
Sinful Charms

While working, Echo often joked with her colleagues that the boss; Dexter is a demon in disguise who came from Hell. On a fateful day however ,a fire breaks out while Echo was working overtime trapping her in the almost collapsing building. Through the smoke, a tall elegant figure appeared in sight and Echo noticed it was her boss. Dexter helped Echo out and once they were in the open, she noticed something off about Dexter, he wasn't injured aside from a small burn on his expensive coat and when she looked up she was panic stricken by what she saw, two horns perked up from the top of his head and that was when she realised that Dexter was truly a demon. Later, Dexter and Zero; Echo's close workmate and friend; both explain to her that she is the only one who can save them from banishment and get them back to their home. At first, Echo wanted to help them to get rid of them but soon, their bonds grew stronger as they encountered numerous dangers in their journey.

weonbai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs



Bryle ran and stopped inches away from him.

"Master, how was the journey? Did you manage to kill any demons?"

Before he could respond, he fell on his knees and Bryle slowly walked back as the demon growled menacingly.Bryle stood frozen on the spot unable to move.

"Bryle! Bryle!"

The faint shouts echoed through the air as the demon advanced towards him snarling. The demon leapt towards him and he shook his head regaining consciousness. He leapt aside dodging the attack and rushed towards his master.

"Master! Hang in there!"

He took his master's whip and lashed at the demon dissipating it to ash. Bryle helped his master up unaware of the demon stealthily approaching them.

"Watch out!"

Using his body as a shield, he stood protectively over Bryle, the claws digging into him. Bryle looked at him and he pushed him back causing him to tumble and fall a few feet away from him.

"Go! Run!"

Bryle shook his head as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"No... master..."

A fade of a smile appeared on his master's lips as his eyes shut. The demon threw the body to the ground and turned its attention to Bryle. Their eyes held and Bryle stood up whip in his right hand. Anger fueling his body, he attacked the demon and seconds later stood on its ash chest heaving. With weak knees, he stumbled towards the body of his deceased master and held his bloody hand in his.

"Master... I failed to protect you as well... please forgive me..."

The night grew thick as he knelt by the grave he had buried his master in. The cold night air blew strands of his hair back as his hand ran over the pile of dirt.

"I'll avenge you master. I promise to rid this world of these treacherous creatures and fulfil your wishes so that your soul may rest in peace," he said and stood from the ground.

"May I come in little miss?"

"Come in."

Nyx opened the door and shut it with his foot as he walked towards her.

"How's your stay here?" he asked and Echo nodded.

"Not too bad," she said and drank from the glass," where's Bryle? I haven't seen him the past few days."

"There have been cases of demon attacks in the nearby towns so he went to investigate," Nyx said as he opened the curtains allowing the light to fill the room.

"How long have you known Bryle? You two seem close."

"Six years. Demons raided my home and murdered everyone... I was lucky Bryle arrived just in time to save me," he said and turned to look at her," I owe him my life."

"Then why did you try to help me escape that day? That would be going against Bryle you know."

"I don't know but I just felt like I should help you," he said," I don't know how to describe that feeling but it was like...a force."

"A force? What kind of force?"

"Well.. it was something like a deep sensation.."

He whirled his finger around searching for the right words and Echo shook her head and smiled.

"Don't worry too much," she said and stood from the bed," can I visit my friends?"

"I don't find that a wise idea," he said and Echo looked at him with the cutest puppy dog eyes look she could muster.

"Please... I just want to see them and talk to them. Didn't you say this pretty lady shouldn't be locked up in her room at all times? Pretty please..."

Nyx closed his eyes and tilted his head to the right before turning to face her.

"Fine but only for a few minutes. Bryle mustn't find out you visited the demons."


Overjoyed, she threw her arms around him in a tight hug.

"Thank you very much," she said and pulled away from him.

"Um.. sure ... anything for you miss," he said and she carefully studied his face.

"Are you... blushing?"

