
Sinful Charms

While working, Echo often joked with her colleagues that the boss; Dexter is a demon in disguise who came from Hell. On a fateful day however ,a fire breaks out while Echo was working overtime trapping her in the almost collapsing building. Through the smoke, a tall elegant figure appeared in sight and Echo noticed it was her boss. Dexter helped Echo out and once they were in the open, she noticed something off about Dexter, he wasn't injured aside from a small burn on his expensive coat and when she looked up she was panic stricken by what she saw, two horns perked up from the top of his head and that was when she realised that Dexter was truly a demon. Later, Dexter and Zero; Echo's close workmate and friend; both explain to her that she is the only one who can save them from banishment and get them back to their home. At first, Echo wanted to help them to get rid of them but soon, their bonds grew stronger as they encountered numerous dangers in their journey.

weonbai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"A mage? Do you take the form of a beast when angry?"

Ophelia chuckled and looked at her.

"Beast? Aren't you letting your imagination run wild?"

"Well, that's how mages are in the books I read while in college," Echo mumbled and Ophelia stroked her head.

"Let's go," she said and stood up.

"Where are we going?"

"A secret. Come along child," she said and walked out her bedroom door with Echo struggling to keep up with her quick pace.

They walked out of the neighborhood streets and into the forest. Echo looked around the tall trees and instinctively grabbed hold of Ophelia's hand. In the darkness, a small smile formed on Ophelia's lips as they walked deeper into the woods. After numerous turns and break throughs, the two came to a stop by a huge mansion. Echo eyed the building in awe and Ophelia pulled her through the grim colored gates.

"This place is huge!" she said unable to contain her excitement much further.

"Come along, I'll get you something to enlighten you," she said and walked down the dimly lit corridor.

Before Echo could react, Ophelia was out of sight. She studied the walls and ancient architecture displayed along the corridor in amazement. Still admiring the odd designs and patterns, Echo didn't notice the tiny pixie fluttering behind her.

"Hmm?" Echo stood upright and scanned the area around her before letting out a low sigh," must be my imagination. Nothing's here."

A metal bucket fell to the ground and Echo leapt back in fright.

"What was that?"

Another item fell and the next and soon Echo was walking backwards looking around anxiously. Her back hit something wet and warm and she froze once she heard a low growl. Slowly, she turned around and in the dim light, could make out the shape of a large animal. Panic stricken, she ran down the hall heavy footsteps behind her. She ducked into an open room and closed the door leaning against the hard mahogany trying to catch her breathe.

"Echo? Is everything alright?"

"Aunt? Where are you?"

"Oh silly me, here allow me.."

A loud snap of fingers echoed through the dark room and the room lit up causing Echo to let out a gasp.

"There we go, much better," Ophelia said and walked up to Echo who was still shuddering from fear," my you look petrified. What has you so frightened my dear?"

"Th... be...me... ru..it...i..."

Ophelia looked at her with a raised brow and she fell silent trying to form words into sentences. After calming her nerves, she looked at her aunt and opened her mouth to speak when a knock on the door cut her short.

"A minute," she said and opened the door to reveal a huge, black bear.

Echo walked back until she hit a ladder and looked up. Silently, she climbed up the ladder and hid herself.

"I'd like you to meet Echo, she's..." Ophelia turned to look behind her and saw no sign of Echo," Echo?"

"Am here aunt!"

Ophelia followed her voice to the ceiling and saw her sandwiched between the bookshelf and ceiling. She let out a chuckle and shook her head in disbelief.

"Echo! Come down from there," she said and Echo poked her head out.

"No way aunt. That beast almost killed me not so long ago. Am keeping a safe distance between myself and that thing," she said using her index finger to point at herself and the bear and Ophelia let out a soft laugh.

With a snap of her finger, Echo appeared beside her.

"What non sense, Bone here wouldn't harm a fly," she said and Echo slowly walked towards the bear.


She stretched out her hand and Bone showed his sharp fangs causing her to scurry behind her aunt.

"Bone!" Ophelia shouted and the big animal growled softly.

Ophelia sighed and turned to Echo," Am sorry if Bone gave you a fright, he's not so bad."

