
Sinful life with the strongest system

An underground delivery boy got a second chance to live and entertain some Supreme being, and he got the strongest system to help him live his life as he desires. Current world: One Piece. if you want to support. www.patreon.com/EroJaki note: the story is based on Lemon and harem mainly, read the tags. Learn how to use your brain. You may feel cool for say Thinking with D may sounds bad. But, trust me, thinking with your butt is worse.

EroJaki · Anime & Comics
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278 Chs

chapter 60

In the morning, Lucas wore some casual clothes since Garp asked him not to wear light things, Lucas wore normal black pants with a T-shirt that has a navy symbol on it. Lucas got out and went to the beach on this island. He found Garp's warship ready to sail at any moment.

As soon as Garp saw him he yelled at him to come. Lucas jumped and landed on the deck. He looked around to see many soldiers who looked quite strong.

"I see Brat, you didn't take many clothes, good " Garp said.

"Ahh. Are we going to a hot place"

"bwahaha, If we got there, you would want to take off the shirt you are wearing off " Garp made a slight laugh. Lucas is going to suffer more than his two grandsons.

'Sigh, Good old days'

"Mm" Lucas nodded at Garp's answer, well, it doesn't matter for him, as long there is XP he would go.

While being on the ship, Lucas turned his head to see the people. There were some marine captains and commander along with many officers. Most of the soldiers here seem to be super strong. Lucas then turned his head to the edge of the warship, what he saw was a man with a straw hat that was tied to the ship with some shackles that were made of sea stone.

"Luffy? " Lucas was puzzled at first, then he held his laugh back. Luffy currently is struggling to get out of his Grandpa's chains. And looking to Luffy's forehead, Lucas saw some blue marks that were left by Garp.

"Gramps. Take those shackles off me" Luffy yelled looking at Garp. He was feeling so weak from the sea stone and all of he could do was yelling.

"Say you will become a marine " Garp replied.

"No. I'll BECOME THE PIR… " Before Luffy continues his words, Garp held some stick and threw it at Luffy which made him immediately shut his mouth. "I call this, the flying stick of love "

"Ouch… Gramps that hurt " Luffy glared at his grandfather with a determination. No matter what his grandfather is doing, Luffy believes that he will become the pirate king and find the one piece. Luffy glared at everyone at the ship as they were the enemies, then his eyes fell on someone specific with a well-built body, perfect face, blond spiky hair that was falling down and clear blue eyes.

How can Luffy forget this man? He had tasted his food once and he never forgot the taste. Also because of this man, when Luffy and his crew woke up from their long sleep, their small boat mysteriously vanished and they were trapped in that island. So Luffy's crew, Zoro and Katya had been forced to use the trees and work on making a new boat. But unfortunately, by the time they finished making their boat, Garp's ship from the HQ came to the see so the due of the grandfather and the grandson would have their reunion after God knows how many years.

"Hey, Lu… Ludas" Luffy called while trying to remember his name.



Lucas looked to Luffy. Luffy's facial expression told that he isn't aware of his situation, and trying hard to tell the incorrect version of Lucas 'names made the latter frown " It's Lucas "

"Doesn't matter, Lucas, I need your help " Luffy had a good impression of Lucas since the best food he ate was made by the blondie. Lucas quickly approached Luffy, from far, Garp saw this and tightened his eyes.

"Why should I help you again, "Lucas said as he squared.

"What do you mean, since when did you help me " a question mark appeared on Luffy's face.

"Do you remember, the time you were inside a barrel that was lost in the sea?" Lucas thought about this a lot. In the show, Luffy, who was trapped inside a barrel in the east blue, was supposed to make his first appearance on Alvida's ship. But Lucas appeared before that was supposed to happen by a long period, and he took Alvida's crew down after throwing the pink-haired kid to the other ship.

Lucas thought that Luffy somehow used his divine luck to survive, he must somewhere appear safe (Luffy was literally invincible in Casino)

"Barrel… " Mmmm. Apples. Luffy was hardly trying to remember:" Aaa, the apple barrel, I remember, at some point, the apple was over and I passed out at some point, when I wake up J found my self in some ship with a doctor next to me"

"And how do you think you reached that ship, " Lucas said while feeling someone's gaze.

