do that?! I'm your freaking brother! Learn some respect kid!" He glared at Lilith only receive a dismissive scoff in return before once again turning to the five, trembling in front of them, who have rather conflicted thoughts in their minds after witnessing the siblings' behavior.

The two looked almost cute with their bickering, but the ridiculous thoughts immediately vanished when their red eyes once again set upon them.

"We've already wasted fifteen minutes and we have work to do. So now will be a good time to speak and since we are a tad frustrated and bored, hurry up! If not I will turn you into small creatures of Sloth." The words came out in a growl and the two sins' hands started glowing.

That was the final straw for one of the five knelt down his head hanging down in defeat.

"I'll speak, I'll speak! Please don't hurt us." The boy begged before starting to explain everything.

And what they had to hear was enough to make them momentarily even forget their eternal sloth.


Col was just about to exit the investigation department when the door opened almost making him lose his foot.

Lilith and Aaro were revealed behind it, in Aaro's hand was the boy who confessed earlier.

"What are you doing here? I thought we agreed on dividing and conquering." Col muttered looking between the three in suspicion.

"And where are you sneaking off to?" Aaro retorted making Col step back looking sheepish.

"I was hungry." He mumbled lowly before swiftly changing the subject.

"So, what are you doing here?" He urged.

"We found a clue and it involves the department of investigations new celebrity, Helen Williams," Lilith announced looking around for their target.

"Oh, then you are already late. Nicholos's already on her." Col informed a cheeky grin on his face.

"Then why are you still here, smiling like a maniac? The bastard is obviously trying to do it alone! He is going to use it as a bloody excuse and keep us away from his precious wealth." Lilith hit Col on the head before turning to her brother.

"I've been walking a lot today, please carry me." Her dark ruby eyes glimmered with hope and ever the slave to his sister, despite being in the same situation he took her in his arms before walking away, Col hot on their heels, the poor warlock kid abandoned on the floor in a heap.

He was useless now after all. At least so the lazy ones thought.