A low grumble followed by panting caught Echo's attention and she looked over Ophelia's shoulder to find a lean figure standing by the entrance. His features were extremely elegant to be realistic. He had long black hair, held in a tiny pony tail at the back of his head, his jaw was firm and his golden eyes gleaming brightly from under his eyelashes added a mysterious aura to him.

"Um... aunt, there's..."

"Hmm?" she asked and turned her gaze to the direction Echo was pointing," oh Bone."

"Bone? You mean that beast?"

"Apologies my lady but would you quit calling me a beast? It's not pleasing to hear such a name," Bone said and Echo let out a surprised yelp.

"He... he... he can speak?"

"Of course I can, I can also kill," he said and Echo hid behind her aunt who let out a sigh.

"Bone, stop messing with my niece. She's had too many revelations for one night," she said and Bone bowed his head.

"My sincere apologies."

"Now then. Let's have a proper introduction shall we?"

Echo slowly nodded and stepped out from Ophelia's back.

""This is my niece, Echo. And Echo, this is my son Bone."

"Son? I didn't know you had kids aunt," Echo asked and Ophelia smiled.

"Well, I hid him because of his... powers. As you've seen, Bone is no ordinary kid."

"Yeah, I caught up on that aunt," she said and Bone narrowed his golden eyes at her," no offense Bone."

"None taken."

"So you kept him locked up here?" she asked her gaze back on her aunt.

"You could say that. I built this mansion and sealed it off to keep him and everything I cared for safe."

"Um.. Bone?"

Bone turned and looked at her with a raised brow and she flinched at the intensity of his golden gaze.

"How long have you been here?"

"Since I was born."

Echo turned and looked at her aunt who smiled sadly.

"Bone, you can go rest first. I have something important to discuss with Echo."

Bone bowed and walked out shutting the huge doors behind him.


"Echo, can you promise to look after Bone for me? He may seem out of place but he has a pure heart."

"Of course aunt. You can count on me," she said and Ophelia pat her head.

"I knew I could count on you. Oh? There's a book I want you to have."

"Book? Is it about spells a mere mortal can practice with?"


Echo shrugged her shoulders a playful smirk spread on her lips and Ophelia pinched Echo's nose lightly before turning to look through the books. Echo ran her fingers through the embroidery under each book amazed by the delicacy of the soft wood. Ophelia appeared beside her holding a book in hand.

"Here. For you," she said and Echo looked at the words written over the cover.

"Tales of the Devilyssa?"

She looked up to her aunt who smiled and placed the book in her hands and the instant contact with the cold fabric made her skin tingle.

"This book has all the answers to all your questions about beings never thought to exist," she said and before Echo could ask a question, a white light engulfed her and when she opened her eyes, she was in her room.

"Was all that a dream?"

She looked out the window only to be met by a clear dark sky. Her gaze settled on the book she held in her hands and she traced her fingers over the cover before heading to her desk. She turned on the lamp and set the book under it.

"Okay then, here goes nothing."

She slowly undid the seal and the embroidery glowed faintly.

" 'This book contains all the secrets to the beings unknown to the human mind, from the majestic dragons to the tiniest pixie, from the most powerful demon to the weakest. Inside this book also lies the details and requirements on how to kill, summon and control demons at will. It is in the reader's interests on what to do with this information...' "

Echo covered her mouth stiffening a yawn and stretched her hands above her head.

"Echo, Are you already tired after a few duties?" Zero asked and Echo covered her mouth as another yawn escaped her lips.

"Not quite, I slept really late and woke up early," she said as she took a sip of her coffee.


Echo shook her head and opened her mouth to speak when suddenly a thought crossed her mind. She closed her mouth and lay her head on the desk.

"I'll tell you when my assumptions are correct."

"Assumptions? What are you curious about? Maybe I could help you figure it out."

"Um.. it's a private matter," she mumbled before turning her head from his direction.

Realization dawned on him and the tip of his ears turned pink before he pulled a seat and sat beside Echo her hands in his. His sudden reaction startled Echo but she bit her tongue and watched him with tired eyes.

"Echo.. I think I know what's going on with you" he said his gaze intense and Echo gulped.