"Mmm. Just like that " Luffy replied as he shook his head. "Anyway, how did you know about the barrel. "Forget it, help me to find the key of my shackles, those weird stones

'I should've expected this, sometimes, stupidity is the strongest shield against manipulative people ' Lucas smacked his own face. Luffy's answer is something. Lucas let a long sigh then he stood up:" Anyway, I hope you are happy with Grandpa. "

"Help me, we shared food once, you are going to be my cook so we are friends and friends shouldn't abandon each other "

" Do I look like a joke to you "

Lucas was like, really, we saw each other for once and we exchanged a few words, you can't even remember my name properly yet you say we're friends. say this after when you spend a good amount of time or at least when you share death and life with him or her.

"I'm a marine now, anyway, it was good to see you, Luffy "

"HEY, BUBAS... Ahem Lucas, Don't listen to grandfather "

Luffy yelled he hoped that Lucas secretly would help him to escape from his lovable grandfather and then, he will become the Pirate King.

Lucas looked to his hands and suddenly, an Idea descended on him like lightning. Lucas thought about something from modern earth.

He remembered that his hands can make anyone relax and penetrate the mental defenses when he massages the head. He remembers when he convinced Nami about the multi girls and one guy idea after he massaged her head and made her super relaxed, Then he told her things and she started slowly to accept the idea, even though she was at first refused this idea. With time, she started to accept it.

When a human hears something repeatedly or when he enters some mental state where the awareness isn't presented in the real world. everything he hears is it good or bad would become suggestions that would directly be accepted by the brain and slowly those suggestions would act like inner voice and slowly it would affect

On earth, there is a new field of science, people can actually overcome their fears, bad habits, bad childhood experiments, laziness and change all of that through many ways that reprogram the subconscious mind through nerves.

There are other methods that aren't extreme and actually are used in medical treatment. Some people wish to stop smoking, get rid of their laziness and change some bad aspects of their lives. With the help of the new psychological science. Those things are possible.

Lucas's hand can actually be considered a very good tool when it comes to hypnotizing and programing the brain through the nerves, he doesn't need to make the person relax and imagining rivers then using some countdown to make them enter the relaxation point. if he used his massage hands on anyone's head, then with the high level he would be able to make them super relaxed in instant and then he would be able to use his voice to see if he can change Luffy. Some ideas maybe be solid, but even when changing it is hard, there are a lot of techniques to deal with it since changing an event in the past through making the patient imagining the event but with different results, and with repeating this many times, the events can change and naturally their effect on the patient would change.

Lucas turned his head to Luffy and smirked, seems he found something to make an experiment with 'Maybe. But Luffy has one of the hardest heads. However, this worth experiment'

"Later, if I find the time I'll help you," Lucas said. Luffy was puzzled at first then he grinned to Lucas who actually meant psychological help.

After that Lucas talked a bit with Garp and said that he may have an Idea to convince Luffy to become a marine or at least he would give up on being a pirate. Garp just smiled and sighed, he didn't hold much hope on Lucas's words. What Garp really wanted is some devil fruit that helps him since Luffy is hopeless. If Luffy wanted to be revolutionary then he wouldn't mind if he was serious. But to become a pirate and take a death and life mater as a game, hell no.

After some hours, Garp arrived on a sunny island with a jungle that is full of monsters.

Lucas, since he saw the sunny island he thought that he would be training with Garp here.

"Are we going to stay here? " Lucas asked.


"but it's a hot place ".

"who said we are going to a hot place "

"You told me to wear a summer outfit "

" Hehe,"

Lucas wasn't lifting his head too much to see the large grin on 2.89 meters Garp's face, otherwise, he would feel chill.

After more hours, The warship arrived at an average-sized island, but it didn't come close to the island since the freezing water didn't allow them to come closer. Lucas saw it and frowned.

The island was white, pure white. The sky was covered by snowy clouds. The atmosphere was so cold that most of the marines here could feel it from far. There are some frozen lakes, some small hills. The Island had some frozen trees that were always like this.

In the grand line, each island has unique weather. Some islands have one a season, some are always hot or cold, and some islands have two seasons or even more.

*Roar * a scary roar of a monster came from the middle of the island

" and here where we are going to train," Garp said as he pats Lucas.

"I should've seen this coming "

"If you train in a comfortable environment then you won't improve " Garp smiled. On this island, there are beasts that can be considered stronger than most of the pirates in the first half of the grand line.

"I know, but did you really have to tell me to wear light outfit " Lucas was keeping his body hot through using adrenalin boost to hasten the blood flow.

"Gwahahaha..the snow stopped temporarily, let's go "

"What are you going to do," Lucas said not trusting Garp.

"Have you heard about Haki " Garp jumped to the island's surface.

"I'm coming " Lucas jumped and walked in the air to reach Garp. Haki, finally.