"What? Me? No way," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck cheeks flushing," this way my lady."

"He's so cute when embarrassed," she said to herself and followed after him.

Together they walked down the stairs and came to a stop by the huge metal doors.

"Nyx... what brings you to this part of the house?"

"Oh, well the lady wanted to see the demons," he said and the two looked at each other before their eyes settled on Echo.

"Can't I ?"

"Well, the boss did say not to allow anyone in," one guard said and the other nodded.

"If he found out we let you two in, we'll be in trouble for sure," the other said and Echo pout her lips.

"We won't take long, I just want to see them and we'll be on our way. I promise," she said and the guards shifted uneasily.

"Five minutes."

They opened the door and Echo practically ran down the steps without waiting for Nyx. She came to a stop by the three cages and she let out a sigh.



The three looked up in surprise and she walked towards them.

"How are you? You look terrible," she said and Nyx walked up behind her.

"Well yes my lady. Bryle ordered us not to feed them," he said and a soft gasp left her lips.

"Won't they die from starvation?"

"Do we look dead to you? Demons bodies function differently compared to that of humans," Dexter said and Echo rolled her eyes at him.

"Well then, your tongue is still as sharp as usual ," she said and Dexter smirked.


"How are you doing Bone?" she asked turning from Dexter.

"Am okay," he said and turned his back to her.

"Can't we spare them some food?" she asked Nyx who shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"Demons feed on human flesh. Are you asking us to go man hunting?"

Zero and Dexter chuckled at his statement and they turned to look at them.

"What's so funny?" Nyx asked and Zero turned his gaze to him.

"Humans way of thinking has always been so shallow, especially and specifically your views on demons," he said and Nyx scoffed.

"Whether am right or wrong, demons will and always prey on the weak," he said hands bawled into tight fists.

"These guys are different!" her voice echoed out and the entire room went silent at her sudden outburst," Zero you know better than to say that."

"My apologies," he said and Nyx opened his eyes in surprise.

"Did... he just..."

Before she could respond, one guard walked into sight.

"Times up my lady," he said and Echo nodded before turning to look at her friends.

With a brief nod, she followed the guard and walked out of the room. She lay on the bed lost in thoughts when a light knock sounded from the door.

"Come in," she said and sat up as Nyx placed the tray of tea on the table.

"Mind joining me for some tea?"

"Why not."

She sat opposite him and he poured her a cup.

"Thank you."

She took a sip of the hot liquid and smiled.

"Is it that good?" he asked and she placed the cup on the table and nodded.

"It's almost as good as what aunt..."

Her words trailed off and she could feel tears forming in the edge of her eyes. Nyx looked at her and slowly pat her shoulder.

"Was she killed?"

She nodded and wiped a tear flowing down her cheek with the back of her hand. She took in a deep breathe and turned to Nyx.

"Demons raided our home and killed her," she said and Nyx nodded his head in understanding and took a sip from his cup.

"Those demons... they really are different aren't they?" he asked and she looked at him with a confused expression.

"Which demons?"

Nyx looked at her and shook his head.

"Your uh.. friends," he said from the rim of his cup and she smiled.

"You figured that out now?"

"You can't blame me can you? The demons I've met all had the intent to kill. Those guys on the other hand... they seemed friendly and more human like than devilish," he said and she nodded.

"Well for the time I've been with them, they've helped me out a lot. That's why I can't leave without them."

"How did you meet those demons my lady?"

"Well... I met them in a club," she said and Nyx looked at her.


He eyed her up and down and she shifted uneasily in her seat.


"Well judging from your personality, you don't seem like the type of girl to go clubbing," he said and she leaned over the table her eyes on his.

"What kind of girl do you think I am then?"

Nyx gulped and turned his head away from her . He cleared his throat and emptied the tea in his glass. Echo sat down as she watched his ears turn a shade of pink.

"You're cute," she said and this made his cheeks turn the same colour as his ears causing her to chuckle.