
Sinful Crown

Elliot Crownfield is a boy who had everything taken away from him; his family, his home and his rights. Except for a useless pendant. In a world where dungeons dotted the lands. Humans with abilities were praised and adored, by protecting humanity and clearing said dungeons. However, Elliot is part of the minority that doesn't have one - an ability. Being thrown around everyday, he had learned to survive on the streets, scavenging for food everyday. Yet on one fateful day, Elliot obtains the means to achieve his desire. To get back at the world which had taken everything from him. "The Act of Using Anyone As My Weapon, This Is The Sinful Crown I Adorn." ____   ____ Cover isn't mine, it's just edited. If you want me to take it down, just order it. SenDie#4002 - for discord.

ThirdSen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Act of Using Anyone As My Weapon, This Is The Sinful Crown I Adorn III

Elliot seemed to have underestimated his situation. First of all, his idea was to attract a monsters attention and hopefully, they take care of the corpses by either eating them or doing whatever they wanted with it.

By the way, monsters were creatures mutated my Mana. The energy that existed everywhere, within humans, and even in the air.

Getting to the point, Elliot was now thinking about how he was actually going to find a monster, and safely bring it to deal with the dead bodies.

"Damn, if I also go to the city I will be caught instantly. And if I also go to the forest there is a good chance I will be killed by monsters." Elliot furrowed his brows even more.

"And if I stay here, eventually, people will be sent to investigate and I will be caught. Plus, I have no idea who these two are, chances are they are from a normal family, but I should consider the fact that they aren't."

Elliot pondered for a good while, before turning his head to the forest. "There's no way I want to be sent to prison, or be executed off."

"Hopefully, I end up with something good from this. And I can also test the limits of my power." Elliot said before walking to the forest.

But before that, he really wanted to change his clothes, but after seeing the black skull shirts on the two corpses, he preferred wearing his rags.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at the outskirts of the small forest. "Why don't monsters leave this place?"

He asked himself, but unfortunately no one was there to answer him. There are so many things he did not know, and he wanted to not be clueless of the world he lived in.

But could he be blamed for that?


Elliot frowned after stepping on a twig, he stayed still for a while and after seeing that he didn't attract unwanted 'guests', he moved forward with even more caution.

The forest was really basic, the trees mostly blocked most of the sunlight from penetrating onto the ground(soil) that barely had any vegetation cover.

Vines fell downward from above and hanged from Elliot's point of view.

He pushed a vine out of his face, and moved forward. He had been walking for half an hour now, and he had yet to find something.

Moreover, he was getting quite tired and when he looked up at the sun through the thick branches and leaves, it was nearly gone with the moon rising up.

"It is turning night, and I have yet to find something." Elliot pointed out.


He observed around for a bit, and considered going back. But he wiped that thought away as quick as it came.

He had come all the way here, why turn back now? 

Just then, he felt an ominous feeling well up in his heart. Out of instinct, he looked around with sharp eyes, attempting to spot something.

He frowned and continued to move, but from a big tree a few dozen meters behind him, a pair of black beady eyes watched him with a strange glint in it's eye.

Elliot suddenly heard a loud noise, one of caws and chirps. He turned his head towards the direction he heard it at and slowly moved there. "Maybe… this is it?"


He had hopes about this. Maybe, he could finally attract a beast.

But he didn't let excitement cloud his judgement, just as he pushed a vine from his face, it seemed like a whole new forest opened up to him.

Black Raven like birds all sat around some sort of felled tree. With two ravens sitting at top the stump.

'What in the hell is this?'  Elliot wondered with a shocked expression. Of all the things he could come across, this!?

He turned around, and slowly walked away and to his utter surprise a sharp pair of eyes were watching him steadily a few feet away.

'Snake!?' Elliot froze on the spot.

The snake mainly had a black colour, with some viridian green patterns roaming it's skin.

The snake blinked it's beady green eyes at him, that a black pupil.


The stare off lasted for a good while, before Elliot finally moved forward a step. But sinced he wasn't laying attention to the ground, a former foe had rising.




He felt his sweat turned cold, before he gave up all reason and ran out of panic. "Sh!t sh!t sh!t!"

The snake followed behind Elliot closely, as if it was studying him. But he didn't have the luxury to care about it.

Out of curiosity, he turned back and immediately regretted it.

A swarm of raven black birds, all flew in his direction with their black as night eyes sending flashes of anger.

"Just why!?" He said in a panicked voice. He ran for about quarter of an hour before finally stopping near the exit.

He was so damn exhausted, and when he turned back again, some birds with faster speeds were a few seconds away.

At this point, his blood turned cold and a dreadful feeling was rooted in his mind.


Just then, the snake that was following him, grew in size before opening it's large mouth, with two protruding fangs.

The birds couldn't stop their momentum and flew deep into the snake's mouth, before the snake closed it's jaw.

Elliot watched in horror and took a weak step back.

The snake's throat had a big round stump, slowly sliding down into it's belly, before disappearing.

The ravens saw this, and retreated after seeing the prowess the snake carried.

Some looked at it with anger filled eyes, but they couldn't do anything about it.

Under Elliot's gaze, the snake turned it's head towards him.

"Fuck, am I going to die?!" He swallowed nervously, not knowing what was going to happen.

The snake only slithered towards him, and circled around him.


Gathering some courage, he spoke out in a clear voice. "Is there a problem?" Elliot asked.

The snakes eyes lit up, before moving towards his leg, scaling up towards his neck.

'..!' He felt alarmed, but there was nothing he could do at this point. Just when he accepted fate, a voice resounded in his head.


"…!" Elliot looked into the glowing eyes of the snake before, exclaiming.

"You can talk!?"

'Yes, with telepathy for now. Getting to the point, I have a proposal for you.'

"What proposal?" Elliot felt that he was at a disadvantage, with the snake almost choking him.

'Let me leave this place, and I shall grant you what you seek the most- power.'

"And what makes you think I can get you out of here? And what do you mean you can't get out, the exit is right here." He pointed confused.

'I have been cursed to never leave this place, but the power inside you is beyond my wildest imaginations. And that power you wield, can get me out of my prison.'

"So you must be talking about my crown." Elliot said. "But I have no idea how to do this."

'That's why I am here. I will send my spiritual essence into you, to partially activate that power you hold.'

"Okay, let's start and get this over with."

Afterwards, Elliot sat down on the soil in a lotus position. He closed his eyes and waited for the snake to begin.

The snake's mouth curved up a bit, before it sent it's spiritual essence.

Elliot felt a strange energy enter him, but he didn't mind it much. He knew it was the spiritual essence the snake talked about.

Under the snake's view, an illusory crown appeared above his head and shone with a golden light.

'This power..! SHIT!'

An object flew out of Elliot's chest and floated above the snake. The latter's eyes widened, before trying to slither away.


But the strange object flew and impacted on it. And soon enough, Elliot's eyes flashed with wonder.

He was surprised about the object he saw.

Because it was a golden rookie chess piece!


Hmph! Chess you say? Well get ready to lose!

(Cringe end lines XD)